Judgement – Finding new home
by Lieutenant Vincent Kramer

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Title   Finding new home
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant Vincent Kramer
Posted   Thu Oct 14, 2010 @ 8:50pm
Location   Personal Quarters

Lt. Kramer had just arrived on Deep Space Five and was still just a little overwhelmed by the scope of this city in space. The open area views and promenade were busy, noisy, and full of people of all races walking about, socializing, and buying stuff at the many shops. Kramer realized that it would take quite a while to see everything, so he continued on until he found a window into the interior of the Starbase where the starships were docked inside. This was truly a colossal structure. The power requirements for it’s operation were astronomical.

Looking at the time, he decided to try and locate his new quarters. Walking down a wide street full of pedestrians, Kramer pulled out his PADD. The PADD he had been issued upon arrival at the station was amazing. It was directly linked to the stations main computer. He could access any corridor, duct system, jefferies system, power conduit, and most importantly how to find his quarters. Entering a turbolift, “Deck 28, section 15.” The turbolift speeded him on his way. It did take a while. He had heard that inter-station beaming was acceptable, from pad to pad, but Kramer felt better not scrambling his molecules too many times in one day, if he could help it. Though, it did take longer via turbolift.

The doors opened and he walked out into the corridor of Deck 28. Checking his map he turned right and it should be up here on the left. Kramer stopped in front of a door marked 28-2345. The name plate underneath read [Lt.(JG) Vincent Kramer]. “Wow. What a nice touch.” Pressing the button to open the door only caused a ‘buzzz’. “Computer, identify Lt. Vincent Kramer, authorization gamma gamma epsilon six three six four, open door.” This was followed by and acknowledgement chime and the door opened.

Upon entering the room, Kramer was very pleased with the spaciousness. There in the main area were a couch and a couple chairs with an end table. To the side of that was a dining area with 2 chairs next to a small table. Nothing special on the walls, but there was a wide window to look out to the stars. He walked up to the window and could see the beautiful star-scape and this side of the Starbase below him. It truly was a Colossal structure. To his right appeared to be the bedroom and bathroom. In it was a full size bed. Now that was something he hadn’t ever had aboard a Starship. Here again was a large window to look out at the stars.

Dropping his carry-on bag onto the bed he began to put away the few things he brought with him. He would replicate his uniforms and any necessities after while. Walking back into the living area he glanced about the room envisioning how to rearrange things. “I can put my piano against that wall and the music stand and instruments there.” He would need to get access to his cargo containers, where his violin and guitar were secured.

‘Gurrrgllem’, was the sound from his stomach. “I guess it’s time for lunch,” he said to himself as he pulled out his PADD. Let’s see, Officer’s mess, well . . . several of them.” The closest was two levels down. He decided to go there instead of trying to figure out the local cuisine. He would definitely do that, but later. He still had to check in with Medical before too long.

Lt. Kramer headed out, securing the door behind him. He was ready to take on the challenges presented by this ‘City in Space’.


Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering
SB - DS5