Incommunicado – Housekeeping.

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Title   Housekeeping.
Mission   Incommunicado
Posted   Sun Jul 01, 2012 @ 5:17pm
Location   Deck 27 - Civillian Quarters.
Timeline   SD58

After her encounter with the rather odd Commander at breakfast, Rose had returned to her quarters on deck 27. She still had several cases to unpack and without the help of her faithful Butler Branson it seemed like a never ending task.

The several quatermasters and crewmen onboard had sent Rose's belongings all muddled up between her quarters and the archaeology lab containing her father's work despite requesting that all belongings be sent to her quarters beforehand. She opened one of the large grey trunks scattered around the room, gazing at the contents, she sighed, "One simply cannot get the staff these days!" She spoke after the case revealed to be full of her father's old books.

Closing the case she began to organise and sort her cases into piles depending on what was inside, clothing, books, antiquities and after two hours of sorting she collapsed onto the sofa. Her quarters seemed tiny compared to Cavendish Hall and the 83 bedrooms within, however Rose was used to sleeping what she would describe as 'rough' due to her years working in the field.

Determind not to be beaten by a little housework she rose, moved over to the replicator, "Earl grey tea, hot, slice of lemon!" the silver cup soon appeared as Rose glanced at the vulgar design. "It's certainly not finest Royal Doulton!" she said to herself as she took a sip and placed the cup on the glass table. Returning to storing the empty cases away and rearranging the little furniture she had.

"She moved into the bedroom, taking a seat on the edge of her bed she gazed at the photos of her parents, and of her three sisters, Daisy, Lilly and Violet. Thinking to herself 'What had she unwraped from her parents past lives?' and 'Why was she on this station so far from home?'. Placing the photos carefully back onto the dresser she was suddenly startled by the intercom.

"Starbase Medical to Rose Corrigan, please report to sickbay for your medical!" Came sounding a male voice.

"On my way!" She replied tapping off her commbadge, if there was one thing that could make this day any worse it was going to be a medical.


Rose Corrigan
Reports Officer