Incommunicado – The natives are restless
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC) & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   The natives are restless
Mission   Incommunicado
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans & Chief Executive Officer Melvyn Raddon (NPC) & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Mon Jun 04, 2012 @ 3:49am
Location   Docking bay facility 4
Timeline   SD57 - 13:00 (Before "In case of emergency. . .")
"Hey you!" The middle-aged gentleman said angrily as he made his way across the bay.

She looked around the bay to ascertain who this person might have been attempting to obtain their attention.

"Yes, I'm talking to you! You're wearing a Engineering uniform ain'tcha!" The human continued to shout as he began to get closer.

After a brief moment she replies: "Yes; it is an Engineering Service Uniform, how might I be of assistance?"

"Yeah, I want to know why the hell I'm looking at a complete communication blackout with the rest of my delivery cruisers?" He asked.

Looking as if 'why me' Lyhse replies; " Have you sent out a runabout to test the range of this black out?"

"I work for the Raddon Corporation and I *WAS* in the process of constructing the new entertainment club on the promenade, but I haven't heard hide nor hair from any of my delivery drones. Now, Raddon's not paying good money for shit to suddenly break down! I want to know when this is gonna get fixed!" He said as he slammed down a padd angrily.

Wayne had been in the bay only briefly checking on a couple of crates that were due to depart on one of his ships in the next couple of days. Under normal conditions he would not have even bothered with the disagreement that was happening but something about that fellow from Raddon corp just set him off.

"Sir if you will step back for a minute and if you had bothered to check the fleet roster at all this young lady has nothing to do with the communications problems we are almost all experiencing at the present time. I understand that you are trying to start up a club and I know how much of a hassle such things can be but you will not get anywhere acting like a damned jackass and yelling at people just because they happen to be from the operations or engineering department." Said Wayne calmly though he was honestly not sure what would happen and if the likely thing did happen well this man would just have to find out the hard way why there is no such thing as an ex marine and just how small a fish he was in this pond.

The man looked at Wayne quizzically for several moments before responding.

"Who the hell are you!?!" He asked rhetorically.

"Unless you've got an answer to why the hell I can't communicate with any of my freight vessels I suggest you stay outta this, boy!" the gentleman said as he turned his attention back to the junior officer.

"Sir I may not have a answer for what is causing you such distress but I may have a solution to your problem assuming you are willing to calm the hell down and listen instead of running your mouth off like a klingon who has had a few to many barrels of blood wine." Said Wayne he did not like being called boy by anyone especially someone who could well be his son.

"Did I send out a runabout!?! Do I look like a Fleeter? What the hell are we paying rent-space for if we gotta provide our own structure and repair services??" He said, his tone rising in annoyance.

Slowly approaching She said " Lyhse Sullivans; recently arrived from Star Base one eighty five, understandably it seems frustrating let me check into preparing a 'Packet' ship to see if we can communicate with your freighters or find some one who might be able to set this up on your behalf ." at that she stops approaching since it appears to her it is quickly escalating out of control.

"Why the hell wasn't that done HOURS ago! I got a deadline to stick to!" the gentleman responded in an escalated tone.

Lt. Kramer exited a runabout after final inspection of repairs. The Chief had been pressuring him to get things done and with 2 men out for injuries, he was taking up the slack. This was not the most appropriate thing for the Assistant Chief of Engineering to do. Kramer then noticed across the bay a loud discussion taking place. Shaking his head slightly in frustration, he knew that he better find out what the problem was before things got too out of hand. He walked over the the group.

As Lt. Kramer approached the group of four, he noticed that the tension in the air seemed fairly high. He knew he needed to put on his best politically correct face and help deal with this situation, or his boss would definitely hear about it.

Stopping a couple feet away Kramer said, "May I be of some assistance?" Everyone seemed to turn to him. "I'm Lt. Kramer from Engineering, what seems to be the problem?"

"No problem on my end Lt. however I think this gentleman might have a slight problem that maybe you can help him out with." said wayne as calmly as he could to the younger officer after all the man had been doing nothing short of his duty there was no reason to get mad at him for something that he had no control over.

"Yeah! I got a problem," the man said as he pushed past Wayne and the female officer.

"What kind of circus are you running here? Sweetie over here doesn't seem to have the slightly clue what's happening outside of the station and her grandfather isn't any more helpful." He replied to Kramer

She looked oddly at the speaker "Thought my name was Lyhse; not Casandra, Deep Space Five looks nothing like Delphi, nor do you look anything like Agamemnon." With a slight smirk she looked at Wayne "Curious; Sir, you don't appear to be either Alpha Centaurian nor Helloisian." with conspiratory wink "You look too young to be my Grandfather."
to the speaker she responded "As to not having a clue to what is going on, recently arrived from Star Base one hindered Eighty five."

~why you insulent bastard~ Thought Wayne coldly he would have to watch this puppy closer and maybe slap him down sooner rather then later to teach him his place.

Lt. Kramer realized that things were really out of control. He needed to handle this properly. He hoped he could, but before he could say anything the middle-aged man spoke.

"Why can't I get a communication line to any vessel outside of his station or vice versa?" He asked.

"Maybe because you are trying to use your ass for your brain." Muttered softly Wayne coldly he was REALLY beginning to dislike the other man and not for the first time during this meeting was he actually wishing he had not resigned from the corps just so he could have a reason to use some strong arm tactics that the marines were famous for. Though for now he would hold his temper at least until the other person acted first,

“Sir”, Kramer began, “You are absolutely correct. We are currently having problems with our communications in this area of space right now. Believe me, Operations is all over this situat--"

"I don't need you to be "all over" anything! I need this problem fixed now!" The older man said as he emphasized his point by pressing his finger into Kramer's chest with each word.

"You've got all this fancy technology and equipment on board and can't fix a damn communication relay or whatever the hell is the problem!" he added.

Wayne could not believe the gull this guy seemed to have. It would not have been out of line for this Lt. Kramer to press assault charges against the man if he would be so inclined to do so. However something in the back of his mind told him that right now his best bet was to set back and watch the fireworks. He knew engineers and operations people well enough that one thing you did not do was to insult the equipment that they worked on and in some ways though of as family. This man was just asking for trouble and when it came he wanted to be in a position to either watch or to help out the fleeter if needed

Kramer realized that this individual was not at all interested in an explanation, but wanted some action, any action, but he had to do it just right. He swallowed his pride momentarily to remain calm and replied, "Mister, . . You’ve just about pushed too many buttons.” Kramer took and aggressive step forward. “Now all these people about us here can see just how arrogant bossy you can be,” he didn’t stop talking and wouldn’t let him get a word in edgewise.

~Nicely done Lt.~ Thought Wayne as he watched the scene unfold before him. He wanted to walk over and pat the young man on the back but he knew that this was neither the time nor the place for something like that

"Who the hell do you thi--" the man began to say.

Kramer took another step toward him looking directly at him, “We are in a crisis situation with communications on this station. Do you think you are the only one out there with a vessel heading in?” he pointed to the bay doors. “We have 4 shuttles out their trying to find the range of this disturbance and to set up communications link by wire. That’s a little old fashion, but it works.”

Wayne looked at the Lt. with a slightly shocked expression on his face he had never thought about using such an old fashion way to make things work. He would most definitely have to talk to this officer now preferably in private

"Well you ca---" he tried to interject.

Still not letting the man talk, Kramer said, “Now I suggest you quit causing more problems and find out how you can help.”

The man was fuming. The nerve of this glorified wrench monkey to just disregard him and his entire company as if he was some Bajoran refugee.

"Lt. I would like to talk to you privately when you have a few minutes. I have something that might help you out and your wire idea might just solve some other problems." Said Wayne calmly

Kramer dare not turn away from the volitile situation, but responded, "Communication is good." He took a half step back. "Ideas are good." He took another half step back. "I need to get back to doing what I can do, and I think you should too."

The older man decided to leave this tight-suited jackass before he ended up cleaing his clock. "Pompus Fleeter, they think they own the whole universe!" He said as he stormed away in frustration.

Kramer turned to the other man and walked away with him, "What's this about the wire?"

"It is not common knowledge as of yet but I have a comm ship that is out there someplace all I know for sure is that it is outside the area of this communications blackout. However the tight beam comm system we have been using has been having problems in the last few hours. I was thinking if we could combine what we have we might just weather this storm intact as it were." said Wayne calmly as they walked. Also the ship has several long range communication arrays on it with enough power to...... Let's just say she can reach a hell of a long way and leave it at that." He added.

Kramer felt very reasured that many people were wanting to help with the situation. "I suggest you contact station opperations. Our shuttle on the wire could utilize that ship of yours for a relay to long range communications." With a smile he added, "Thanks."


Raddon Corp. Employee
NPC Thom

Lieutenant JG Lyhse Sullivans
EO/ Manufacturing Production Officer

Wayne Bradshaw
CEO Bradshaw Intergalactic Industries

Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst Chief of Engineering