Judgement – The Belly of the Beast
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   The Belly of the Beast
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Mon Jun 27, 2011 @ 3:00pm
Location   The Aescepalus
Timeline   SD 38, Immediately after caught in the spiders web

Lance followed Kendra to the end of the corridor and down a flight of stairs to the next deck. The stairs opened up into a corridor that was nothing but blank bulkheads, occasionally adorned with a framed piece of art on medical themes, before meeting a crossing corridor.

“The Lab is to the left,” Kendra whispered to him. “There’s usually a guard on it. Just as a precaution.”

"Do you have any weapons? A small knife?" Asked Lance.

She shook her head. "They're not that stupid. We're prisoners here, just as much as you are."

"Well that's a pity." Replied Lance as she turned away.

He grabbed the back of her head and smashed it into a nearby bulkhead. Knocking her out cold, a trickel of blood ran down from her browline. Nodding with satisfaction Lance scooped her up in his arms and made for the lab.

He rounded the corner and made straight for the gaurd at the lab door, "Hurry open up!! There's been an accident!" He shouted at the startled gaurd, Lance gestured at the unconcious woman in his arms who was clearly bleeding all over the deck.

The guard had heard the noise of the Orion's head cracking against the bulkhead plating, and had already pulled his phaser to investigate, saw Lance holding the unconscious woman, and naturally turned to open the door. his fingers flew as he punched the code in and stood still for a bio scan. Then the doors whispered open.

"Here help me with her." Lance instructed he boldly steped through the door like he owend the place. They laid the Orion girl out on a bio bed. "Hold her head still, she may have a neck injury!" Lance said. "NO! with both hands, like this!" The surgeon showed the man the correct grip. Lance began to rummage through a nearby cabinet of drugs, finding what he was looking for he set it in a hypo. Then stepped around the back of the gaurd who was concentrating intensly on holding Kendra's head perfectly still, and jabbed the hypo into the back of the mans neck.

The gaurd crumpled to the floor. Lance retrieved another vial from the cabinet and performed the same proceedure on Kendra. However this time it had the opposite effect. Her eyelids fluttered open. "Wha? What happened?" She asked feeling the growing lump on her forehead.

"The gaurd jumped us." Lance lied smoothly. "You got hit pretty hard, but I managed to take him. I persauded him to let us into the Lab." Lance smirked.

Kendra got down from the bio bed on wobbly legs, and glanced at the guard crumpled on the floor. Then she aimed a kick right into his crotch, and hawked a gob of spit onto him. "That was good. Lets see if we can find what they gave you. I saw Glaston's nurse load the cannister. The nanites were in a silver case, and the other stuff was taken from a box with a blue bottom and green top."

They set to work, knowing that it wouldn't be long until the missing gaurd was noticed. Lance quickly found the box she was talking about, he was only partly surprised to find that it wasn't marked bio-hazard. In fact it wasn't even locked away. He quickly extracted a sample and slid scanned it with a tricorder. He grunted with satifaction as his suspicions were confirmed. Then hastily packed everything back where he had found it. "We haven't got much time? Any sign of the nanites?" He asked. taking another look around. The lab was a veritable treasure trove of medical paraphernalia.

She shook her head. "Nothing. Maybe Glaston is keeping them elsewhere?"

"Dammit!" Lance swore. They were almost out of time.

"Look, you have the poison. Lets just get out of here!" Kendra was looking between him and the door frantically, aware it was only a matter of time before she was discovered missing.

Quickly they dragged the gaurd back to his post outside, Lance was pretty sure the drug he gave him would wipe out all trace of them in the man's short term memory. When he came to he would wonder how he fell asleep at his post.

They shut the labs doors behind them, hurried along the corridor to the turn, and stopped dead.

Waiting for them was Arthur Glaston and and awful lot of phasers. Security guards armed with type three phasers flanked the wheel chair bound man. Mr North stood to his left, one hand firmly in the hair of the other Orion girl. In the other he held a large and evil looking Breen disruptor. Laser guided target designators danced across Lance's chest, and came to rest in a circle over his heart.


A post Between

Doctor Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon
Deep Space 5


NPCs played by Notty