Interlude – She Said What?
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   She Said What?
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Sun Jun 13, 2010 @ 4:59pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD24
D'Rek D'liin had joined the Consulate recently, last month in fact, as a specialist in Cardassian relations, and, with the current tension between the two nations it seemed his work was cut out for him here on DS5. Passing by a news kiosk on the way to the Consulate he swiped his credit stick and downloaded the day's news onto his PADD and caught up on his reading as he walked towards the Consulate. He'd made his way through most of the day's headlines before reaching the Consulate's door, where the Gai'Shian guards saluted him as he entered, ~Still not used to that.~ He thought, having been a diplomat his entire adult life, even his Serona had been spent on a diplomatic vessel his father commanded.

Walking to his desk and taking a seat he was pleased to find it empty of PADDs, thus giving him a little more time to enjoy the morning news and his flavored water. It was when he reached an article by Thomas Whitlock that his curiosity first peaked, ~erie'Riov Rianni t'Khellian? The commander of the Dhelan. I wonder what he wanted to talk to her about?~ Perusing the article quickly he reached about halfway through when he saw something that almost made him spit his water across the deck, "What the frack did she say?"

Leaping from his desk D'Liin made a bee line for the Ambassador's door and rang the chime, bowing his head and waiting to be admitted, ~I really hope she doesn't shoot the messenger.~

"Come," Isha said. It was early but she still preferred not to linger in her apartment even though the furniture in question had been replaced; she could still see everything if she looked that way at the wrong angle in an unguarded moment. "And you are?" she asked as the young man entered.

"D'Rek D'Liin, at your service, my lady." He replied, raising his head after and holding out his PADD, "Madam Ambassador, I've seen something alarming in this morning's news and I felt it imperative that I bring it to your attention immediately. We might have a volatile situation on our hands, my lady."

"Something alarming?" Isha said as though this was a new idea for her. She took the padd and glanced at its contents. "How mice, we're in the news," she observed failing to see what he could be referring to. Isha placed the padd aside and reached for the steaming teacup that rested at her elbow. She sipped, observing the flustered young man over its rim. "Why don't you tell me about this volatile situation, D'Lin," she invited he was much to junior for her to offer him a seat.

"erie'Riov t'Khellian's comments, Madam Ambassador." D'Rek began, "I couldn't believe them when I read them. She actually commented on a rumor about you shooting Ambassador Getal by saying that if one of you had shot him he'd be dead. The Cardassians are going to consider that a threat, she just gave them all the justification they could ever need for a preemptive strike against us now. Then, then she kept talking! Bragging about her little stunt decloaking the Dhelan next to the Embassy, Madam Ambassador, she's practically calling the Cardassians out for a fight. And that's not the worst part."

The corners of Isha's lips tugged into the slightest smile. She looked at the article again. In her eyes it implied that the Cardassian ambassador had been shot, something that she hoped would make him feel acutely embarrassed when he read it. Isha really did wish that she had killed him then, it would have save her a lot of pain, but the memory was just enough to remind her that Getal was still vulnerable, as for the pre-emptive strike, well, he'd already taken his revenge for the shooting, not that D'Lin knew that.

"And what do you believe is the worst part?" Isha asked.

"The worst part is where she said and I quote 'I should've shot Getal myself.' What was she thinking?" D'rek continued, "Madam Ambassador, we have got to silence her for the sake of continued safe operations."

"Would you like to silence me too?" Isha enquired quietly, "For I authorised the decloaking action," she informed him with a slight hardness to her green gaze.

"The action itself isn't the problem, Madam Ambassador." D'Rek corrected, "It's her statement that 'If it makes the Cardies crap themselves then oops' that's going to cause the problems in the future. Things are on a razor's edge here already, Ambassador, we can't afford to make things any more tense."

"Madam Ambassador, I believe from studying Vi'Kar Gul Ghetal that he's looking for an excuse to initiate an armed conflict. I've got friends in intelligence who tell me they're watching the Cardassian Union because they have the same concerns." He continued, "And every piece of intelligence we have at our disposal indicates a greatly diminished chance of victory for the Empire in armed conflict with the Cardassian Union than before the Reman Uprising." It was true, at least to his mind, the Cardassians had had ten years to recover from the Dominion War now, whereas the Empire was still in the early stages of recovery from Shinzon's Coup, "We have to be extraordinarily careful not to give a psychotic despot like Ghetal justification to move against us, and erie'Riov t'Khellian's comments are not going to be helpful in that effort, Madam Ambassador."

"The Shinzon coup occurred six years ago and we were never as weakened as Cardassia were in the Dominion war. I'm surprised that anyone in this embassy would suggest that a race of slaves has done lasting damage to the Empire. Besides, you do not have access to every piece of intelligence at our disposal," Isha said. She paused and steepled her fingers, watching him over her fingertips before she continued. "Indeed the only people who purport such views are those who would deliver us into the hands of our enemies," Isha said. her desire to avoid even a small and personal war was not because she thought her forces were weak but because Isha had a respect for life and would not waste it unless she had no other option. "Are you a Reunificationist, D'Lin?" she asked, "a traitor?"

"I am not, Madam Ambassador." D'Rek replied, "I simply do not want to see Romulan lives wasted needlessly. Nor did I say the Remans had done lasting damage to the Empire, I merely stated that we don't stand on as solid ground as we once did and a scavenger race like the Cardassians would jump on something like this."

"And when did that become your decision? I report directly to the Continuing Committee and last time I looked you were not one of the nine members of that body," Isha replied evenly. "The Cardassians are exactly that, a race of scavengers and they should be aware that where, like their infernal voles they try to infest that steps will be taken to cull them. But you would have us appease them. Are you afraid of them?"

"I am not afraid of the Cardassians, Madam Ambassador." D'Rek shook his head, he couldn't believe the lengths Isha was going to to avoid confronting this erie'Riov for her idiotic comments, "But, the fact is we must all live together and work together here and erie'Riov t'Khellian's comments are going to make our situation even more tense, not to mention cause tension with our Federation allies."

Isha sat back and dropped her hands into her lap. "We have no formal alliance with the Federation, we have a 'cordial relationship' I would have hoped that anyone on my staff would know the difference," she said. Oh, she was not being fair, but Isha needed to direct her frustration at someone, and this young man, rushing in and questioning her judgement and the judgement of a family member might as well have stuffed himself and climbed in the oven for roasting. "But you know better than me, it seems," Isha rose to her feet, taking the cane that she affected to need to help her to walk, though she did not bother to put her weight on it this time. "Go on then, sit down, Ambassador D'Lin and dispense your wisdom." Isha was not joking. "Sit," she repeated swinging the cane towards her chair.

"Madam Ambassador, I was not trying to say I was better qualified for your post." D'Rek corrected, not going anywhere near that chair, "I simply felt erie'Riov t'Khellian's comments could cause a problem for us in the future and I thought you would like to be informed so you could take what actions you deemed appropriate."

"Are you deaf, or stupid?" Isha asked ignoring his protest.

"I don't follow, Madam Ambassador." D'Rek replied, confused, ~She didn't actually mean for me to put myself in her chair did she? That's lunacy.~

For a moment Isha held the cane between her palms then with her left hand she twisted the ornate beaked handle. The elegant black sheath she layed on her desk but the long thin blade within she raised and rested below D'Lin's ear. "I believe I advised you to sit," she said pressing the tip in the direction of her chair.

"Madam Ambassador, I didn't mean to offend..." D'Rek protested, wondering if the Ambassador did in fact intend to kill him, ~Fine, she wants me to sit, I'll sit.~ He decided, sitting in her chair as instructed, "Okay, now what?"

"Why did you disobey my order?" she asked keeping the tip of the weapon on his shoulder. "I thought that I was quite explicit."

"I didn't know you were serious about something like that." D'Rek replied, "I was advised you have a tendency to be dramatic and thought you were doing so to make a point, Madam Ambassador."

"So tell me when you gained the right to question my judgement and actions and those of either of my families," she suggested.

"I never meant any disrespect, Madam Ambassador." D'Rek explain, "I simply felt a duty to bring a potentially volatile situation to your attention. It is in the expressed duties of my position to do so, Madam Ambassador." He still couldn't believe this was actually happening, sure, he'd heard the niece was a psycho, but this was totally unexpected.

"How dare you imply that I was not already aware of it," Isha said, gaze and bade unwavering "it is my job to be aware of it, and a long time before it appears in a Federation news report," she hissed. "And what is your position?" she asked as an afterthought.

"My position, Madam Ambassador?" D'Rek sputtered, she was really about to kill him for bringing something to her attention!

"What a pathetic little man you are," Isha said grazing his throat, enough to draw blood, but not enough to harm him. He looked both shocked and frightened, she thought. What would do if he knew how easily she could be disarmed. Isha chose not to dwell on that. "Channel. erie'Riov t'Khellian, I want you in my office in two minutes," Isha said.

And for the next two minutes she simply perched herself on the edge of her own desk and stared at D'Lin, the functionary who was now sitting trembling in her own chair.

Rianni, having been passed out pretty hard after a night of excessive celebration, barely was able to get out of bed, let alone into uniform, in two minutes but somehow through the magic of site to site transport had managed to arrive in the allotted time, still buttoning herself up as she shimmered into being in front of them, "Yeah, what's going on?" She asked, before noticing Isha had a man in her chair at sword point, "No, seriously, what's going on?"

~Oh great, the psycho niece is here now, too.~ D'Rek thought, ~And to think I pulled all those strings to get assigned here. These people are totally insane!~

As it was Isha really did not know what to do now. She had people to deal with those that offended her. It would be very easy to hurt him, hurt someone who thought that he was coming here to help her because it suited her purpose and she did not know what to do except that she could not back down now.

"D'Lin here believes that he is better placed than I to determine how this consulate governs Romulan/Cardassian relations aboard DS5," she said. "and in his unparalled wisdom he has also questioned your choice as Lieh of the Dhelan to deploy fighters." Isha flicked the blade away and returned it to its more innocent appearance of a walking stick as she hopped off the desk and moved away. It probably was not fair to Rianni either, but her niece would need to get used to dealing with such matters.

"Really?" Rianni raised an eyebrow at the man her aunt called D'Lin, she'd never seen him or heard of him, nor did she really give a frack what he thought about anything, "So, let me get this straight, I'm supposed to ask some Consulate coffee boy for permission to launch my fighters?"

"No, that is not what I said!" D'Rek protested, he'd had more than enough of this, they had twisted everything he'd said and done in the course of doing his assigned duties, ~And if I hadn't told her I'd have been attacked in the same way for dereliction of my duties.~

"And add to that your disrespect of my aunt, the Ambassador." Rianni shook her head in dismay, "You do know there are rules in Romulan law that could have you executed for such treason."

"I've committed no treason!" D'Rek exclaimed, this was now beyond insanity and into the realm of the surreal.

As Isha sat in one one the guest chairs she laid her cane on the edge of her desk then linked her fingers together over her stomach, "My niece is merely accusing you, D'Lin," she said, "I will have the Tal'Shiar determine the truth if prefer to deny it. Why not take the sensible line," she suggested.

"And what would that be, Madam Ambassador?" D'Rek asked, wondering if anything sensible had ever been brought up in this office.

"What she says is true. In this place I am the Stelam Shiar, it took quite something to make me fully appreciate that, and now that I do I realise that any slight against me is a slight against the Empire and should be dealt with accordingly. Offer your defence, and we will decide if there was malicious intent," she said.

Rianni cringed a little at that, realizing she had just inadvertently started a treason trial that could end in the man's execution. ~Frack! Got to remember this isn't the Federation.~

D'Rek couldn't believe it, but there it was, he was actually on trial for his life, "Madam Ambassador, my only defense is that I was doing one of the many tasks required specifically in the duties of my post. Had I not brought this potential incident to your attention I would have been guilty of dereliction of my duty to you and to the Empire. There was no intent to offend or usurp your position, as unfortunately has been perceived, just an unforeseen side effect of my required duties."

"Then perhaps I should commend you for your attention to detail," Isha said. "Very well. D'Lin, as you fail to recall quite what it is that you are supposed to do around here you may bring me the news each and every morning," she said, "I would very much hate to be denied your incisive analysis," she continued. "You may leave," she said.

"Of course, Madam Ambassador." D'Rek replied, bowing his head and exiting, not knowing if he'd just been demoted, promoted, transferred, or what, only knowing he'd not been killed, ~That will do for now, even if they can't seem to remember my name is D'Liin.~

"So what caused all of that?" Rianni asked, indicating the fleeing D'Lin with her thumb.

Isha had noticed Rianni's expression when she understood that her charge of treason could be taken literally. "Rianni, if you wish to raise the possibility of treason, do make sure it is a suggestion, not a direct accusation," she said taking back her own seat, "One never knows who is listening. The last thing one wants is to find the acucsation reversed and substantiated, do you understand?"

Rianni looked at Isha puzzled for a second, then quickly deciphered the entire statement, ~Tal Shiar, of course.~ "Of course, Madam Ambassador, I didn't mean to cause any trouble and I'll be more careful with that word in the future."

"You have caused no trouble," Isha said, "But do choose your words with care, my rooms are usually clean, but one never knows. Now, D'Lin was concerned about an article in todays news publications, and the nature of the statement you made." Isha reached for the padd and held it out to Rianni. "It was already cleared with this facility, something that eager young fool appears to have missed, but it does, in the light of the reaction from the station require me to pass on a message," she said.

Rianni scanned the PADD quickly, a little shocked that Thomas had printed everything she said, "There's nothing in here I don't stand by." She replied, she'd said it and she wasn't ashamed, "But, what is the message?"

"The fighter deployment caused disruption to normal operations, please refrain from such displays in the future unless they have prior clearance," Isha said. "They have allowed it to pass, but I do not wish my docking privileges to be revoked if the whim to repeat the performance takes you," she continued, "and Rianni, never speak your mind to the press. Always temper your words or imply your meaning. I have people who can brief you on this if your require," she added.

"Okay, I get you on the fighters, that was a pretty stupid stunt." Rianni nodded, she'd wear that one, "But if there was something I wasn't supposed to say someone should've told me that before I talked to Thomas."

Isha sighed. "Do the Federation teach you nothing but unbridled trust?" she asked with a shake of her head. "As to the fighters, I was present and should have stayed your hand, as such I will deal with the Federation with regard to this incident. But Rianni, we need to teach you to be sceptical of those who would use your words for their own purposes."

"It's not a matter of being skeptical." Rianni replied, "I mean, I completely blew off that bait he tried to feed me about you shooting Ghetal. I don't really see where I said anything that bad. I mean, was I supposed to put the Cardies over as a great superpower and let him make it look like their was doubt in the family of the Ambassador, from the CO of her flagship no less, that we were ready if the Cardassians ever made a move against us?"

"Who ever confirmed that I shot Getal?" Isha enquired with a half smile.

"Nobody." Rianni replied with a smile of her own, "And I denied it, if you took a good look at the news. My denial might not go over so well, but....."

A glint that had been absent from her eyes crept back as she looked at her niece, "Rianni, even the implication that one of us, or anyone shot him without repercussion weakens him," she said, "I don't like the man," she added, "and he needs to be put in his place."

"Well, I might have offered to shoot him myself." Rianni laughed, though deep down she figured her comments were going to be no laughing matter in the end, "Wonder how much my decloaking outside his window weakened him?"

Not as much as I would like, Isha thought though she hid it with a smile, T'Pal was engaged to do that, to weaken and destroy Getal. "It was noted enough for him to wish to complain to our Federation hosts," she said, "and if you should find the opportunity, do make sure it a weapon that is not stuck on heavy stun," Isha added, still only implying her involvement.

"Would liquify work?" Rianni quipped.

The breath that Isha drew and her tone were a little more serious than Rianni's joke allowed, "Oh yes," she said with a nod and a distant gaze.

Rianni had always been a little jealous of Ayren's telepathic powers, but right now she didn't need them to know Isha was very, some would say deadly, serious about that, "Okay, is there something more going on here that I need to know about?" She asked, though she didn't really expect Isha to answer her.

"Nothing I require you to know about," Isha replied, her gaze still focussed on whatever her mind's eye was looking at.

"All right." Rianni nodded, knowing with Isha that mean this part of the conversation was over, ~Wonder what that Spoonhead did to her?~ "Is there anything else you want to discuss?"

"No erie'Riov, you may go about your business," Isha said snapping back to the present.

"Of Course, Madam Ambassador." Rianni replied, bowing her head and walking out the door, ~Wonder if I'll ever figure out what the hell is going on around here.~


Ambassador Isha t'Khellian
Tormenting a puppy


erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
CO, IRW Dhelan