Judgement – Help Is At Hand
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   Help Is At Hand
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Wed Nov 23, 2011 @ 2:27pm
Location   Sickbay - Trauma Centre
Timeline   SD 39 - 2000

****Copied pertinent paragraph or two ****

Engineering team,. Ens. Drake sticks his right hand in a place and it is severed at the molecular level. Direct pressure is applied to stop the gushing blood that goes everywhere. Kramer touched Drake’s Comm Badge. “Emergency Transporter System! This is Lt. Vincent Kramer. We have a medical emergency. Transport 1 to Trauma Care.” Before his very hands and face the body of Ens. Drake dematerialized.


**** The Medical emergency alarms in sickbay suddenly started going berserk ***


A man materialized on a biobed. He was wearing the gold colors of Engineering, but it was mostly covered in red. Even before he finished materializing, he was screaming. His left hand was gripping the severed limb of his right arm half way to the elbow.

Doctor Lance Murdoch came storming into the trauma center, "What the hell is all this racket??!!" He demanded before taking in the scene. "Shit!" He swore, "this looks bad! McBain get your ass in here and give me a hand!" He shouted, rushing forward to assist. Two steps later he realised what he had said and sniggered.

Ed arrived looking less than impressed to be spoken to like that, but he could see the reason for the urgency and forgot all about it as soon as he started to assist.

Indistinguishable sounds came from the man on the biobed, “Ah . . em . . my . . Ooooh. . . I can’t.” Then looking directly at the Doctor, Drake said erratically and loudly, “No Doc, No. Don’t give me arm. I’m not a Borg. Oh GOD! Not the BORG!”

"What the hell..?" Lance muttered to himself, then he shook the babbling patient violently "Dammit man! Get a Hold of yourself!! I'm a Doctor, not the Borg!" He snapped.

(( 1 minute following the first transport))

A woman (Ens. Kimshawn) holding a long pan in her hands transported into the room. She too was wearing the gold uniform, but mostly covered in blood, same as the wounded man. Not waiting for introductions, “Here is the hand of Ens. Drake. “ She showed them the shallow long pan with ice in the bottom and a right hand and cuff of the sleeve still in place.

"Put it in there!" Snapped Lance nodding towards a portable cryo unit. He was man-handling the thrashing Drake on the biobed. Quickly he pressed a hypo to his neck to sedate the technician.

After Ens. Kimshawn had set the pan down where the doctor had directed, she had stepped back out of the way. She took several deep breaths. She had been clear minded and had kept her wits about her during this crisis. However, now that Drake was being cared for by the Doctors, she evaluated the current situation. She cleared her mind, looked down at her appearance and saw all the blood that had been splattered across her uniform. She reached up and touched her face and then looked at her fingers. Red, clotted red. Her mind began to spin. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she crumpled to the deck.

The sound distracted Lance for a moment. Seeing the sheer volume of blood covering the ensign, Lance quickly checked her over, he quickly realised with disgust that she was fine, it was merely a faint. He stood up and grunted in distain. "Somebody move this before I trip over it." He grunted, paying no more attention to the unconcious woman.

(( 15 minutes later ))

Lt. Kramer walked into the Trama Centre and stoped just inside the doors to get his berrings. There wasn’t that much activity taking place, however all the medical personnel he saw seemed quite focused and busy. He looked down at his uniform and straightened it in a brushing manner. He had cleaned up quickly and put on a clean uniform prior to coming here. If he had shown up in his blood splattered uniform, they would have probably considered him in need of attending.

Finally a nurse walked up to him. “I’m Lieutenant Kramer from Engineering. I am here to check on one of my crewman Ensign Drake, Ens. William Drake.“

She raised a hand to shop him from continuing further with the explanation and said, “I will inform the Doctor that you are here.” And then pointing to the chairs by the door before she walked away and turned a corner and was out of sight.

Vince had no desire to sit and wait, though he knew better than to enter the medical area, going room to room looking for his man. So, he stood there and crossed his arms watching the medical staff walk to and fro. After only a minute he saw someone he recognized. It was Ens. Kimshawn being walked to the exit with the nurse at her side. Kramer asked, “Kimshawn, are you all right?” Kramer noticed that she was still covered in blood, though her face and hands had been cleaned up.

The Ensign didn’t say anything, with the tips of her fingers on her lips and looking down.

With a comforting arm around Ens. Kimshawn, the nurse said, “She had a little too much reality.” Patting her shoulder a little, “She’ll be alright. She just needs to rest for now.”

“I understand,“ was Kramer’s simple reply. Reaching out with his hand, he lifted Ens. Kimshawn’s chin, for her to look at him. He said reassuringly, “You did well, today. You kept your wits and helped save Drake’s life.”

This made Kimsawn smile softly and with nothing more said she walked away from the nurse’s care, on out of the medical bay.

Kramer then turned and asked once more of the nurse, “Can I see my man now?”

A look of irritation came over the nurse’s face, placing her hands on her hips. Without a word she walked over to a nearby console and brought up a display of the operation taking place. “Here is Ensign Drake.” She began to explain, “Doctor Murdoch is doing a fine job of reattaching his arm.” Looking at Kramer, “Did you cause this?” She asked accusingly.

“No Ma’am.” Was the immediate response from the Engineer.

“This is a very complex operation.” She said looking very serious, “This may take a couple more hours.” Then looking at him trying to size him up, she said, “If you are going to wait here, then stay out of the way and keep quite.” emphasizing the last point. Not waiting for a response, she turned and went about her tasks.

Kramer was set aback by such austerity. He glanced again at the display of the operation taking place. “Alright, I guess I’ll come back in a bit.” He said to himself. “No reason to sit on my hands all day.”

(( Operating Biobed 3 hours later))

Lance eye'd his handiwork with a degree of satisfaction; he was re-attaching individual veins, arteries, and muscle fibers. It was some of the most delicate surgical work imaginable. The process was incredibly time consuming and intricate. There were few surgeons in the quadrant who could perform this level of detailed work. In places such as the severed nerves Lance had to resort to using a cellular regenerator to ensure that the Ensign would regain the full use of his hand. In centuries past this wouldn't even have been an option.

The nurse entered the area where Dr. Murdoch was operating. “I’ve sent our fainting Ensign home for the day. She’ll be fine.”

Lance grunted, the ensigns little display earlier had cost him valuable time while he attended to her, aside from providing an obstruction on the floor of the OR. Anybody who fainted at the sight of blood completely failed to impress him. "Good for her." He said absently, whilst focusing on his work.

“A Lt. Kramer has asked to see Ens. Drake, here.” Pointing to the patient. “I told him, he’d have to wait.” She stated confidently.

"You're damn right!" He snapped. Stepping back from the patient, he waved a gloved hand at Drakes wrist. The difference from when the ensign had arrived was remarkable. A thin hard red line marked the only evidence of the terrible wound. And once the effects of the dermal regenerator wore off, even that would fade with time. Already color was returning to the re-attached appendage.

"The next few hours are crucial!" Lance said. "He is to be kept in an induced coma for at least the next 12 hours. The entire limb below the shoulder is to be kept immobilized." He eye'd Drakes hand again, snapping off his own gloves whilst he did so. "I've restored the blood flow, but we need to monitor for potential clots or internal bleeding. Furthermore, we won’t know until he wakes up what possible nerve damage remains and I won’t risk tearing any newly formed tissues, muscles fibers or blood vessels." The surgeon said, the commanding tone of his voice indicating this was non-negotiable.

McBain nodded. He set about the precautions and set in place the necessary protocols to ensure it happened precisely.

The nurse looked from Dr. Murdoch to the patient and smiled slightly, “We’ll monitor him very carefully, Doctor.” Looking at the line on Drakes arm under the regenerator, she said, “You’ve done a fantastic job, Doctor.”

"I know. I'm awesome." Lance replied, casually tossing his bloodied gloves in the general direction of the waste diposal unit. They missed and landed on the floor. Lance ignored them and sauntered out of the OR quietly humming, "Dem bones."


A Post Betweeen
Dr Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon


Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering


NPC by Kramer


C P O Ed McBain
Senior Nurse by Chelsea