Judgement – All Sewn Up
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant T'Pal

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Title   All Sewn Up
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Lieutenant T'Pal
Posted   Sat Sep 10, 2011 @ 7:51am
Location   Sick Bay
Timeline   SD 38 0300 (backpost)

Lance, Gwen and the Orion girls finally made it to the airlock. It was standing wide open as Glaston's ex staff was trying to escape. And failing. There was a swarm of security personnell surrounding the entrace, stopping people as they came through. Chiara, supporting Kendra stopped. "What do we do now?" she asked Lance.

Lance stood for a second, "Now we turn ourselves in," He said simply.

Both of them looked at him, stunned, and said, "What?!"

"It's the only way we're going to make it out of here." Lance explained. "Medical emergency! "He shouted "Hey we have a medical emergency here!!"

{Docking Bay}

Lieutenant j.g. Rakmel stood at the far end of the the long corridor that connected the vessel to the docking arm of the station. His security detail was posted at each entrance and had received instructions to detain each and every person who attempted to escape.

"Scan and detain, everyone!" Rakmel said with a hint of amusement in his voice. "If anybody have a problem with it, use force if necessary to keep all possible hostiles confined to this area." The team leader stated as he noticed several individuals shouting for his attention at the other end of the all.

"Scan them, and bring them over here." He ordered to a nearby Midshipman.

Lance and his party made his way over, "I'm Doctor Murdoch, head surgeon on DS5." He introduced himself. "I need to get these women to sickbay immediatly!"

"What the hell are you doing onboard this ship, Doctor Murdoch?" Rakmel stated in a gruff manner. "We received reports of a disturbance onboard a civilian vessel, I get down here and all hell breaks loose!" He said in an increased voice.

The surgeon was swaying slightly, he was still carrying Gwen, and had't reccovered fully from his own injuries. "A little help here..." He said, easying gwen down onto the deck.

Rakmel motioned for an officer to help the woman as he continued pressing for answers. "I'm still waiting, Doctor." he said.

"I was invited on board for a little dinner, some light music, good cigars and an offer I couldn't refuse." Lance replied somewhat flippantly.

"Don't get cute Doctor!" The larger Andorian stated, not particularlly happy about the calamity that he had just inherited as a results of being the First Responder to this scene. He was already going to spend the rest of the night doing paperwork for this.


T"Pal had made her way into a jeffries tube, which she followed until she entered the airvent connecting she station to the ship. It was just big enough for her to fit into. Earlier she had disabled the security systems from the station to the docking ship, so now her way out should be clear. The most tricky part was to crawl along the vent just above and parrallel to the docking arm. Here she heard a commotion, which she quickly realized was station security. "Hu'tecq!"she swore silently, but after halting for a brief moment to observe what they were doing, she continued to leapard crawled through it and eventually reached the opening. It opened into a station jeffries tupe junction through which she had entered earlier and she climbed out unobstrusively, and without so much as a backward glance, disappeared quickly in the normal throng of people close to the dock bays.

Back at the checkpoint Lance was grwoing increasingly impatient.

"I'll have her delivered to sickbay. *You* will stay here and I'll have a medic tend to your wounds while you answer my questions." Rakmel said grufflying as he signalled for another officer to help the injured woman to the nearest lift.

Lance rolled his eye's but nodded as Gwen and the two Orions were escorted off to sickay. "Is this going to take long? I could really use a shower." He said.

"Answers, now Doctor" Rakmel grunted. "I know that you weren't just casually onboard when all of this took place. Tell me what the hell happened and where is the owner of this ship." he asserted.

Lance lounged in the chair, he glanced down at his blood smeard clothes with the huge burn mark on the front. "Well the party might have gotten a bit out of hand." He replied.

"The owner.... hhmmmm" Lance said. Recalling the scene in sickbay. If he had to explain the entire scene and his involvement in it he would be there for hours.

"I think he's all partied out." Lance smirked.

Rakmel wasn't known for his sense of patience, nor was he in the mood for asking a million questions. "Damnit, take the Doctor to sickbay and clean him up, afterwards place him in protective custody until we figure out what the hell happened here." He ordered to a nearby officer.

"I'm sure Investigations will have a field day with this crap," He said as he continued further into the vessel.


Security Consultant

Doctor Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon
Deep Space 5

Security officer
(NPC Thom)

Orion girls and Gwen
NPC's by Notty