Interlude – An Undiplomatic Incident
by Seth Mahuri & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin

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Title   An Undiplomatic Incident
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Seth Mahuri & Cardassian Gilnn Denat Meran & Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin
Posted   Sun Sep 05, 2010 @ 8:06pm
Location   The Box of Delights
Timeline   SD28 Late evening

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Seth tried to reason with Kila; she refused to leave their quarters they were given because of her nature, and that she only wanted to rest.

"I'll be fine, Seth. Honestly!" She bartered.

"Oh, very well then!" Seth conceded and allowed Kila to remain while he went to meet Denat and Yolanthe for a second time.

Denat had just finished his late shift, and bundled his report padds onto his desk and headed out of the Embassy: He was curious as to how his talks with Tharek had went, wondering if he could get his way with him where others had failed.

"Promenade" He exclaimed clearly as he stepped into the lift.

Short moment and Denat was walking on the promenade and he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Denat, woah!" Seth hollored, seeing the Cardassians nearing The Box. He caught up to the now still standing Cardassian who had a warm smile on his face.

"How are you, Correspondent?" Denat asked, being formal in case it was a manner of Saoirs culture.

"I'm fine. Yourself?" Seth asked, deciding to return to formalities, as Denat referred to him as his application.

"Yes, very well, thank-you. Into The Box?" Denat asked, raising his hand up to the bar.

"Ofcourse, ofcourse." Seth was in a jolly mood, even after the meeting with Tharek, but he wasn't going to let that get to him. The two walked into the bar, and Yolanthe was already in hot pursuit of several orders rushing past. Seth & Denat sat at the places they went to last time and waited for Yolanthe.

Eventually she worked her way to them. "Evening again. I hope you two have had a pleasant evening. How can I help you gentlemen wind down?"

They ordered and she poured the drinks, first for Denat, "hows the boss? He didn't give you a hard time earlier I hope?"

"Incredibly, Yolanthe." He collapsed his upper half onto the counter with one hand reached for a lovely cold sharp shot of Kanar.

Then she poured for Seth. "And you;re settling in all right? Getting to know you're way around?

"Yeah, it's going great, thanks." Seth's demeanour had gradually polished off from the sturdy man that had been here before.

"Anything interesting since we were gone?" Denat asked, head still welded to the counter.

"Not yet. We're just starting to get lively. There's going to be some Risian band playing upstairs in a little while, and I suspect the usual suspects will start hogging the tongo tables before long. Plus a couple of freighter crews have just docked after a long haul, so I'm expecting general carousing. There will be quaffing, if past experience is anything to go on. Maybe even singing."

"Ah, sounds good." Denat responded. He looked over to the crowd approaching the bar and was relieved he missed the stampede.

Seth reached for his drink, but an alien hand took it first. Seth followed the limb up to find a Nuasicaan with his drink pressed to his lips. The Correspondent understood the risk of facing up to a Nuasicaan, especially a drunk one, but nevertheless, Seth needed to make his appearance known. "Excuse me, Sir." He tapped hard on the Nuasicaans' shoulder. He turned to face him, but didn't speak.

"I believe that is my drink." He emphasised who's it was.

The Nausicaan looked him up and down and snorted. "It was your drink. Now its mine." He drained it and put it down on the bar. "Hey, sweetheart," he called out. "He'll have another one."

Seth, bemused, look sternly at him, he wanted this man to try something. He looked down to his leg, stroking the crumple in his trouser where his Lorus was concealed. "Repulsive creature." And Seth turned his back, to face Denat to make a small gesture with a very substantial instruction.

"Gentlemen," Yolanthe warned, "Play nicely."

The advice fell on deaf ears. The enormous Nausicaan put a fist like a ham on Seth's shoulder and span him round. "Want to see repulsive?" He drew back his other arm, and then slammed it forward, ready to spread Seth's nose across his face.

The heavy clasp bludgeoned Seth's nose, fractioning it with an audible crack: Seth had what he needed. In a clumsy roar, he launched himself around the Nausicaan's waist, throwing him to ground.

Seth then, wiped some shattered glass from his uniform and unholstered a rare Lorus disruptor from his belt. He dangled it loosely in front of the Nausicaan, with the bridge of his nose, perfectly aligned with the sight.

Denat watched as Seth turned from bad, to ugly. The instruction he gave was clear, until he unleashed an epic attack towards the foe. Denat needed to be part of this situation, as he needed too be noticed among the crowd. He stepped closer to the scene, where others had stepped back. Denat removed his disruptor and had it aim for the small band of Nausicans behind the fallen one.

"Yeah. this is repulsive." Seth leashed from his gritting teeth. His uniform was stifling, his arms were heavy.

The original Nausicaan froze, Seth had the drop on him, and whilst he didn't recognise the exact make, he knew a firearm when he saw one.

His friends, however, were feeling a lot more belligerent, and surged towards Seth in an angry scrum.

Yolanthe, seeing the situation snowball more rapidly than thinking, vaulted the bar, her body changing hue as she did so. "Everybody calm-" Her words were lost in the roar of the nausicaans charging for Seth.

Denat fired on one of the Nausicaans, stunning him to a squirm and writhing onto a table. The standard issue disruptor was useless as it is only worth one short effectively. Denat threw it at the others and punched one of his feet.

Seth raised the Lorus to the Nausicaans charging and fired a stun spread to them all. He stepped on the downed Nausicaan, winding him, and pot shotted a Tallerian siding with them.

The crowd began to stampede away from the calamity, with few staying to watch it unfold. Those too close, where in danger of either being trampled, or shot.

With Seth, and more importantly, his phaser, distracted, the first Nausicaan flipped onto his stomach and grabbed the Saoirs around the ankles, sending him crashing to the floor. Then he threw himself forward towards the Lorus, struggling to get control of the gun.

The mild stun sent the Nausicaans in the center of its spray to their kjees, but the tough aliens on the outside of the group shook the effect of quickly, and turned on Denat. One grabbed him in a bear hug from behind, lifting him in the air. The third began to rain punches into the Cardassian's gut.

Yolanthe elbowed her way through the crowd. "Harry!" she yelled for her doorman. Breaking this up was going to take more than her, but the Gorn had even further to come through the shove than she did.

Denat pulled his arms forwards in an attempt to pull the Nausicaan's out of his sockets. He released the grip and Denat dodged a large blow that fortunately hit the Nausican behind him.

Seth grappled the Lorus at the barrel, while the Nausicaan had the hilt, more importantly the trigger. The two became entangled at the fingers struggling for possesion when Seth writhed the man of his gun, sending him to the ground: 'Enough!' Seth thought. As the Nausican turned to face Seth from the floor, a barrel entered his mouth and Seth pulled the trigger. The Nausicaan grunted once, and passed out.

The Nausicaan that had been holding Denat staggered back, his jaw shattered by the blow his comrade mistakenly landed, crashing back into Yolanthe. The one that him recovered his balance and spun back to the Cardassian, catching him with a wild back handed blow that glanced off the ridges over Denat's eye.

Denat threw his face into the hand, absorbing some of its energy, and the rest to damage it. His head was already pounding, little more could provoke it more. He reached for his disruptor, reset the controls and fired a wide beam that heavily stunned all in front within a 5x5 metre radius. The Nausicaan dropped, head cracking on the floor as he landed, and lay still.

Seth, who was standing to the left of Denat, still stood above the Nausican, and adjusted the controls on his Lorus, it was clear he upped the severity of the stun, possibly to kill.

The Nausicaan was rousing already, shaking off the effect of a stun practically to the brain, but the unmistakeable movement made him pause. He held up his hands and slumped back to the floor in surrender.

"Now, on your way." Seth proposed, flailing the Lorus in the direction of the door. "And take them with you."

The Nausicaan got slowly to his feet, and helped several of his friends to their feet just as the Gorn doorman arrived, and escorted them away.

Yolanthe had manged to get the one that had crashed into her in an armlock, leaning her whole weight into its body to keep it subdued. She let him up, and gave him a push towards his friends to get him moving. "You!" she pointed at Seth, "Put that thing away!"

Seth obliged and concealed the Lorus in its holster with the flap cover over it. He turned to the crowd who had watched the fight, gawping in either anzement or terror. Abruptly, Seth announced "What are you looking at? Return to your business."

Denat watched the crowd turn, and heard the music trying to suppress the awkward tension as everyone went about their original business. He slapped his hand down onto Seth's shoulder and sat him down on his stool. He turned Seth by his shoulder on the stool to face him. "Never, ever do something like that again." Denat stabbed bluntly. He let go of Seth, turned and leant his forearm on the counter with his Kanar in his other hand up to his lips.

The crowd dispersed, the entertainment over. Yolanthe crossed to Seth and Denat whilst the doorman saw the Nausicaans out. "Are you two all right?"

"Yeah, I'm good." Replied Seth after a small sigh.

Denat nodded, but didn't verbally respond.

She looked at Seth, and then his holster. "Discharge of a phaser is going to bring Security down here pretty quick. You'd best make yourself scarce. It wouldn't do to have a diplomat caught in such an undiplomatic situation as a bar brawl." She frowned at the holster. "As it was self defense, if security come by, I'll do what I can to keep them off your back, but don't bring that in here again."

Denat merely drew a piercing look toward Seth, enforcing Yolanthe's desicion.

"Denat, you know it was the right thing to do..." Seth tried to rationalize the event.

Denat understood why Seth did what he did, afterall, 'Nausicaans never know when to stop... or start. "Your right Seth."

Seth nodded at Denat for understanding, then looked at Yolanthe. "Ok, Yolanthe, for you then." He pulled his shirt over the holster and tapped it.

"Thank you," Yolanthe smoothed her clothes and hair back into place. "Now I suggest you dash. Promenade Security are only round the corner. It won't take them long to get here."

"Right." He nodded. "I'll lay low for a few days then. I will see you soon." He darted through the crowd in a fairly straight line and disappeared out of the bar, quietly.

Denat sipped his Kanar again. "Bloody diplomats."


Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box Of Delights


Seth Mahuri
Saoirs Correspondant


Gilnn Denat Meran
Cardassian Security Head