Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Fanning the Flames
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Fanning the Flames
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Fri Oct 31, 2008 @ 8:49pm
Location   Deck 141 - Administration Offices
Timeline   SD3 Midday (Backpost)
The room had a chill. The doors opened and closed constantly over the last hour and as soon as the warmth began to return, another shopkeeper would enter, holding the door open and asking 'Can you spare me a minute', or something along those lines.

Bryan was glad to see the Tellarite leave, he had bickered and argued that his shop front was one of the most prominent to display some illumination and had asked for more than his quota and despite the admin officer's refusal to give him a few more amps, he had still harped on until eventually, Bryan had called upon the administrative clerk who had sat with a grin on her face, listening to the debate, to help him resolve the situation.

She pushed back her chair, waltzed over, took the PADD, glanced down it, hummed then flashed her smile and had simply agreed to his request, killed the argument dead to which the Tellarite had grinned broadly and left. She looked at Bryan, cocked her head and smiled dully at him.

"Now why did you do that?" He asked, though he also had a grin on his face, "I was quite enjoying arguing with him, he didn't deserve that extra power." He wagged an accusing finger at her, though he was not really accusing her.

Mercy's dull smile developed a mischievous undertone. "And I was trying to get some work done! Besides, he'll deserve it if he uses it well! What's the use of giving it to folk who are half-hearted about it and won't make the effort!" she reasoned.

"By the way, are we going to see the Bajoran Garden illuminations? or is there some exciting nightclub that you had in mind for our departmental outing tonight?" she teased, half joking, half seriously hoping she could coax him into coming out, but being well aware that Bryan's heart was interested in a different direction than hers. He was never going to ask her out in a million light-years, but he might go, just to get a chance to get closer to the apple of his eye.

Bryan chuckled. Mercy had a whimsical way of looking at people of any persuasion, which may be why they got on so well, like brother and sister, though Bryan did his utmost to keep some of his secrets to himself.
"Aye, I suppose and now that he has been granted it, he will use it wisely." He spun about, his hand sweeping the counter as he half anchored himself and swung around to the other side, his shoulder now resting on hers.

"Nightclub! Moi! No thank you kind lady, I don't dig that scene no more." He teased, drawling out the words. "Why? Do you need you need an escort?" He nudged her, the grin becoming a broad smile as he flicked his head upward.

Mercy blushed and cursed herself for it, but than annoyance with herself just made it worse. She nudged him back as a distraction.

"And as for the Bajoran Garden Illuminations, I hear that the doctor himself is going to be singing!" He swooned his head backwards, looking at the topsy turvy face of Mercy.

"Singing? Does he sing?" she asked, going a little cross-eyed as Bryan turned what appeared to be somersaults with the top half of himself but somehow kept his feet on the floor!

"He's quite nice looking. Pity he's interested in that Chelsea. Why are all the nice ones taken or gay?" she lamented.

He uprighted himself at her tone, one of slight distress and regret. "Not all of us are." He said, as he pulled up a PADD, trying to disguise his playful undertones. "Gay or taken." He added as he noted the new power requirements for the promenade, ready for engineering. "So, have you got yourself anything nice to wear tonight, or are you going to wear that green ensemble you wore for the 'office' party?" He asked, remembering the low cut back and high fronted dress that he had remarked to Mercy, that she may have been wearing it back to front.

Mercy remembered the dress and the comment. She pulled a face at Bryan.

"I never did understand what your problem was with that dress. It was lovely! Well, several people complimented me on it anyway." her tone was slightly offended and her pout reinforced this.

"...but no. I wasn't going to wear that. I thought, if I'm going to catch myself one of those *not gay* but *nice* guys that you claim to be out there, I'd need something in either black or red.... or both, to attract attention." she continued.

Bryan dropped the PADD back onto the counter and his hand came to his hip in an odd stance as his eyes went skyward.
"Puleeaseee" He drew out the please in exasperation. "Black or Red? What sort of choice is that. That just spells hussy! You are too refined to drop your standards to that level. You are more Blue or Green. What sort of attention are you seeking?" He admonished knowing exactly what it was she wanted.

"Oh, I don't know, in general the type of men I'd like to look at me, usually have their eyes glued to some stunning woman in black or red. I'm not claiming to be stunning, but I'd be on the right track in a great dress" she reasoned.

He shrugged his shoulders, her reasoning held validity and if he were honest, she did have a great figure that most women would die for. He on the other hand, had absolutely no shape in his frame to hold on a decent suit.
He half turned away from Mercy, feeling her eyes burrowing into the side of his head, he knew had no way to actually dissuade whatever her mind was set to.

"Well, personally, I would look at you if you were dressed in a phaser box, but heck, that's just my opinion. If you want to wear eye-catching, why not a nice sequinned number, that would catch many a eye." He nodded to himself, hoping that he had managed to pull himself back from the brink of disaster and totally ruin their friendship in a discussion over dresses. He pretended to concentrate on another request, this one for extra opening allowance and being as it was a party night, he simply pressed confirmed and the bar owner would more than happy to pay the small sum that was charged for making a great deal more latinum than any other night.

"Why, what are *you* going to wear then?" she retorted, still determined to persuade him to agree to come out at least. On the same logic as the dress, getting him out at all was half way there.

He thought for a moment, before replying. "I think the Blue tux again, its the only thing that really sets off my eyes." He said, turning to face Mercy and fluttering his eyelids as he chuckled and headed off to the mens room, leaving Mercedes to contemplate her next response.


Chief Warrant Officer 2nd Class Bryan Surzchenko
Played by Tasha

Chief Warrant Officer 2nd Class Mercedes Denoublier
Played by Chelsea