Beg, Steal or Borrow – Sad News
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Sad News
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Mar 09, 2009 @ 12:30am
Location   Intelligence offices, Communication Interception room.
Timeline   sd8 1250 hrs

The small Encryption room was dimly lighted, a lone solitary figure sat at the massive communications terminal, the mass of subspace chatter was largely insignificant, then one message caught his attention. "shi*!!" He stood and ran across the hall into the Lt. Gabriel's office. "Sir! I have bad news; The USS Asia has been destroyed."

Gabriel put down his padd and looked at the young officer rushing into his office. He was going to have to get a door installed to prevent random interruptions like this. "What the hell is going on? I thought Wallace was gone on some "secret mission"." Gabriel responded.

"Lieutenant, I'm just an analyst, I saw Mr. Wallace comeback from what ever went down with Kaia and Natrice, he had a message waiting for him from operations." the frazzled NCO continued "then about sixty seconds ago I get a message to the effect that someone, first hand I think, saw the Asia attacked."

"What are the nearest vessels in the area?" Gabriel inquired.

"I don't think there's any ship nearby to confirm this, let alone attempt a rescue if there's a possibility the closest ship is the Sarek which has causalities on board, USS Tarawa is on war games near Ivor, and I believe USS Archer is nearby, but the Archer is on shakedown. Short of taking one of the garrison ships ourselves there's not a lot we can do."

Gabriel reclined in his chair. There wasn't much that could be done since this mission was classified in the first place. Intelligence obviously did not see the need to inform Gabriel, nor provide him with options in case of failure. For the time being he'd have to play it by ear.

"Any suggestions?" Gabriel asked rhetorically. He didn't really plan on taking the suggestion of any NCO, but he found that it was always good to let the subordinates think their opinion mattered.

"Wish I could be of more help sir, I'm just an NCO, Ms. Mackenzie is really going take this hard, her and Mr. Wallace were pretty close from what I've heard." with that he turned and returned to his office.

Gabriel sat forward in his chair as the young man exited his office. He knew there wasn't much that could be done except sitting back and waiting for the next burst of news to be released. Hopefully he wouldn't need to look for a new Intel officer.

Chief Petty officer Craig Ayers
(played by Jarred)

Dorian Gabriel
Chief Security/Intelligence Officer