Beg, Steal or Borrow – The rookie
by Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace

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Title   The rookie
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace
Posted   Mon Mar 09, 2009 @ 1:48am
Location   Intelligence office
Timeline   sd8 1245hrs
The chief sat at the front desk, not much else he could do. Lt Gabriel was at the security office, Ensign Wallace was missing and most likely dead, and there he sat alone eating a replicated goat cheese salad. He looked up and saw a cadet walk in, ~oh goodie a cadet to babysit.~

"Can I help you Cadet?"

"Cadet 1st class Perth reporting for duty sir" she saluted

"Chief Petty officer Craig Ayers, welcome to DS5. you must be the young lady we've been waiting for. I'd make other introductions you can see theres no one else left in this department." Craig said with some irony. "Lt. Gabriel is covering for the missing security chief, and Ensign Wallace is missing in action. I can give you a tour of the office and see if I can nail Lt. Gabriel down long enough to say hi to you. you can store your gear over here in the storage locker until your quarters are sorted out."

"Umm, Chief is it always this chaotic around here?" the cadet said with some hesitation.

"Yeah it is, welcome to Starfleet kid, it you and me and the walls....."

His thoughts were interrupted by a light coming from Jarreds office, the older gentleman walked over too the door, "what the heck is going on here?"

"I don't follow Chief Ayers, it looks like someone left a recorded message on before they left, nothing serious."

The Chief Petty officer scowled and went over to the terminal. "Mr. Wallace musta been in a real hurry to leave this on, or maybe it was intentional" he poked a few commands into the computer and the encrypted orders appeared on screen.

"Ummm...Chief I don't think we're supposed to see this stuff, its level 5 classified!"

"Hush-up kid, we've got to get a copy of this to the Captain, its the mission profile for what Ensign Wallace was doing!"

The cadet knew that this was serious business. She'd been on the station all of 30 minutes and was already embroiled in her first mission; she figured she'd make an impression or at the least learn about the brig from the inside.


Cadet 1st class Martina Perth
Chief Petty officer Craig Ayers
(NPCs' played by Jarred)