Things Past – Heres' how it all began
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   Heres' how it all began
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Tue Aug 02, 2011 @ 10:50pm
Location   Star Fleet academy - Virginia Campus
Timeline   36 months ago

Martina was running late for class again, and she wasn't in the mood to get reprimanded. As she rounded the corner she came to a brisk walk, as she approached the door she saw the class room was empty, had she missed the class, or was there an exam she had just missed, puzzled she was about to take a seat when a tall thin man entered the room along with Professor Langavin.

"This is the young lady I was talking about." the Professor said

"Um sir did I do something wrong?" Marti said thinking she was sunk.

"No Ms Perth, you and your grades have come to the attention of this gentleman." He said gesturing to the visitor.

"That's interesting, who exactly is this person." Marti said looking at the visitor, he had long hair, and a goatee. she wondered who exactly is this person.

"Ms Perth I'm with field operations, I'm putting a special team together for an assignment at one of the deep space star bases, you have what I'm looking for, this isn't exactly an easy assignment, you'll be part of a regular intelligence department plus you'll also be pulling double duty working for a RED cell that I'll be heading up." The visitor paused "I've passed over officers with far more time in service to make this offer to you, so what do you say?"

"What exactly is RED cell to begin with?" Martina ask still unsure of what to do

"Rapid Emergency Deployment was established after the Cardassian war to deal with everything from prisoner extraction to the interception of Weapons of mass destruction, and occasionally terrorist activity." the visitor paused "A small number of the teams operate in the open as marine units, while others are composed of other specialties including medical, science, and intelligence."

"The team I'm assembling will be all intelligence officers along with an engineer and a medicine specialist, but I was short a forensic specialist and I didn't want someone from the normal security training program, and to be frank, most of your classmates don't cut it."

"I'm confused, I did one semester of security training and that makes me a candidate for your team?" Martina was really lost.

"Yeah, your file shows other than evidence collection you were a terrible security officer, but upon your arrival in intelligence you've been near the top of your class." The stranger said.

"Thanks, I think." Marti didn't know what to make of this visitor, he looked like a klingon pirate. "Who are you?"

"This Ms Perth is the some what infamous Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace, his test scores are still the highest ever recorded at this campus ever." Professor Langavin said.

"This pirate?" Marti suddenly wished she hadn't said that.

"I've been called worse cadet, so are you interested?"

"Sign me up." Marti said extending her hand

"Until I wrap up my current assignment keep on the straight and narrow until I call for you." He paused "Kurt it was good to see you again."


(Lt Cmdr.) Jarred Wallace
Special Assignment

Cadet Martina Perth

Professor Kurt Langavin