Time is Fleeting – Arrival
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero

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Title   Arrival
Mission   Time is Fleeting
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Jana Kasikova & Lieutenant JG Jayfe Devero
Posted   Sun Sep 13, 2009 @ 11:45pm
Location   USS Castor / Earth Orbit
Timeline   SD11 22:15 (Earth Time) (Backpost)

=^= “USS Castor, Captain Tasha Tahir in command to Starfleet control, request permission to land?” Tasha was surprisingly fresh as she made final approach to Earth and was looking forward to both a real shower and fresh Earth air.

=^= “USS Castor, you are cleared to land on vector 342. Be advised, we have heavy rain and a strong side wind. Welcome home Captain.” The male voice advised.

=^= “Acknowledged. ETA 3 minutes. Thanks. USS Castor out.” =^= Tasha replied and made course corrections and lowered the landing struts.

“Won’t be long now.” She advised her 3 shipmates, Commander Rakka, Lieutenants Devero and a wide awake and in fairly good health, Zorana Kasikova.

Just a few minutes later and despite the advised sidewind, Tasha landed the Castor and as soon as the ship landed, Rakka was opening the doors, taking deep lungfulls of air.

“Not quite Nausicaan, but better than station air!” She remarked as she stepped out, holding out her hand to guide Zorana downwards.

Tasha stepped out of the chair and made her way to the storage compartment and retrieved her dress uniform, only to find Jayfe waiting for her.

“Jayfe?” She questioned without finishing.

“I just wanted to say thanks.” He said earnestly.

“For what?” She replied.

“For the chance to spend some time on Earth. I know its only 36 hours, but it’s so good to get away from the station, even if its only for a short time and for allowing me to pilot the castor, it all adds up to my command time.” He smiled, slinging a small rucksack over his shoulders.

She reciprocated the smile. “It was a pleasure and you made the journey more interesting, I don’t think I will ever play roulette again mind!” She remarked, referring to his hologame

He grinned, turning from her and making his way out of the ship with Tasha close behind.

Rakka & Zorana were waiting at the bottom step for the Captain.

Tasha looked at them, a feeling of pride on how they had handled themselves a few days earlier before informing them of the timetable.

“Tomorrow, I have to meet JAG and give my version of events during O’Dowds captaincy and also give evidence against Admiral Sorensen,” which made her feel nervous, “which I am not looking forward too!” She grinned, “I would rather battle Romulans.” She didn’t wait for a response. “Then in the afternoon, we have the court martial hearing and I have no idea how long that will last, but we are scheduled to depart the day after tomorrow. Meet back her then at 08:00 for the long flight back.” Her lips turned downward at the prospect of another 6 days returning back to DS5.

“Big day tomorrow. Do you mind if I join you in meeting with Captain O’Dowd?” Rakka enquired.

Shaking her head, Tasha responded in a soft tone. “Of course. 09:00 at his office in HQ.” She advised.

Rakka nodded her acknowledgement, being a person of few words. She spun on her heel and headed into the main building.

“Zorana, what are your plans?” She enquired, already knowing what Jayfe was doing as he continued into the main building.

"I am unsure...I will stick close in case you need me." She smiled. "I am sure I will find something interesting to do..."

“OK, well, see you the day after tomorrow.” She said, sliding her arm through the strap of the shoulder bag and holding forth her uniform in the other hand, her thoughts now on getting to the small bar on fifth street, where her father still tended the bar.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Rakka & Jayfe
By Tasha

Lt. JG. Zorana Kasikova