Interlude – The press...again
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   The press...again
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Wed Jun 30, 2010 @ 10:23pm
Location   Romulan Consulate
Timeline   SD23 - Morning

Having showered after her workout with the Gai'Shian squad, Arrienye pulled on her clean, pressed uniform and headed to her office. Not paying attention to Nahir at reception, she simply picked up the padd with her day's schedule and headed to her office. Checking her first meeting she frowned. Another journalist. Why the hell did she agree to every appointment thrown her way? She asked herself this question as she made her way back to the reception area to see if this 'Ai'lani Elley' had arrived.

As it happened, he seemed quite on time and she found the bald man sitting on one of the chairs near the reception desk.

"Elley?" she asked, looking at the man expectantly. Ai'lani smiled brightly at the woman and stood up. "Arrain t'Merek," he said, resisting the urge to say he was happy to see her. She seemed like the type of Romulan who'd ask why and he honestly couldn't think of an answer.

Arrienye nodded, sizing him up. 'What's he so cheerful about?' she wondered, seeing his smile. Most people weren't very happy to be at the Consulate. But he was probably just working his 'winning smile' as some human males did.

"Come into my office, please," she instructed politely, turning and leading him to the room a few yards away.

Ai'lani nodded before following, glancing around the office discreetly. It didn't look too personal of a room, he noticed, which either meant she still hadn't gotten settled in or she liked to keep things very professional. Judging by the slight emotional signals he was getting from her, he guessed it was the latter.

"You may sit, if you wish," she told him, taking her own seat behind the broad desk. Crossing her legs once settled into the chair, she watched the man take a seat as well.

"How may I help you, Mr. Elley?" she asked him, though she knew his motives for coming. Probably the same as the journalist Whitlock before him.

"Well," he began, and Arrienye already dreaded having asked. She hated it when people began speaking their mind with a 'Well'. It usually ended with them jumping into a metaphoric one by the end of the conversation. But she didn't comment of course, finding it very rude to interrupt someone while they spoke.

"I am a photojournalist, and I was interested in seeing whether or not you would be willing to agree to an exchange of information," Ai'lani said tactfully, making sure to keep his gaze steady and confident, but not maintaining full eye-contact.

Arrienye raised an elegant eyebrow. "And what sort of information are you looking for?" she asked him. He wasn't as direct and brash as Whitlock had been, so she at least gave him a chance before kicking him out.

"Just your general opinion on the goings on on the station. If you're willing, I'd love to know some of your family history and how it might've impacted your career choice, but of course, that's entirely up to you," he assured her. "

"And why do you wish to know all this information?" Arrienye asked him.

"I'm not a classic journalist type, if I'm allowed to admit," he explained. "I'm more interested in people involved in a story than the actual story. And right now, I'm trying to find out the general opinion the inhabitants of Deep Space Five have of life on the station. I also greatly value first impressions and as I heard through a few people on the station, you are relatively new to the Consulate. So your views as both a member of the Romulan Consulate and as a newcomer on this Federation Outpost is of great interest to me and I'd love to include them in a story."

Arrienye nodded, listening. "And what information can you, in turn, offer me?" she asked him once he was finished.

Ai'lani took a moment before answering. "Any information you may be interested in that I can supply," he explained. "If you need someone to find something out for you in situations where you might not have time to do it yourself or need a third party to accomplish it," the Deltan trailed off, hoping she would accept.

t'Merek examined him, trying to decide if he was trustworthy, though knowing it would be impossible to tell at this point. "Why me?" she suddenly asked. "Why not the Ambassador?"

"Because you just pointed her out," he replied with a smile. Arrienye raised an eyebrow, not understanding quite what he meant. Seeing this, Ai'lani explained.

"Well, *everyone* goes to the Ambassador with their questions. And, while I completely respect the notion that she is the representative of the Empire on DS5, I feel that those who work under a person in such a high position have more unique, and often unheard opinions and views."

"Hm..." Arrienye just said with nod, understanding. "Mr. Elley," she began, having decided on her next action. "While I believe an exchange of information would be beneficial to us both, I simply must decline your offer on the notion that I do not have time to set aside in my schedule to participate in a thorough interview from you," she told him.

Ai'lani nodded in understanding before speaking again. "Well, Arrain," he began. "I hope you do not find this pushy, but there are alternatives to an actual interview," he offered.

Curious, Arrienye told him to continue. He nodded, relieved she hadn't told him to leave yet.

"Well, I was thinking you might be more comfortable with me sending you a questionnaire. I send you a list of, say, twenty questions and you may take all the time you need to answer before sending it back to me," he explained.

t'Merek didn't take long thinking his offer over. "That is acceptable," she told him with a nod, even giving him a soft smile of approval. She had to admit, he seemed much more warm and approachable than she'd expected. She felt strangely relaxed around him and, though the actual reason eluded her, she didn't give it too much thought.

Ai'lani smiled brightly and nodded. "I'm very glad to hear that. I will have the questions ready and sent to you by tomorrow morning," he promised. Arrienye nodded, then stood up, signaling that it was time to leave. Ai'lani stood up as well. Putting his hand on his chest, he gave her a respectful nod.

"Arrain, thank you very much for taking the time to see me," he told her politely.

"I was a pleasure meeting you," Arrienye admitted, nodding back. "And I hope our exchange of information will be beneficial to both of us," she said.

"As do I. Have a good day," Ai'lani said before taking his leave.

Waiting until he was out the door, Arrienye finally sat down to get back to work, feeling a little better because of the good start to the day.


Arrain Arrienye t'Merek


Ai'lani Elley