Beg, Steal or Borrow – Change with the times
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

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Title   Change with the times
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Ryan Milarno
Posted   Wed Mar 04, 2009 @ 11:48pm
Location   Operations Observation Lounge
Timeline   SD8 11:20

Ryan watched as everyone filed out of the observation lounge. He took in a sharp breath as he looked to the new commander. Ryan had an idea why he was asked to follow him to the Observation lounge.

"Sir, may I ask why you have asked me to remain?" he asked. He thought he might as well ask and get it over with.

David could see the doctor was on edge, but despite the reports on his condition, he still seemed more than a little nervous to have been directed here by the Commander.

"Doctor. I need to complete your logs, which I must admit are a bit unfinished, but I would prefer to wait until Lieutenant JG Adams, your nurse I believe, arrives." His voice lilted with his accent.

Chelsea had received the call and was wondering if this was an invitation to meet the new ACO informally or whether perhaps it was something a little less sociable. She had no idea how much of the medical department's relationships with the Romulan Embassy - two of each department's staff in particular - had come to the notice of Starfleet.

~Surely it's unlikely that anything will have reached official ears, least of all someone new to the Station? This summons *has* to be something along the meet and greet lines!~ she told herself as she entered the Obs Lounge.

Just as she crossed the room to where Ryan stood with a man in command colours who she assumed to be Commander Davies, Chelsea heard the Welshman mention that he did not wish to discuss something until Ryan's Nurse arrived.

If he hadn't mentioned her name, she might have thought he meant CPO Bain but there was no mistaking that the new Acting Commanding Officer was unaware that Chelsea was a doctor in her own right.

Attempting to stifle her indignation and disguise a hurt look, Chelsea's introduction of herself was overly formal and a little more stiff than it really needed to be. It was not a good start to their acquaintance as she snapped herself to attention and saluted with formality, announcing herself in a rather gruff military manner.

"Lt. (jg) Chelsea Adams, Assistant Chief Medical Officer reporting as ordered Commander" she recited, resisting the temptation to add her identity number too.

With her face set, looking Davies up and down with only the movement of her eyes, Chelsea remained at presentation stance and waited to be told to stand easy.

The door slid apart as if on cue and the woman strode purposefully towards them. If she had not addressed him, he would have expected an attack, such was the look on her face and the seriousness in her stride.

"Lieutenant Adams." He said trying to disguise the indignation in his own voice. "Thank you for joining us. Take a seat at the desk." His voice curt as he ordered her to the table and motioned Ryan to take one of the others.

David followed the two of them, rounding the desk to the other side and slid the PADD across the shiny surface with the tips of his fingers, sliding into the plastic chair on the other side. Scratching at his upper lip, he watched the two officers sitting uncomfortably ahead of him, but Chelsea held his eye.

Ryan closed his eyes for a few seconds and an instant panic set in. *Oh god he knows*

Getting over herself as she cooled off, Chelsea was impressed with the way Davies' eyes held her gaze steadily. They seemed like honest eyes to her, a quality that had become particularly important to her since her recent run-ins with Raedheol and his decidedly deceptive eyes.

Without breaking the silence, she conceded the staring contest and looked down at the surface of the desk. Her attention was drawn for the first time to the padd under David's fingertip and her focus returned to wondering why he had called them here. She looked back up questioningly into Davies' face.

He let a few seconds pass for Chelsea to recompose herself. He could see that there was more to her than met the eye. He cleared his throat as he picked up the PADD and tapped at it, scrolling down her short history on DS5, but that was still longer than his own.

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Chelsea Adams. You have been aboard this station for nearly 3 weeks, according to your profile and you have always been responsive, helpful, punctual and respectful. Yet when you came in, something had obviously annoyed you, would you care to enlighten me as to your state of mind?" He asked, glancing towards the doctor at her side.

Chelsea's cheeks showed a pink blush. "Yes Sir" she said quietly "With all due respect I was just taken a little off-balance to overhear myself referred to as Ryan's Nurse, but I'm fine now. I'm sure you have it on record that I'm a fully qualified and experienced doctor and deputy head of the station's medical department and normally, I'd be the last one to get up my own rear about what I'm called, but .... " she paused and looked at both of them briefly before taking a deep breath and continuing uncomfortably.

"It's just that on my last ship, as Ryan knows, I felt I'd made quite a fool of myself by not realising that my fiance was having a fling with a crewmate of ours. Andrew told me, when I discovered I was the last to know what had been going on, that it was only to be expected because I was *only a jumped-up version of a nurse* according to him." she explained.

Davies relaxed in the chair, at least he knew now, it was not the fact that he had taken command, but that he had upset her on a more personal level.

"Personally, I love nurses, they're the best kind of people. Ed's a nurse and in some ways he's a better doctor than I will ever be! But somehow, even that doesn't stop me getting emotional when people call me that, because of the association in my past. I'm sorry Commander. I'll get counselling and see it doesn't happen again on duty." she apologised.

David raised his hand. "No need. I must apologise, I didn't realise you were a doctor as well. Forgive me but my information is only as good as the reports that I read." He leant forwards, laying the PADD upon the desk, looking at the doctor, who had remained fairly quiet. He cleared his throat.
"In the strictest confidence, I am aware that you both are involved and as long as it doesn't affect your work, then I am happy for you both to continue. That said, I heard that there was another altercation involving a Romulan diplomat." David paused for effect, "But I have not heard anything further." David stood, reaching into his pocket for the box that had nestled there all morning.

"Doctor Adams." He addressed Chelsea, already holding forth the velvet covered box, "It's my first day in full command, so this gives me an immense amount of pleasure. I am happy to inform you of your promotion to full Lieutenant, Doctor." He grinned.

On hearing the first two items mentioned one by one, Chelsea had held her breath. As each of them were put aside without becoming an issue, she was relieved. It could have been a problem for the two doctors if the new commander would have rescinded the attitude of 'tolerance' that Tasha Tahir had bestowed on their relationship.

Worse still might have been his reaction to, or perhaps his having more information regarding, the different incidents involving Raedheol. So, by the time he'd pulled out the box and announced a promotion, Chelsea was getting light-headed with all the adrenalin in her system.

"Promotion?" she looked rather more pale than thrilled but as it sank in she began to recover again. "er.... I mean... thank you Sir.... very much!"

Standing up and to attention to receive the box with the proper ceremony, Chelsea took it and shook the Commander's hand warmly. Her eyes met his again and this time the two took proper stock of one another for several moments.

The smile had evolved from shock, the shine in her eyes glistened as the dew of tears awashed them and he felt a sensation of pride, far removed from the meeting of earlier. Her hand was small , but the grip warm and firm. ~ Safe hands ~ He thought.

"Your welcome Lieutenant, doctor Adams." He smiled back, turning to Ryan. "Doctor?" He asked, the man who was silent.

Ryan nodded. "Yeah...I'm here..." he chuckled. "Just staying quiet for now...this is Chelsea's moment" he smiled, he was so proud of her and he hoped she could tell he was.

Chelsea's cheeks turned pink with pleasure to hear Ryan say he was proud of her. Of all the special feelings this moment meant to her, Ryan's reaction was the best of all. She shot him an uncharacteristically shy smile.

David could see the bond between them and he felt they wanted time together.
"Good. In that case, I will leave you two alone for a few minutes. Doctor Milarno, when you have finished up your reports, will you call on T'Lan, as a personal favour, she is not feeling 100% and I would appreciate it if you could call on her privately?" He asked the question, not sure if the Doctor did house calls as it were.

Ryan nodded. "Understood commander, I'll drop by once we're done here"

"Superb!" David said as he stood, a smile on his face as he felt rather pleased with himself and his first promotion, "If there is no other business, I am sure we're all extremely busy, your both dismissed."


CO: Commander David Davies

CMO: Lieutenant Ryan Milarno

ACMO: Lieutenant Chelsea Adams