Unity – A Little Q & A
by Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   A Little Q & A
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Greo Tovon & Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sat Nov 28, 2009 @ 9:29pm
Location   Security Offices
Timeline   SD16 14:20

Gabriel couldn't see what was going on, but he knew that the sudden withdraw of several officers indicated that something significant was happening on the station. He had tried to get a status update, however the remaining guards were positioned on the outside of the brig.

His frustration was evident when he jumped to his feet at the sound of the outer doors opening. However, his eyes narrowed onto the man as he stepped through the door frame and into the area.

"What do you want?" He asked in a flat manner.

Greo had taken advantage of the fighting on the promenade and his new promotion to make his way to the holding cells. He had avoided people wherever possible hoping that no-one of consequence had seen him. He pulled the small device from his sleeve and attached it to the scientific tricorder. A quick press of a button and he stepped from the shadows of the doorway.

"That's better." He muttered, hoping more than knowing that the thing was working. "This is not a social call Gabriel, I've come to talk to you about a serious issue."

"The war is over, your people lost, what more do you need to know?" He replied flippantly to the Cardassian before him.

"Listen up idiot. My family were killed by Cardassians, and I had nothing to do with that war. So say what you will. Just get your facts right." Greo looked around the small cell the chief of security was slumped in. He was barely containing the rage that was building inside him. "Anyway I'm not here to indulge in more repressed Starfleet racism. I'm here to talk to you about the situation here on DS5. I need to talk to you about Lieutenant Tan."

~I knew I wasn't crazy,~ Dorian thought to himslf as he sat back down on his cot.

Dunham lay still in his cot in his dark cell. He had always felt bad about the 'chat' he had had with Gabriel about Tan. It had never sat right with him talking to security about a fellow starfleet officer and his odd behaviour. Even though Tan had asked Dunham some very odd question outside of either of their field of works.

So Dunham laid their in the dark gloom listening intently to the conversation. Wishing to himself that for once couldn't all species just get along. It shocked him a little at the level of racism coming from a superior officer. Dunham had joined starfleet as peace keeper and a hope that maybe in these changing times, in the aftermath of war, people could try and get on.

"Go on," Gabriel said, "What is it that you have to tell me?" he stated more than asked.

"I don't think so friend." Greo stepped closer to the cell, looking in at the man as he sat on his cot. The man that had been so brusk with him when he had first arrived, and by all accounts had offended pretty much everyone on the station. Closed lipped and closed minded.

"First of all I have a couple of questions for you Dorian. Namely what efforts have been made to find the saboteurs that were allegedly active during the Romulan attack? Also how far has the tricobalt device investigation progressed?"

Gabriel through for several moments before responding. "Hmm, or. . .you can go to hell and report back to your Handlers in that damn Embassy and tell them that whatever involvement they had in the attack, I'm going to find out." He responded. "Second, I'm the Chief of Security on this station and I don't answer to your kind." He added.

"My kind!?" Greo was really starting to get annoyed with the man now.

Gabriel shrugged, "I was going to say 'your department', but if you want to include your misbegotten race, then so be it." He said as he sat back down on his cot. "Now if we're done with the dumb questions, I want my original questioned answered: Why the hell are you down here?" He asked more pointedly.

~This is getting intense. Maybe I should say something? ~Thought Dunham to himself. remembering his recent conversation with the CAG about Lieutenant Commander Gabriel, and his sometimes species behaviour.

Greo stood staring at the Security Chief, locked in his own cells and didn't know whether to scream in defiant rage or laugh in mockery of the fool that thought he was still in charge. It was however true that this man was likely to return to his post in the near future and Greo was trying to make an ally rather than an enemy. He took a deep breath and rose above it, like he had so many times before.

"Fine. I came down here, Dorian, because I feel that I can trust just about no-one. It has got to the point with sabotage attacks, strange malfunctions and brawling in the streets that the only man I can ask for help is locked in prison. I thought I might be able to help you too, maybe back up your story."

He paced away from the cell containment field, noticing for the first time a sleeping figure in a nearby cell. He turned back and lowered his voice.

"While I was on the Leda investigating the wreckage of the Romulan starships, Tan stayed back in Ops monitoring our progress. He made several comments over the comms that make me feel he knew much more about the situation than he was letting on. It was almost as if he had seen this style of attack before, or maybe even seen it in a pre-event tactical assessment. I asked Dunham about the issue afterwards. He seemed to have similar doubts about Tan. Apparently he'd been asking odd questions of the fighter pilot."

Dunham winced in the dark. He had said exactly the same thing to Gabriel the next day. ~This is wrong.~ He thought to himself. ~Tan is good guy. I'm sure of it. I think.~

Gabriel knew that there was more to that officer than his personel report had led on. Now he had the concerns of other officers to confirm his doubts. "What are you saying, that Tan is some sort of spy?" Gabriel asked. He wanted to find out all that the Cardassian knew before he committed himself to any sort of plan. Even if Gabriel doubted the sincereity of Tan, he would still require more substantive evidence before he accepted a Cardassian's word over that of another human.

Greo checked his tricorder. The sensor scrambler had nearly reached the end of its cycle.

"Let's just say that I'm starting to feel that more people on this station have covert intentions than are letting on. I need to know what is going on in the investigation before I can make a proper assessment. Wouldn't you appreciate the help of the Science Department in your quest to reveal Tan for all he is?"

A sudden thought flashed through his mind.

"Perhaps I should subject his quarters to a short scan from the Tempus Array?" He said, almost to himself. He shook his head.

"So what do you say Gabriel. Do you want my help or not?"

"Fine, begin your scan of his quarters, but I want to be updated on the hour of ANYTHING that you discover. I don't even want Davies or that Desk-flying JAG-hack to know what is going on." he said.

"Right. Well this is a two-way street Dorian, I'll expect you to co-operate and not just try and bark orders around. That won't work with me." He noted that the 'jamming' device had finished it's diagnostice cycle. He switched to a more formal tone.

"Well it's good to see that you're okay Commander. I should probably head off, I have lots to do."

Greo turned and started to walk away, a small smile teasing the edges of his mouth. It wasn't exactly what he had expected, but it was a start. He slid the device off the tricorder subtly and placed it back into his sleeve. He knew the security chief would be a tough customer, especially after he had been publicly humiliated and imprisoned in his own brig. A wounded lion was a dangerous thing to annoy, but help that lion heal and you might get a staunch ally for the future. Here's hoping he thought as he left the holding area.

Gabriel still did not trust the Cardassian, but he knew that for the time being he was going to have to allow himt o be his eyes and ears.


Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron leader

Lt Cmdr Greo Tovon
Acting Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security