Interlude – Returning home
by Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Returning home
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw & Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Sun Jun 27, 2010 @ 9:52pm
Location   Runabout USS Cheyenne
Timeline   SD18 3 hours after embassy gates 2
Wayne sat in the cockpit area of his runabout not happy in the least, oh sure he had gotten an ambassador class starship as he had been agreed to however what he got was not what he had expected. Some yard man at the surplus depot had pulled the old bait and switch manuover. He had been told that he would be getting a ship that would have been outfitted with at least basic impulse engines enough to power limited lifesupport systems and a repair crew what he got was a nearly totally gutted starship hull and no sign of a repair crew. Hence his current disposition and temperament.

The return trip had taken longer due to the fact that they had to tow the whole thing back to DS5. Now though he was going to make damn sure that things got better before he called the shipyard and had them come and get her.

Now that the trip was over and DS5 was insight he breathed a small sigh of relief that he was now coming home. "DS5 control this is runabout Cheyenne returning requesting clearance to dock with the station at an internal bay for some repair and refit work." Said Wayne as calmly as he could.

William Harris tapped the comms console. "Proceed on vector two nine, docking bay 5. Welcome back Cheyenne." Harris replied, logging the arrival of Mr Bradshaw, We will have a team of engineers on standby if needed." He checked on other ships in the vicinity and cleared the Katona from Bradshaws path.

"Copy that control proceeding to internal docking yard 5." Said Wayne coolly as he piloted the runabout and the ambassador class starship into the entry point. To keep things moving he was running the runabout a little faster then needed as he towed the much larger ship into the bay that had been assigned to them. "DS5 control I would like to request a meeting with the CO if it is possible. I know she is a busy woman but I would appropriate any time she could spare." He added calmly as he guided the runabout into the bay.

"I will pass on that request." Harris replied with a smile in his reply. "I know she has been extremely busy since her return and her standing orders are for 'Important disturbances only' but I am sure she will make time for you when she is able." He advised, passing the request through to the Captains personal channel.

"Thank you DS5 control Cheyenne out." Said Wayne calmly he closed the channel and in a few minutes time he had the ship docked in the bay and was ready to disembark. There would be a repair crew from his ship yard ready to start work in about 2 days so he would just have to wait for them to get started.

He had no idea just what things were waiting for him when he got off the ship and back to his office