Things Past – Welcome Home!
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Petro

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Title   Welcome Home!
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Petro
Posted   Sun Jan 15, 2012 @ 6:21am
Location   Quartermaster's Stores Office
Timeline   SD 40
Chelsea had heard the news that Petro was back! She was so happy that she hurried down to welcome her as soon as she could get free of these interminable shifts.

She pressed the chime on the door and popped her head round. "Petro?" she enquired as she peered in, not sure if she would look just the same or not.

Petro didn't look the same as she had. She looked more..... more... beautiful. She had always looked nice but a bit 'neutral' as it were. Now she was glowing and cuter... more girly. Chelsea gaped for a second before rushing in and enveloping the little J'naii in a hug.

She had forgotten how shy the 'old' Petro had been. She was just so pleased to see her again that she couldn't wait to welcome her home.

Petro returned the hug without thinking about it and stepped back. It had taken her a little while to get used to being around people again and with that came the unexpected emotional responses that felt...pleasing. "Chelsea?" she said, hardly believing that she would be remembered let alone what seemed to be fondly. "It feels like its been forever."

"It does! How have you been? I see you've changed your appearance... I really like the 'new' you. You're beautiful!" Chelsea stepped back to admire her old friend.

"SOO much has been happening here but tell me have you heard from Rakka? Do you have time for a coffee and a catch up on what's been going on with you?" she asked a tornado of questions as she enthused about their reunion. "There's a place on the Main Promenade called the Box of Delights where they do an Alderan Soya Latte to kill for... how do you fancy meeting there for lunch?"

So many words being thrown at her at once. Chelsea was always good for that. "That's sounds wonderful." Petro said, "Though would you mind meeting me here and we can go together. I've still a lot to put away." She gestured to the mounds of paperwork on her desk. "Then I'll fill you in on all the details. Promise."

"Deal!" Chelsea enthused and took her leave with a cheery departure. "See you at 12.30 then?" She waved goodbye and true to her word she was back just after 12.30hrs. She tapped on the frame of the open door.

"Hi Petro. Ready for some amazing food? The menu at *the Box* is really good." she said putting her head round and grinning.

The little J'Naii looked up and smiled. "Lunch time already?" she asked as she returned another file to its place. "I guess I got lost in catching up." She rounded the desk and walked towards the door. "I'm starved."

"Great! So am I. We can eat to our hearts' content. There's nothing worse than going to lunch with someone who only wants a one bite snack when you want to wolf down a huge plate of something sticky and satisfying. It makes you feel so greedy if you're the only one digging in heartily." Chelsea commented as they made their way to the Box and took a table in the back where they could eat undisturbed.

The waiter came over and they looked at the menus. "I'd like Terran Chilli with brown rice and a glass of carbonated water please." Chelsea decided quickly on her favourite.

Petro looked at the waiter then at Chelsea. "Any suggestions?"

"I seem to remember that you liked Klingon food? Or was that only Rakka? Well, they do a decent Gladst here and if you don't want it plain you can choose Grapok sauce to have on it?" Chelsea suggested hopefully.

Petro looked at the waiter. "That's sounds good. And a tall glass of Whole Chocolate Milk."

"Sooooo!" Chelsea settled back in her seat and looked fondly at the little J'Naii opposite her. "You're looking great Petro! It's good to have you home. Tell me what's been happening since you've been away?"

She could feel herself blush at Chelsea's compliment. "I've had the most wonderous of adventures," Petro began. "I had planned on taking a trip directly back to earth, but things didn't work out that way. The transport that I was on had some trouble with their Nacelles and had to take a stop at Starbase 28. or was it 29? Anyway, the repairs would have taken several days and I didn't want to sit around. After all, I had places to be. So I made a deal with a private pilot and he brought me closer to the Sol system. Along the way he wanted to know all about me and my people, how we - interact - with each other and other species." Petro paused and leaned forward.

"Other species? I had never considered that before." Petro said, her voice displaying as much confusion and interest as though the question had been freshly asked. "What I didn't know was that the pilot had a terminal illness. He had been living out his final days as free as he could be. He never made to the Sol system." The last part Petro said with a sad note.

"Aww Petro, that's sad." Chelsea sympathised. " happened?" she wasn't sure how to take this on, of if in fact she should avoid it. It seemed a little like egg-shells at this moment until more information was forthcoming.

"In essence he sold his ship to me on the way and signed it over to me." Petro said, "I guess he knew his time was almost up. He died while I was sleeping."

"That's sad." Chelsea sympathised. "Did you keep the ship and fulfill his desire to interact with other species and be free? It seems as if he wanted to give that to you.... all of it... the freedom too.... "

"In a way," Petro said, "I finished my studies before taking an adventure. I made several modifications to the vessel, got lost a few times because the Nav system was malfunctioning. Ended up on the Sarek for a brief stint and explored a few worlds and traders. It would take a lifetime to convey the things I've done."

"It sounds brilliant" Chelsea enthused as the food and drinks arrived causing a lull in the conversation. Once they were tucking into their food they spent a short while commenting on how good it was.

"We should come here again for lunch. I like getting away from things for a while. It seems to reboot me ready for the afternoon onslaught of cuts, scrapes, bruises and breaks. Today we have an outbreak of Martian Measles in the junior school. Easily fixed but I wish the parents would vaccinate to save us the trouble. Some feel there would be too many vaccinations if we did everything out there but there are a few that the kids *always* get and it's frustrating to have to debate it every time." Chelsea said as she got almost to the end of her plate.

"So... what brought you back to DS5 specifically?" she asked, shifting the conversation back to Petro.

"Specifically?" Petro asked. "Quite honestly, this is the only place that ever felt like home for me. I've made friends here, learned a lot about myself and to be honest I miss the company."

Chelsea smiled, quite moved. "You've been missed yourself." she reassured her friend and raised her glass in a toast. "To friendship and the DS5 family"

Petro raised her glass as well. "To friendship and the DS5 family." She said.

A Joint Post Between:

Lieutenant JG Petro
Quartermaster - (pending)


Cmdr Chelsea Dunham
CMO & 2CO - DS5