Unity – Strange Allies
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Strange Allies
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Sun Feb 21, 2010 @ 7:23pm
Timeline   SD 17. Early Morning.

Rh’vaurek swore and slammed his hand down on his desk.

The action pulled at the edges of the newly repaired wound on his upper arm, the pain reminding him not to be too rash, to think and act, rather than react.

Prendergast had failed to report in. The Archaeologist had left DS5 five days earlier to oversee the extraction of the artefact on a small planet designated Greiirh by the Empire. The planet, named after the mythical Great Bird of the Sky was located in unclaimed space two days away from Deep Space five at warp six. The preparation had been going on for months and the extraction event itself should not have taken more than a day.

So where the hell was Prendergast?

Pushing himself from his chair he rose and plucked a disruptor from a wall bracket, holstered it then pulled his jacket on over. Prendergast had an assistant and it was about time Rh’vaurek had a word with him.

The shop which supplied artefacts and antiques, known as ‘Curio’ was located on the Upper Promenade, level 3 (deck 143) and as he made his way there for a change Rh’vaurek pointedly ignored the security officers that Gabriel had tailing him; he did not even bother to lose them this time.

Ensign Mu'Var and Roake noticed the departure of the Romulan Ambassador and quickly proceeded to follow him per Gabriel's orders. He wasn't exactly sure why he was assigned to play babysitter to an ambassador, but it was pissing him off that he was stuck in such a passive role when chaos was erupting all over the station. This wasn't exactly what he had signed up for.

Coincidences, coincidences, he thought as he emerged onto the upper promenade. If Prendergast had been compromised then there was the potential for a massive leak in Rh’vaurek’s operation. As well as being an expert in Iconian civilization, Prendergast was a deep cover agent who had been operating within the Federation for fifteen years. He is the one who Verelan Iawaain had gone to for assistance and who had returned her to Rh’vaurek. Prendergast had led the series of digs that had led to the discovery of Greiirh … it would explain a lot if the Vulcan assistant was not everything he appeared to be.

Curio, it seemed was not open for business. Rh’vaurek extracted his weapon and with a single blast shattered the door. He stepped through into the dark silent interior.

"What the hell!?!" Roake shouted as he reached for his weapon. "Ambassador, you are not authorized to enter this area!" He yelled towards the man.

“Sulek,” Rh’vaurek called has he made his way between two clear cabinets containing oddly carved heads - those cabinets would not break as easily as the door had, he was sure. “We’d like a word with you. I know you're here, I can smell you you filthy yyaio. Make yourselves useful," he suggested in a whisper to his shadows, from what he had picked up from station traffic they would be as interested in Sulek's identity as he was.

Mu'Var knew this was going to lead to trouble. He knew that this was going to lead to him getting into more trouble than it was worth. To make it worst, he had no clue what the Ambassador was leading him into. "You cannot be in here!" Mu'Var stated in a more definitive voice.

Rh'vaurek moved forward flipping back the counter lid, disruptor low but ready. He raised his voice again. "Your boss was supposed to meet me," he said as he pushed back the curtain that led to the back of the store. "He owes my friend an Osol Twis ..."

Rh'vaurek fell silent, muscles tensing as his eyes swivelled from side to side. There were crates, boxes stacked teeteringly high but the dimensions of the room were wrong. Not surprising given the nature of some of the goods that came through this shop.

Prendergast, fully adapted and integrated, so much so that he had passed un-noticed for fifteen years, in the relatively short time he had been on DS5 he had acquired a girlfriend in Ops who had been an unwitting goldmine to the operation. Rh'vaurek was going to have to give that up.

He could hear breathing, regular, but a little ragged ... like a Vulcan not quite in control. He raised a hand and motioned to his shadows to join him.

False wall, he mouthed.

"This is ridiculous" Mu'Var railed. "Ambassador, we are the ones that should handle this matter. You aren't going to make things better by acting recklessly." He stated as he kept his weapon drawn and looking cautiously around him.

Rh'vaurek turned. With his uninjured arm he grabbed Mu'Var's throat, the other held the disruptor to Mu'Var's chest. "Keep your damned voice down," he hissed. "We open it up, I ask him some questions, and then he's yours. If you want to you later tell your cretinous boss that you followed me here and you stayed when me and your companion left, I don't care. There'll be credit for you in arresting this one."

Mu'Var jerked Rh'vaurek's hand away. "There won't be any point in gloating if we are both killed by some sort of trap or bomb!" He said in a hush but angered tone. "Who the hell is this person anyways? If he is that much of a concern, then we can track him from OPS and apprehend him in a less dangerous manner." He continued.

"Did you not notice the pattern? Get your pal to check for a repressing field. " To make his point Rh'vaurek turned and levelled his disruptor at the dearest crate.

He fired.

And nothing.

"We're on the same side at this point. Work with me." Rh'vaurek knew that Prendergast had the place protected, but he would bet Isha's head that his assistant did not. He'd extend that bet that same assistant was holed up here trying to work out how to disapear.

Mu'Var took out his tricorder and began to scan the immediate area. "What has been operating in this area? The readings I'm getting don't fit an environment like this." The officer stated as he continued to gather information.

"An acquaintance of mine owns this shop. He is missing," Rh'vaurek said brushing a hand through his hair. "He has a lot of valuable artifacts on the premises and over a drink once told me that as a precaution against robbery he has a field activated permanently." The facts he told them were true, though the reasons for Rh'vaurek being party to them were not. "A few weeks ago he mentioned that his assistant was behaving ... oddly for a Vulcan."

"That could mean a lot of things, I still don't understand why the need for such extreme measures. If he wanted to protect his assets, then he could have asked for station security to keep his items secured in protective holding." Mu'Var replied.

Rh'vaurek shrugged, "He's an archaeologist, moves around a lot. Private orders, I guess," he said, assuming tht his meaning would be taken. "I don't question acquaintance. He did seem agitated, though ... with this assistant of his. I haven't heard from Prendegast, my acquaintance for a week."

Rh'vaurek turned back to the wall. "I have full diplomatic immunity," he said, "but I'll co-operate with you. I emphasis with you, bring in your superior too soon and your road to glory will be closed."

"Why would he sell out his own boss to you?" Mu'Var stated as he continued to keep his weapon aimed at the false wall listening for the labored breathing. "If he was smart, he'd find a way to escape without having to implicate anybody further." He added.

"Who knows why Vulcans do anything," Rh'vaurek said as he crouched to examine the floor. Something had been dragged, leaving a slight residue on the tiles, Rh'vaurek rubbed his fingers together as he rose. "He thought this part of the plan could not go wrong, he's been planning this for a very long time. Our friend Sulek leads something of a a double life, I had his background thoroughly checked, and decided that a Federation intel agent within my own operation would be something of a boon, a perfect conduit for disinformation. But I've been monitoring Sulek's activities - he recently kidnapped an injured civilian Medic named Talar, one who appears Vulcan enough on the outside, he's been keeping him quiet with promises of asylum in the Federation. Talar is a Romulan citizen, you see, who for some reason thought that if he pretended to be dead for long enough that we would forget about him.

"There should have been an explosion here, and you would have found one casualty, a Vulcan who on autopsy turned out to be Romulan, all Sulek would have to do is wait it out while the fingers started pointing in the direction of my embassy - after the recent attack who would fail to believe that we were to blame? No, this Sulek is working for someone else."

"Who would want to go through so much hassle just for a lowly assistant?" Mu'Var responded. He was beginnging to wonder just what he had wandered into. Double agents, spies, kidnappings, and he *still* had yet to figure out who was in this room with him.

"Why is he on this station? There's nothing of any tactical advantage located here." He said.

Slowly Rh'vaurek folded his arms and stared at the security officer for a very long minute, did the man have no nose for a conspiracy?

"The assistant is the one who wishes to save himself, to disappear having left a body that people will assume was his. No doubt he had a new identity ready to assume, and further business on the station ... but without an explosion he is stuck with a body. Let's move this wall panel and then we can ask Sulek whether or not he thinks there is anything of tactical advantage located here," Rh'vaurek suggested tightly.

"Ambassador, wait." Mu'Var said as he moved forward to begin removing the covering. The last thing he needed was to be responsible for a dignitary who was caught by a booby-trap. Mu'Var shifted through the coverings until a final panel was found. He struggled briefly before he was able to move it properly.

Once located the panel did not take long to remove, it came away in Rh'vaurek's hands and he laid it aside. He stooped and stepped through the hatch to find himself in long narrow space about a metre wide. The 'room' was filled with of containers and equipment, and a dead body. Stabbed and steeping in a pool of green blood that had oozed across a large section of the floor before congealing.

Mu'Var sighed softly as he saw the prone form. He immediately scanned the form, but the equipment within the area was successful in deny his device any accurate readings.

Though mottled and lifeless Rh'vaurek recognised the face from the file. "This is the medic, named Talar, age 52, reported killed in a skirmish during the Dominion War. Used that event as a way to disguise his defection," he rubbed his fingers over his chin. "But no Sulek. I heard him moving when we entered the back room. He's been dead for too long for it to have been him," he added with a nod at the corpse.

"So he is using this body to aide in his escape from station authorities?" Mu'Var stated as he checked the pulse to confirm that the man was dead.

Rh'vaurek nodded. "You're thinkng now. Another way out. You need to catch this man, Ensign, he's very dangerous."

Mu'Var nodded as he tapped his comm badge. "Security, issue a level 3 notice for an individual Vulcan Male by the name of Sulek. Last scene on deck 15. He is to be considered armed and very dangerous." Mu'Var said as he stood up.

"Ambassador, I believe it would be best for you to return to your Embassy while we handled this matter, we don't want to risk you being harmed." He stated as he scanned the immediate area for any weapons.

Rh'vaurek clapped a hand to his companion's shoulder, "Quite right," he said. "I will provide you with whatever information I can. There's something unnerving about having someone running around who used to be part of the Maquis," he added as he turned, "My government would not like it."

Mu'Var stopped as he stood. "Maquis? Wait, he was a member of the Maquis? I thought the Maquis were wiped out over a decade ago." he said to the Romulan Ambassador.

"Is a subversive organisation ever truly defeated? Even if the structure was eliminated the belief still exists among its former adherents, and it is the belief rather than the reality that motivates them. I dealt with the aftermath of the Shinzon incident, believe me, ideas linger; just because it is not said do not think it is gone. I told you I had a thorough background check, his mission may have been infiltration initlally, but Sulek went native."

"So then where the hell is this Pendergast character if his assistant is running amok unchecked in his absensce?" Mu'Var asked, not liking the direction all of this was beginning to turn.

"If I knew that I wouldn't have come after Sulek," Rh'vaurek said, though he was certain that Prendergast was dead, or soon would be, "He'll be able to answer that question, when you find him."

Mu'Var nodded as he stood up and began to head towards the exit. "I'll definitely find him alright." he stated.

"Happy hunting," Rh'vaurek muttered beneath his breath not entirely sure that Mu'Var was up to the job


Mu'Var Der
Security Officer (NPC - Thom)

erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol
NPC by Louise