We All Fall Down – Reversal
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Reversal
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Tue Nov 25, 2014 @ 8:25pm
Location   Captain's Office
Timeline   WAFD MD03 13:00
Si'Lar Trellis sighed contently as he locked his eyes on the pot of Regelian Coffee that was waiting for him in the office. It was just what he needed. He walked over to the pot and pour a glass for himself. It did not completely stop his headache, but it at least help ease his suffering to a significant degree.

He fell into a nearby chair and quietly began compiling his report. Ever since he had been demoted in position, his responsibilities had changed. The new "Ensign" had deemed it necessary for Trellis to put his experience to work and draft a report for the entire department and leave it on his desk, as if he was a school boy with a book report! In his own opinion, he had done a great job keeping the station safe despite the horrible mess that Dorian had left it in. That reminded him. . .why was Dorian back on the station anyhow? Perhaps if he wasn't stuck in this pointless meeting, he'd be able to actually investigate it.

=^= Lieutenant Trellis, could you report to Commander T'Vaurek's Office with immediate effect=^= the Commander's Yoeman requested - how ever was he going to take this?

Si'Lar Trellis received the communique as he sat at his desk. He was still finishing up his report explaining how the previous Chief of Security had fallen ill as a result of the virus going around the station when he received the call.

=^= "Trellis here, I'm on my way." =^= He immediately responded.


Humble pie, wasn't that the human expression? It had not been Isha's choice to remove Trellis but it was hers to re-instate him. No doubt he would assume both decisions were hers but she could live with that.

She stood looking out of the window, composing what she was going to say to the officer when he arrived. The door chime alerted her and she said, "Come in."

Trellis stepped into the room and immediately stood at attention. "Reporting as requested, Commander." He said dutifully.

"Lieutenant Trellis, I understand that Harris has been taken seriously ill and is unlikely to make a full recovery," Isha said. She continued without waiting for a response. "We do not have time to wait for instruction from Starfleet therefore I have chosen to re-appoint you as Acting Chief of Security."

Trellis nodded affirmatively. "Yes ma'am, I will continue to carry out my duties to the best of my ability." He said, however there was a slight hesitation in his voice indicating that there was more to say.

"Is there some problem, Lieutenant?" Isha asked - his manner suggested there was.

"Well ma'am. . .at what point will I be appointed *the* Chief of Security for this station?" He asked directly.

Isha pursed her lips before she spoke. "Ultimately that will be the decision of Starfleet," she told him, "it is in recognition of your continuing dedication despite the circumstances that I want you to continue in the role. Whether or not Starfleet will ratify that decision, I cannot tell."

Trellis began to press his lips to respond, but nothing came out. Deep down inside he felt like there was more to argue; howver, he hesitated at the thought of contradicting his commanding officer. He decided that it was better for him to accept his orders and move forward.

"Y-yes ma'am." He stated.

Isha nodded in acknowledgement. She was about to dismiss him but she added one more thing. "If your ... 'stress' ... levels are troubling you I suggest you seek professional help. Starfleet will view that action positively," she said, hesitating to speak openly of the unspoken problem that hung in the air whenever Trellis was near.

"No ma'am, that will not be necessary. I'm fully capable of dealing with any problems that may arise." He said without turning around as he made his way out of the Commander's office.

Isha raised an eyebrow but she would say nothing further for now. It was her only warning - any complaints would not be met with tolerance.


Commander Isha t'Vaurek


Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security