Incommunicado – An Uncomfortable Introduction
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   An Uncomfortable Introduction
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Sat Jun 30, 2012 @ 3:46pm
Location   Deck 34
Timeline   SD58 0700

Relma's first night on the station had been quiet. The beds were far more comfortable than the Zakdorn ones to which he had become accustomed on Qualor II - even Jolan, who had been sleeping at his feet most of the night, agreed. He had returned to his quarters from the gym as intended at 0650 - though much to the cat's annoyance having not been fed prior to Relma's trip to the gym. In an almost zombie-like state he ran through his morning routine: sonic-shower, breakfast, feeding Jolan, etc. With 15 minutes to go before his meeting with his department he departed his quarters with three PADDs in hand: at the bottom of the stack lay O'Dwyer's message for Lieutenant Commander Freeman, above that lay Relma's notes for the meeting and draft duty-rosters, and on the top was the Operations personnel roster, which he'd still only got halfway through - into the mid-level enlisted ranks. he continued scanning the information as he moved down the corridor.

While Relma had been eating breakfast, in Lash's quarters about six doors down from him, Kaelin had been pouting at his friend. "Ops changes shifts too many times," he complained. He'd been looking forward to a lazy morning in bed when he'd agreed to sleep over in Lash's quarters for the first time. They'd both had the afternoon shift after all. It was one of the reasons the sleepover was a good idea (among other things). Only once he'd arrived that night did he learn that, sometime after they'd seen each other, Lash had been asked to come in early because of some meeting.

"Not my fault" he said, trying to push his fringe into something less floppy and failing. "This comms outage means all hands to the pump. I hardly want to get up early...ugh"

Kaelin tugged on a uniform before replicating himself a glass of ice cold water and drinking it to start up his system. "I should go before it get's crowded outside," he decided, letting Lash escort him to the door. It slid open before them and Kaelin finally turned to Lash, giving him an almost shy smile. "I had a really nice time last night," he told him, wrapping his arms around the younger man's waist.

Lash pulled him close, snuggling up into the crook of his neck. "Me too, wish it didn't have to be over."

Kaelin sighed contently, giving Lash a squeeze and staying like that for a moment before gently nudging him so he could look into his eyes. "Will you miss me?" he asked with a grin, leaning down to lightly nip at his jaw.

"Of course I will." Lash pressed himself closer, grinding his slender body into Kaelin's "All of me will miss you."

Kaelin groaned, pressing him closer until the door closed behind them and they were left in the corridor. Not that they noticed much besides themselves. Kaelin kissed his way slowly across Lash's jaw before finally capturing his lips with his own.

As Relma continued down the corridor a door to his left opened, glancing over at his new neighbours he was surprised: the man in the gold uniform who had just emerged was an Operations petty officer - he was sure he'd seen his picture only a moment before. Continuing down the corridor he scrolled back up the PADD as he made his way to the turbolift. The officer in the teal-collared uniform Relma was also sure was a Deltan... Something deep within his consciousness stirred at that notion, but for the moment he couldn't be sure what. He pressed the call button and waited. Unfortunately it was a busy time, so he waited for quite some time.

Kaelin and Lash barely noticed the man pass them, lost in each other. Only when Kaelin heard the unmistakable sound of the lift being called did he startle away from Lash. He turned to see the third man. "Oh no,..." he said, a sense of dread overcoming him. They were the only three people in the corridor and he was sure the man had heard him.

Lash pulled away at Kaelin's groan, and saw the Bajoran in operations yellow. "Oh, don't worry, we haven't done anything yet." He gave Kaelin a quick kiss on the lips. "See you later? Have to run." He broke away from Kaelin, and set off at a jog. "Hold the lift!" Half way down he turned back to wave goodbye before dashing off.

Watching Lash run off, Kaelin felt a deep feeling of dread overcoming him. What if this got out? Hell, everything filters its way down to Medical, what if Chelsea found out about his indiscretions. Of course, nothing sexual (at least, nothing much) had happened between himself and Lash, but who would believe them? A Deltan and another, young crewman, obviously infatuated with him, leaving a room together early in the morning? Who would believe that nothing had transpired between them? This was terrible.

Unsure how he managed, Kaelin slowly made his way down the corridor on the opposite side, deciding to take the long way to his quarters.

Meryn was almost considering climbing into the nearest maintenance hatch and climbing the 20 levels to the conference room when finally the doors opened and an empty turbolift presented itself to him. Seeing the, he was sure but still hadn't found their file, Operations Petty Officer approaching down the corridor he said "Computer, hold please." to allow the man to catch up and grab the lift.

Lash dashed in like he was crossing the finishing line in the 100meter sprint. "Whoo! thanks. Its too early for running I swear." He pushed the floppy fringe of hair out of his eyes hair out of his eyes with one hand.

"No problem, Crewman." replied Relma as he continued scanning his PADD. "Deck 14. Conference Room." he said once the younger man had settled himself in the lift.

"oooh, me too. You have to be the new boss."

"Ah very good," replied Meryn "I'm Chief Relma, as you say new Chief of Operations, nice to meet you, Crewman..." He glanced down at his PADD and looked at the section of personnel at that rank to try and identify the man.

The boy seemed to concentrate hard, "SSN: DK 224 568. I can barely pronounce my full name, so I won't ask you to. Everyone calls me Lash."

The Bajoran chuckled "Thanks, I'll bear that in mind." It wasn't long before he saw the man's full name on the PADD below him "I see what you mean. So you're a holographic specialist then? How'd you like it?"

"Love it. but it can have its ups and downs. One day you can be doing some routine programming or replacing field emittters, the next its collapsing matrices that have failed to dematerialise with a spot lance and hoping you don't lose your eyebrows. But it has its compensations."

Meryn nodded as the lift reached its location. He gestured to allow the younger man out of the lift in front of him. "Same as the rest of Operations then. Trust me."

"Oh, I believe you," Lash said, sauntering forward into the room. "I just hope you're here long enough to experience them!"

The Bajoran nodded as he moved towards the head of the table. "Yes, I note some of my predecessors were fairly short-lived in the role. Let's just hope the weeds haven't grown up too much, eh?" The Bajoran settled into his seat and composed himself for the meeting which was to come.


Chief Warrant Officer First Class Relma Meryn
Chief Operations Officer


Ensign Kaelin Niers
Medical Officer
Resident Pathologist


Crewman Lash
Holo-engineer, Operations