Unity – What Could Go Wrong?
by Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar

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Title   What Could Go Wrong?
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Cardassian Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal & Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Cardassian Gul Turrel G'mar
Posted   Wed Dec 30, 2009 @ 11:30pm
Location   Promenade, en-route to Dunham's quarters
Timeline   Current (?)
Dunham’s suitcase swung in his left hand as walked along the corridors of deep space five. His right hand was wrapped around Lieutenant Commander Chelsea Adams. A woman he had fallen madly in love with. He wore a smile on his face and the pair of them laughed and hugged each other as they undertook the endeavour of moving in together. No easy feat by any means. There were two of them moving in with Chelsea, himself and his niece Kim, Who was currently at school. Dunham wouldn’t have it any other way, things were perfect. Even given the events of the past few days, Dunham wouldn't change things for the world. What could possibly go wrong?

Coming down the corridor in the opposite direction was the CMO, Lieutenant Ryan Milarno, former boyfriend of the said Chelsea Adams, and her boss. Ryan looked at Rick and his suitcase and came to the wrong conclusion.

"...'morning!" he said cheerily as they approached. "Off on a mission?" he asked, looking at Rick.

Rick held his smile. With a twinkle in his eye. "Not exactly. Pardon me, I don't believe I have had the pleasure? I'm Richard Dunham" He offered his hadn to shake.

Chelsea blushed slightly, realising they hadn't met in person. "OH!" she reproached herself. "I'm sorry. Rick, this is Ryan... Dr. Milarno... Ry, this is Rick..."

Ryan knew who Rick was. He had made a point of finding out once he realised Chelsea was serious about him.

"Hi" he said simply, shaking Rick's outstretched hand firmly. "Nice to meet the legend I spend all my working hours hearing about. She never stops talking about you!" He was jokingly pretending to complain but as he spoke he began to realise there was an element of irritation deep down underneath that comment.

Ryan had his new love for Nora and anyway the split with Chelsea had been born of his own moving on, but for some reason he couldn't explain, it was still a bit uncomfortable for him when she raved on about someone else.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you. You know when I'm done with all this moving you and I should go for a beer. What do you think? I know a nice little place."

Ryan grinned and nodded enthusiastically. He actually liked the idea. If Chelsea was even half right about this guy, he'd be worth getting to know at least. He was about to reply when his attention was diverted.

A sudden shudder fell upon all of the members of the conversation. The sound of a cold and heartless man with heavy steps filled the hall with chills. Then, into view came the one man Dunham had to avoid; Vi'kar Gul Getal.

Ryan's shoulders tensed as he turned to see who was approaching them. He hadn't been impressed with his first meeting with the Cardassian dignitary in Sickbay recently.

As the Vi'kar approached Chelsea's happy smile at finding Ryan and Rick getting on so well, faded from her face and she took an instinctive step back defensively putting herself closer to Rick, leaving a wider space in the corridor for Getal to pass by without even a semblance of any hinderance.

Unfortunately, it didn't seem as if he was simply intending to pass by as his pace slowed the nearer he got. Chelsea's spine tingled with dread and her brows drew into a worried frown. Her fingers sought Rick's left hand.

Ryan picked this body language up and looked quizically from Chelsea's frown to Rick and then to the Cardassian. He raised an eyebrow in silent query just as Vi'kar Gul Gital reached the three of them.

Tharek smiled deviously as he finally set up apon the group. He was a good half a foot taller than Ryan, Rick or Chelsea. His initimidating gaze passed over all of the group. Especially Chelsea and Ryan. Bajoran scum. He thought to himself, before speaking toward Rick. "So, mister Dunham... You got out. And, without the consent of the Cardassian government. Care to explain?" He said, closing up into the mans personal space.

Ryan's shoulders tensed as he turned to see who was approaching them. He hadn't been impressed with his first meeting with the Cardassian dignitary in Sickbay recently.

As the Vi'kar approached, Chelsea's happy smile at finding Ryan and Rick getting on so well, faded from her face and she took an instinctive step back defensively putting herself closer to Rick, leaving a wider space in the corridor for Getal to pass by without even a semblance of any hinderance.

Unfortunately, it didn't seem as if he was simply intending to pass by as his pace slowed the nearer he got. Chelsea's spine tingled with dread and her brows drew into a worried frown. Her fingers sought Rick's left hand but he had moved.

Dunham clapped his hands together with a happy joyous smile. “So good to see you again Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal. I hope things are better for you since last we met? As for my early release from incarceration, pardon me but I’m afraid you will have to speak with Commander Karen Villiers. Now if you will excuse me, myself and my fellow Starfleet officers will be on our way." he said with another polite smile.

Ryan picked up on Chelsea's body language up and looked quizically from Chelsea's frown to Rick's polite smile and then to the Cardassian. He raised an eyebrow in silent query.

Chelsea's look of alarm was all the explanation Ryan needed. She looked up and tilted her head to one side. There was something both scary and attractive about Ryan when he was grumpy. His dark eyes shone with an inner fire, born of his emotional turmoil. The hand that had sought reassurance from Rick but had fallen back to her side was raised again, this time in a gesture intended to hold Ryan back.

Chelsea's hand this time found Ryan's and she squeezed his fingers as a warning to hold fire. Ryan was startled to find her hand in his but took the hint and stood down as requested. For Chelsea he would hold his tongue this time even though he wasn't sure what had just happened here.

With Ryan's shoulders relaxing, the ACMO found herself holding her ex's hand and wondering what Rick would make of this and more importantly, how she could explain her intentions and how this had happened, seemingly behind his back, literally. Her cheeks took on a pink blush.

"Pardon me." said Dunham to the Cardassian. He slung his pack over his shoulder and then but one arm around each of his fellow officers shoulders. Still smiling he started to walk them as far away from Getal as he could. "lets just walk away." He whispered in their ears.

"Exscuse me?!" Tharek yelled at their backs. "You and your Bajoran 'friends' don't walk away from me unless I tell you to! Now, get back here!" He bellowed down the hall.

"Have a nice day Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal." Said Dunham without turning around and walking on. He leant closer to his friends and whisperd. "Don't rise to the bait. Thats exactly what he wants you to do. Lets just walk away, and let the brass deal with him."

"Get your filthly hides back here now!" Tharek yelled at them. He then saw that Turrel came into view infront of the group of people. What timing Turrel. Tharek thought to himself. He knew Turel would help his superior, rather than the Bajoran medical staff.

Turrel was in a hurry to talk to Tharek and had spent the better part of a half hour trying to track him down. He was frustrated at best by the run around the embassy guards gave him as to his supperiors wherabouts. It seemed a few of them were still upset by his actions towards them and they thought it a chance to balance the scales by being difficult. Turrel would deal with them later, harshly.

He was walking down a corridor when he heard Tharek's angry demands. He turned the corner to find a small group of Federation officers who were ignoring the Cardasian Ambassador and it took only a moment more to realise that he knew who these people were."

"What seems to be the problem?" He asked as his eyes narrowed.

"No problem Gul Turrel G'mar we were just leaving." said Dunham with a smile. Yet still holding onto his colleagues, arms wrapped around them protectively.

"Gul G'mar!" Tharek said in a professional and formal way. "Don't let them past!" He bellowed yet again. His next sentance was directed at the group. He started to walk forwards whilst stating it. "You don't, in this lifetime, walk away from me!"

Dunham lean't his head closer to Chelsea's ear. His light breath could be felt on her neck. He whispered very quietly into her ear. "I don't think his mother breast fed him as child."

Chelsea giggled. "I don't blame her!" she whispered back. "He'd probably have bitten her too!"

Ryan muttered "Let's get out of here" and the others nodded and quickened their pace.

"G'mar! On the life and skin of your family, don't let them past!" Tharek yelled and barked orders at Turrel without sincerity or mercy.

Dunham looked to his left, were stood an angry Cardassian. Dunham looked to his right were stood another angry Cardassian, his options were running thin. He was stuck in the middle of a formidable force with two fellow Starfleet officers, whom neither of he wanted to put in this situation. He mulled things over briefly in his mind, a plan was forming. On the one hand he didn’t want to get Gul G’mar in trouble with his angry superior. On the other hand he had orders to avoid the ‘Cardaissian situation’. Without another moment’s hesitation Dunham quickly tapped the comm badge on Chelseas chess and then did the same thing to Ryan’s them himself. With speed he then quickly spoke to the Starfleet station computer. “Computer lock onto these three comm signals and initiate emergency site to site transport, Dunham 3. Security clearance alpha, alpha, omega, seven.” The three Starfleet officers de-materialised in a blue shimmery haze.

They re-appeared on the main starfighter wing hanger deck, in the middle of a buzz of activity as fighter crews, pilots and engineers went about their business. Dunham could think of no safer place. Marines and security both had their domains. Starfighter wing had theirs; each man that walked the decks and gangways of the large hanger bay was, like himself, loyal to the CAG. Dunham thought that Lieutenant Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian. Would probably chew him up for an unauthorised beam out, but once he explained the situation he would probably get away with it.

He took Chelsea and Ryan into his office pulled out a bottle and three shot glasses. “How about that drink then?” He said with a grin.

"Hell yeah!" Ryan agreed enthusiastically and threw back the shot in one. Chelsea looked a little worried and sipped cautiously at hers.

Ryan held out his glass for a refill. "Steady!" Chelsea couldn't help but offer, realising immediately that was a mistake.

"What? So you're my mother now we don't sleep together any more?" Ryan growled, his tone reminding her sharply that she was no longer entitled to either nag nor reproach him.

Chelsea flushed, her cheeks pink. "Ry, you know i didn't mean anything" she said quietly, her tone soothing. He grunted, allowing it to go this time.

"So Rick?" he changed the subject. "How's the flying business?" It was an obscure question but it was an attempt at communication at least.

"Five by five" said Rick toasting his glass and then taking a sip. He then poured Ryan another Drink. He sat down behind his desk and put his feet up on the table. "Ok you two, while I've got you both in the same room, lets have a little chat. You two.." he indicated both with his finger. "Are still very good friends. I want yu to try and remember that. You were together for a long time, each one of you is important to the other, and you both work closely with each other. I know its not my buisness, but I don't want to see you two ruin the great friendship you have. Yes their are feelings their between you, and allot of emotions, some good some bad. I just want you both to remember you are brilliant people, who have bothed moved on, but in the end you are still friends." he smiled giving them a nod.

Ryan and Chelsea looked at each other and an old 'tag team' mentality kicked in. Ryan rolled his eyes towards Rick and Chelsea pulled her lower lip under her top teeth in what looked like a thoughtful expression.

A smirk fluttered at the corner of Ryan's lip and Chelsea's cheeks showed a spot of rose colour. These were the only signals given but it was enough for these ex-allies.

As one they launched across the desk, one to the left and one to the right. Ryan tipped the chair legs backwards under Rick and as he wobbled
precariously on the rear pair, Chelsea landed in his lap and toppled him backwards, all of them landing in a heap behind the desk.

"Do you want to sit on him while I get the custard?" Chelsea asked Ryan breathlessly.

"Nah, you sit on him and I'll go for that ice-cream we left half-eaten in the office fridge....." Ryan countered with a wicked grin.

The two of them got up and stood either side of Rick, gave each other a high-five and chorused in sync. "Friends?" Before bursting out laughing and offering Rick a hand on each side to haul him back upright, disentangling him from his chair.

"Don't ever mess with medics, babe" Chelsea laughed.

"We've worked together too long. It's time to split this team up!" Ryan joked but his eyes told Chelsea something deeper and the grin melted from her face as a cold shiver ran down her spine.

"What do you mean, Ry? You're not serious?" she asked, a shadow creeping over her heart as his face remained troubled. She knew when he had something difficult to tell her and this was clearly one of those times.

"Ry?" her voice quivered and everyone waited for Milarno's reply.



A joint post between:

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams

Vi'kar Gul Tharek Getal
Cardassian Dignatary

Gul Turrel G'mar