Beg, Steal or Borrow – Quick Launch
by Commander Richard Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Quick Launch
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Richard Dunham & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Mon May 25, 2009 @ 11:13am
Location   Middle Decks / Ops
Timeline   SD8 19:00

LT Richard Dunham was on the bridge. He had not been up to the command deck of the
Protector for some time. Not since before the Romulan attack and that had been his one and only visit.

As he exited the turbo lift. He caught a passing crewman. "Excuse me. Can you tell were flight control is?" the crew man busy about his work looked up from the padd he had been working on and indicated with a nod.
"Over their sir".
Dunham then made his way over to Flight control saw the rank of a petty officer and gave a smile. "Hi I was wondering who I could speak to about flight schedules?"

Bill was still mulling the PADD in his own hand, whilst wondering if he should take up the offer from Weiltzer when he was interrupted by the voice of a man. He looked up to see the flight Lieutenant.
"Sorry, flight schedules. I have nothing planned in at the moment, all craft are being serviced after the attack earlier." Bill explained, his voice flat.

Dunham tried another smile and bit of charm to see if he could get the NCO to warm up to him. "Cool. I was wandering.... When we get the flight Schedule back on track can we introduce a system were we can get the fighter wings in and out around the traffic when they go on patrol? I mean Its getting very busy out their and my guys need to watching out for everything going in and out of the station."

Bill pursed his lips and nodded.
"Do you know what, that sounds like a good idea. We need to let things cool down around here though, with things the way they are at present, we may need to have fighters on standby." Bill paused, turning away from the console to face the lieutenant fully. "Look, we're a bit pushed up here in Ops, monitoring and tagging each ship that enters and departs the station, but if I give you access to the flight schedules, without the Commander knowing of course, perhaps you can see if there are some gaps you can slot in flight training?" He asked the question and looking at the glint in the lieutenants eye, he knew he would accept the challenge.

The Lt nodded slowly with a smile. "I like that idea. Me and mine could always do with some extra stick time. I've been meaning to get behind the controls of a broadsword for a while now." He leant over closer. "So how do you want to do this?"

Bill shrugged his shoulders. "First lieutenant, I have to get you a feed to the console and as your a pilot, you will have clearance, as your duties include scheduling flight time." He looked at the lieutenant. "Sorry, I don't even know your name?" He said, with an apologetic smile.

"The Dunham. Richard Dunham. Lieutenant. I only just got here you know so don't worry about not knowing my name."

"Well Lieutenant Dunham, Richard Dunham," Bill grinned, "I'm William Harris, and what we'll do now, is enter your rank and name into the console." Bill tapped Richards name and clearance onto the console. "And there you go, you now have access to flight scheduling, but be very careful, we don't want any accidents there with poor planning, do we?" He said, a seriousness on his face.

"No sir" the smile leaving his face as quickly as it arrived. "Well I better get to it. Thanks. Don't worry its cool."

Bill winked. "I like the sir, but Bill will do." He replied, endeavouring to make light of the sudden seriousness. "You can access the planner from your offices now." He advised closing down his console. "And so endeth the shift." He turned back to Dunham. "Anything I can for you?" He asked.

"Yeeeaaah" said Dunham with an embarrassed cheeky smile. "I didn't even know I had an office. First day and all. Could you tell me were it is?"

William chortled as he stepped down from his station. "'Fraid not, I just took it for granted you had one."
The Petty officer sidestepped to an Ensign.
"Do you know if there is an Flight deck office?" He enquired with a shrug of his shoulders.

The female ensign turned to look at the man who had asked the question and without a glimmer of emotion informed him to try the computer.

"Thank you kindly." William replied with a smile.

Placing a hand on Richards shoulder, he guided him to a computer station. "Computer, which deck and room houses the offices of the Flight Squadron leader.

"The Flight Command Offices are on deck 133, room 3375" The computer duly responded to the query.

Bill smiled at Richard with an angled nod of his head. "There you go, found." He smile turned to a grin.

Dunham gave a wink. "Thanks. Should of thought of that myself. If your ever down at my neck of the woods let me buy you a beer."

"Lead the way." Bill said, his hand motioning onward, "I am ready for a drink." His face beamed with a smile.


Lieutenant Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

CWO3 William Harris
Played by Tasha