Things Past – Phone Home
by Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

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Title   Phone Home
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman
Posted   Fri Aug 29, 2014 @ 8:09am
Location   Guest quarters, deck 5, USS Cavalry
Timeline   SD 88

"You've been a good girl, right? Staying out trouble and minding your mother?"

The small, ginger haired girl nodded emphatically. +"Yes, Daddy. I'm the man of the house while you're with Drakty."

Blinking, Wyman fell into stunned silence as he regarded his daughter on the small monitor. Silently he shot a glance at Drakt, who was just out of sight. The Zarnac just shrugged. "That's not exactly true, baby; but run with that sentiment."

"Hey, I've got some folks here with me who want to say hi. You want to guess who they are?" Steve inquired, smirking slyly as his eyes drifted up to the trio of lizards waiting in the wings.

To her credit, Gwendolyn Wyman feigned trying to figure out the riddle. She was a very bright child, but it wouldn't take Sherlock Holmes to sleuth this one. "Drakty and An'ta and Miss Rhe'la?" she finally asked excitedly.

With that, the trio of officers moved around to the front of the monitor. "You really don't have to call me 'miss,' Gwen. I know you're being respectful, but I'm the youngest one here..."

"Oh, settle down, Miss." An'ta chided mockingly, knowing that his cousin felt old every time Gwen called her that. And it irked her that she was Miss Rhe'la, but he wasn't Mister An'ta. "She's a fine young lady, and you are her elder."

Hearing his fellow engineer grinding her teeth, Steve put a hand on her shoulder. "It's because you're an engineer like Mommy and I, so you're like a teacher to her. Her primary school teacher on the station is Miss Diana."

Drakt, meanwhile, was positively beaming. There wasn't much in this universe that could bring him joy, but his goddaughter was the lone light in the darkness. He would go through Hell and back for her without a moments hesitation. "Gwenny, are you studying hard and doing your schoolwork?"

Turning her attention from the bickering cousins, the little girl's face lit up at Drakt's attention. +"Yes, Drakt! I'm just sayin', but I'm the best in the class."+

"That is my girl. Now, your father will be bringing you back a surprise from us. So you need to continue minding your mother and completing your schoolwork - or I will tell him to give it to a child who deserves it." he explained gently.

At that, Steve leaned over and whispered into Drakt's tympanic membrane, "Ratchet back the negative reinforcement, buddy."

If Drakt could have blushed, he would have. "My apologies, Steven. I misspoke." he hissed back. Turning his attention back to the monitor, he clarified, "I will not actually do that. But I still wish you to be a 'good girl.'"

If Gwen's smile got any bigger, it would have torn off of her face. +"I will, Drakty!"+

"OK, baby; we've got to go. Drakt, An'ta, and Rhe'la need to get back to work. I'll talk to you soon. I love you." Steve almost had to wipe a tear from his eye; the worst part about this whole ordeal was being away from his little girl.

+"I love you, too, Daddy!"+

With that, the commlink closed, and Steve spun his chair around to Drakt and his cohorts. "So, what's this surprise, and am I going to need some sort of medical clearance to get it onto a transport?"

Drakt and Rhe'la exchanged knowing looks. "What would be the fun in it if we told you now?"

Lt Steve Wyman (at least - that was his rank at the time)
Chief Engineer
Deep Space 5

Also starring...

Gwendolyn Wyman (NPC)
Acting man of the house

Cmdr. Drakt
Chief of Intelligence
USS Cavalry

Lt. JG An'ta
Deputy Chief of Intelligence
USS Cavalry

Ens. Rhe'la
Structural engineer
USS Cavalry