Beg, Steal or Borrow – A Dark Secret
by Commander Rakka

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Title   A Dark Secret
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Rakka
Posted   Sat Feb 07, 2009 @ 9:48pm
Location   Rakka's Quarters
Timeline   SD8, 1030 hrs.
After yInchu''s departure, Rakka stumbled into her washroom and reached for the mirror she had tucked away the first day she moved in here. Blinking away the blur of tears, she squinted at her appearance. It wasn't any easier to look at than the last time.

With a roar, she flung the mirror across the room; the fragments scattered across the floor. The shards looked almost inviting. She picked one up and poised it to dig into the much-scarred skin of her forearm, tracing countless earlier lines of pain, but hesitated, realizing that, more than anything right now, she didn't want to be alone.

Who could be with her right now? It was the middle of the night, and she didn't have the conscience to disturb Petro--the little J'Naii had so many Academy assignments to worry about, and this wasn't worth jeopardizing that for her friend.

Who else was there? Who had she even had a conversation with that wasn't work-related? Devero? He was away with Tahir.

In a brief moment of insanity, she considered going to a counselor, but decided quickly she didn't need that. A counselor wasn't a friend, and counselors had never done anything for her but make things worse.

Could she get through this on her own?

She dropped the glassy shard into the sink and stared down at it.

A beeping from her computer indicated she had received a new message. She wandered over to see who had sent it.

"YInchu'?!" she growled. What would he be sending her now?? An apology? she dared to hope.

It wasn't anything she might have expected. YInchu' had sent her a brief snippet of a medical officer's log. The name of the doctor, and the date of the recording twisted her stomach into knots.

There was a brief note from yInchu' along with the file: "I acquired this some time ago and decided not to tell you. I suppose it doesn't matter now. I wonder if it will be a surprise to you?"

Rakka glared at the words, not sure how to take them. The only thing left was to listen to the medical log:

"Chief Medical Officer's log, stardate [xxxxxx]. Our little Nausicaan still hasn't spoken to us, but she seems to have calmed down a little. She continues to refuse contact from myself and my other male colleagues, so I've had to rely on my Assistant Chief and my female nurses. Even then, everything is still a struggle."

There was a quiet sigh. "It's... incredible... to think what this child must have come from, to behave that way. She's... confused by our attentions. She doesn't understand basic kindnesses. When we feed her, she inhales it like she'll never get the chance to eat again... as if someone might take it away from her at any moment."

The doctor paused. "She's begun to bleed quite profusely. I managed to get a thorough scan, and it's become apparent that the girl was pregnant. She's miscarried at approximately four weeks. Considering the squalid conditions in which she was found, the miscarriage is certainly no surprise. It's a fairly certain case of rape; we've found traces of at least six different Nausicaan males...."

He paused again, and took a deep breath. "Nurse King is overly upset by the case; I've had to remove her. But I understand her being... emotional. It's a difficult one for all of us. We haven't bothered tracing the parentage--considering the circumstances, identifying the father seems a moot point. And the girl seems unaware of the pregnancy. We haven't decided whether or not to tell her--it might only worsen her trauma." There was another long pause. "The fetus was male."

Rakka snapped the computer shut and sank down weakly into her chair. "No," she whispered, pressing her hands to her temples. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!!" she screamed.

Five minutes later, she was in the bathroom cutting her arms to a bloody mess.

Old habits die hard.
