Interlude – Checking In, or Checking Up?
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal

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Title   Checking In, or Checking Up?
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Posted   Thu Aug 26, 2010 @ 4:40pm
Location   Romulan Space/DS5
Timeline   SD29 unspecified

Rh’vaurek hated being in space. The knowledge that he would be accompanied by the same few competent staff and wading through the pools of mediocrity that he was forced to rely on weighed on his mind.

Then there was the extreme boredom – a joy to come.

Rh’vaurek ran a hand over his face and into his hair. Where the hell was his channel to Deep Space Five? He had been gone over a week and he wanted to know what was going on, not least because in commandeering this ship the first steps had been taken in securing a new order … his reptilian conspirator would return the call soon enough.

"Rh'vaurek. Come in." A screen flashed to life as the reptillian figure of Getal appeared.

"Its begun," Rh'vaurek said stretching his arms wide, "The first of the ships, and as far as anyone is concerned I am stuck on ch'Rihan dealing with paperwork over a venture that went awry - the perfect cover, as far as there is one," he said. "How is ... the station?" he asked.

"Making me sick. Gabriel is temporarily indisposed of, and the troops are itching to relieve some agression. Oh, and we're going to need a lot more alcohol and... " Tharek realised he was trailing on, and stopped abruptly. "Apologies. Everything is ready for your arrival, the troops are going on regular exercises and the Rakara will be under your command at your word."

Rh'vaurek nodded. he might question the man's priorities, but he kept that to himself, Tharek was a caretaker while he was away. Though he wanted to, Rh'vaurek would not speak of Isha, he was supposed to be her enemy and any enquiry after her could (and would) be registered the wrong way.

"I'm hearing that interesting times are ahead for Gabriel," Rh'vaurek said instead, that way he could bring up the subject of Isha, but in another context.

"The evidence against him is more than staggering. Cardassia and Romulus now want him dead." Tharek exclaimed, sounding almost excited.

"Oh? And how do you know that?" Rh'varek asked.

"A Legate Turven handed me some information, at a very high price no doubt. He gave me evidence of Dorian beating a Cardassian. We on Cardassia take assualt very seriously." Tharek leaned back and interlocked his hands. His eyes seemed to disappear into the darkness.

"I'll have him researched," Rh'vaurek shrugged. "Any issues closer to home?" Home in this context meaning DS5.

"Darson's still proving a problem. Isha's going to have an army backing her, instead of us, I suggest taking her off DS5, then her loyal forces will have no choice but to follow your commands."

Rh’vaurek had made it clear before he left that he wanted her alive but there were a whole range of things between conversation and death that could be done to a living being … well, she had wanted to play the game, hadn’t she? She knew the risks. That wasn’t true really, she did not know. Isha had no training for this, just her innate guile and a powerful instinct for self-preservation. Until now Rh’vaurek had always been there to make sure that Isha did not encounter anything she could not cope with on her own; he took care of the darker seamier side of the business, and that included dealing with threats against her life.

“Isha just needs careful handling, Tharek. Don’t tell me now that you’re not capable of persuading someone that something was their own idea all along,” a hint of frustration creeping into his tone. “She’ll do exactly as she’s told to do,” he continued, “and so will all her people because if they don’t I’ll have her sainted mother arrested on a trumped up but irrefutable charge of treason that will shatter the unified House of Khellian back into the pox ridden clans it was forged from."

"I'm capable of many things Rh'vaurek. Is there anything in particular you would like done here? Maybe a message to be personally delivered somewhere?" Tharek asked sincerely, coming back into the light.

"No, not unless it involves delivering a dagger deep into Darson's left eye," Rh'vaurek replied. It was a wonder that Rh'vaurek and Darson had managed to avoid one another for so long on DS5. They had met once, because of Isha, and the next time it happened one of them was not going to leave standing. "You said he's still a problem, anything specific?"

"His mere presence is a problem. He controls one of the most loyal marine contingents in the quadrant. Without him, everything is with fall, and we will rise. Darson needs to be gone if we are to win Raedheol."

"So kill him, or find something to lure him away from the station," Rh'vaurek said, "you're meant to be taking care of things on the ground."

"I am." Tharek said in a reassuring tone. "Trust me, the station will be ours in a matter of hours once you arrive. Trust me."

"That's what I want to hear," Rh'vaurek said. It was too late to change the plan now, events were already in motion. "I will rendezvous with my other vessels in a day or two, then I will be on my way to meet yours."

"I'll have them ready, armed and weapons hot. The Rakara will leave shortly to take lead of the Cardassian fleet. Under your command, of course." Tharek said with a noble bow of the head.

Rh'vaurek chuckled. The smile that split his face would be apparent through the viewscreen, "I knew I could rely on you," he said, but that did not stop Latasalaem's continuing questioning of his choice of ally. "Not long now. After all this time things are finally coming together," he said with a definate air of satisfaction.

"Finally. No more Federation this and Starfleet that. Cardassia and Romulus, side by side against the plague that is the Federation."

"Of course," Rh'vaurek said in agreement, "Just like old times."


A Joint Post By:

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dictator

erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol