Interlude – a new prospective (intro of a new character)
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   a new prospective (intro of a new character)
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sun Apr 25, 2010 @ 5:05pm
Location   BII offices
Timeline   Mission Day 18 after Wayne Sr. left on the shuttle
Wayne did not normally like to have this thrust on him but with his fathers departure for their new aquasitions it left him directly in line as the head of the company. Though he was loathed to be in the offices he knew that there was some things that just had to be done. He quickly filed the needed documents and then left his fathers office for the PMC barricks to train with the men he normaly lead into battle.

Like his father Wayne had been in the marine corps for several years but had decided not to make a career of it like his father had. He left the corps as a captain when his father retired and had followed him into the family business. With his wife Dianna and his four children at his side he felt that he was more then ready for anything that was to come. In a way he missed his oldest son as he was back on earth currently attending starfleet acadamy and following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather by focusing on the marines rather then being a lazy fleeter.

Not that Wayne had anything against the fleet but he had found that they tended to try and avoid unpleasent things like combat focusing more on science and exploration. Not that there was anything wrong with that but you had to have teeth to protect what you aquire and that part of the fleet was woefully underpowered and weak. But then again if that were not the case there would not be any need for a PMC like BII ran nor the other aspects that they carried out.