Judgement – How Low Will You Go?
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Min Zhao

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Title   How Low Will You Go?
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Citizen Min Zhao
Posted   Sun Jul 03, 2011 @ 8:12pm
Location   TBOD, Arboretum
Timeline   Immediately After Walking With Cougars (SD 37, Backpost)
Min followed the ladies over to couches and sat down with them. Keeping with her rouse, she stretched out a bit on the couch and gently crossed one leg over another while they waited for a waiter to attend.

A waiter arrived quickly, and the old girls made dirty but meaningless small talk whilst waiting for the drinks to follow suit. Blake brought them over, and seemed genuinely oblivious to the dirty-old-women stares he was getting. He put the other choices down first, "usual tab ladies." And then finally presented Min with hers, a Rigelian Mojito. "Complements of the House," he winked at her.

After a few seconds watching him leave, Shirelle looked back at Min. "I think you're in luck for tonight dear." More agreement was signalled with a triumphant clink of glasses. Then Blanche settled back into the deep cushions of the sofa, her back to the windows that looked out on the promenade. "So, Leah, what brings you to DS5?"

"Business mainly." She took a sip from her glass. "I'm the booking agent for a small entertainment firm."

"Well, you should get plenty of business out of this place. Always something new going on," Shirelle said.

Blanche ignored her. "Is the commission good?"

Leah eyeballed one of the waiters as he passed by. "Decent enough." She smiled at Blanche. "There's other perks to my job, if you catch my drift."

Blanche gave her a knowing nod, and reached forward to place a pile of chips on the low table next to Min's glass. "That's another perk for you. For getting Shirelle out of the stew."

Min graciously accepted the chips and slipped them into her purse. "Seeing as how I've had the best luck today I suppose it's my turn to buy drinks." She motioned to the waiter who was passing around. "Give everyone a round on my tab. I'll settle with Ahjess later."

Min smiled. "So what do you ladies do for entertainment when the dabo wheel's are closed?"

"This and that," Shirelle replied with a breezy wave, "Cocktails, Holodecks. Blackjack."

"Speculate." Said Blanche. "What about you?"

"I'm usually busy in the evenings. Best time to conduct business in my line of work." She paused. "Days I'm done early, like today, I'll take in the sights wherever I happen to be."

"Will you be staying long of DS5? There's not that much to see," Shirelle butted in.

"I'm not sure. I could get a call in the morning. I could be here a few days. Really depends on where my bosses want me to go next."

Leah took a sip from her glass. "I'll probably just chill for a bit, maybe take some holodeck time before I check in with my bosses in the morning."

She smiled. "You ladies had any plans?"

There was a moment of silence, and then Shirelle stood up. "I think i need to go powder my nose. Come with me Blanche, It will be someone to talk to, the ques are so long upstairs." Blanche made her excuses and the pair disappeared to the upstairs toilets, the downstairs bathrooms were still screened and sealed off after the grisly discovery the night before.

Min was left with the two others, who made small talk, discussing the environmental systems (always too hot, or to cold, or to bright, or to dim) and their grandchildren (all of them so intelligent, so pretty, so athletic) until Blanche and Shirelle returned. They didn't sit down. "Lets take a stroll down the prom," said Blanche. Find somewhere quieter. We'd like to put a suggestion to you, and you'll want room to hear yourself think."

Min nodded. "I'm game. The arboretum area looks like it may be quiet this late at night." She followed the women as they made their way through the station. Min couldn't help but wonder how shaky her cover was at this point. Her implication about her job opened up room to cover herself if they saw past this disguise, something she hoped wasn't the case.

Once within the privacy of a quiet arboretum, Blanche and Shirelle moved to flank Min, Shirelle twingin one arm through hers in a friendly way. “That was some quick moves you did back there.”

“Why did you do it?” Blanche asked.

"Distracted that young man you mean? Edward?"

Blanche laughed, "he's hardly young compared to you."

"I'm not sure honestly. I ran into him earlier in the day and I suppose curiosity got the better of me."

Blache considered it. then pointed further down the quiet arboretum to where an older bajoran woman was selling jumja sticks. "Why don't you see if you can lift her cash box. We'll run interference for you."

Min shook her head in the negative. "I'll pretend you didn't just suggest that. Gambling tables are one thing but cheating a small shop owner, not interested."

"Stealing is stealing, honey," Shirelle pointed out. "You think those pretty boys deserve it but she doesn't?"

Leah stopped and looked at Shirelle. "Call it shades of gray but I see a difference." She glanced around at the three women. "I don't know what kind of sheltered existence you girls have lived but out in the 'real world,' things aren't so easily cut and dried." She paused. "The poor working stiffs like that women work their asses off to make a buck and you three think it's just as fair to steal from her as it is from some bar that rakes in money at the dabo tables and the numerous illicit side operations they have going on?"

The old women exchanged looks, and then moved away from Min. “Actually Leah, its not about the stealing at all. Its about daring, and holding your nerve, and taking a risk.” Blance told her. “Not the stealing, but the willingness to steal. And I guess you just don’t have what it takes. Take care now.” And the granny brigade walked off further into the arboretum.

Min watched as the ladies wandered off into the arboretum. Undercover or not, there were some lows she wouldn't stoop to. If her bosses wanted to continue this operation they'd need new tactics.


A JP Between

Min Zhao
Undercover Waitress
The Box of Delights

Blanche, Shirelle, and The Granny Brigade
NPCs by Notty