We All Fall Down – The Stakes on a Steak
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw

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Title   The Stakes on a Steak
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Chief Executive Officer Wayne Bradshaw
Posted   Sun Aug 17, 2014 @ 11:05am
Location   Bradshaw's Office
Timeline   WAFD: Day 2. 10:00
It had been four years. In that time the small heard had thrived on Cariel III, and appeared to be interbreeding with a native form of livestock.

Without Bradshaw's assistance all those years ago it would still be a sparse land. She wanted to meet him again to say thank you at the very least.

Wayne had not been really expecting anyone on this particualr day and infact was even considering leaving early since there was really nothing he had to do. His since of duty though would not let him leave and so he found himself in the small seating area with a glass of scotch looking at the plaque that held his parting gift from the Division and thinking back to his time with them. So engrossed in thought was he that he did not hear the comm unit chime until the third ring.

"Yes what is it?" he asked curtly.

"Sir there is a Isha T'Vaurek here to see you." Said the receptionist from the lobby

" Alright I will be right down," said Wayne flatly though his first thought was what was the stations new commander coming to see him for and why had the receptionist not used her rank he would have to have a talk with her when he was done with the meeting. he walked to the lift and took it down three floors to the lobby

"Commander T'Vaurek what can I do for you this fine day?" He asked as he walked across the lobby and extended his hand to the only woman in the lobby.

"I think you know me by the name t'Khellian. We've done business in my past," she said though her long and heavy hair was now gone.

"I remember it was one of the first deals I did after taking over a rather large heard of cattle if I remember right." Said Wayne thoughtfully. "Though maybe you would like to have this meeting in my office rather then here in the lobby" Said Wayne as he gestured toward the lift he had taken to get down here

"It would be preferable," Isha said as she stepped into the lift.

A few seconds later and the pair were in Wayne's private office. "can i offer you a drink?" Asked Wayne as he went to the small bar and poured himself a drink.

"Water, please," Isha said, "I'm never off duty, and I hope to see my children again today."

"Ok then water it is." Said Wayne as he brought the two drinks over to the small sitting area. "Alright commander now what can I do for you today or is this a social visit." Wayne had dealt with valcuns before and they seldom paid social visits to anyone outside of their own families.

"You really don't remember me, do you?" Isha said, "the herd you sold me have thrived," she added to see if that would jog his memory past her channge in appearance.

"I am sorry commander I have sent out several herds of cattle over the last several years and done more business deals then I care to count. I remember doing a deal with a vulcan shortly after I took over the company. It was for a sizeable herd of cattle and the person I delt with was definately vulcan but aside from that one deal I never did another with that colony. I figured that something had happened either to the herd or to the colony." Said Wayne as he thought back over the last several years.

"I was a Romulan then, and for now I still am," Isha rerplied pausing to sip her water. "I wanted to thank you for the support team you leant to us. The cattle seem to have adapted well to the climate. I've a report if you'd like to review it at your convenience. In doing business I've always found that honest feedback pays dividends."

Perhaps he really did think I was Vulcan back then, Isha mused.

"Romulan," said Wayne slightly shocked at what she had said but he quickly schooled his face so as to hopefully not show his shock.

After all that deal was done well before he really started dealing with the Star Empire in a meaningful way.

"You're right. Honest feedback is always helpful and appreciated when it comes in." he added as he took the report. "Though I did wonder why I did not get other business from your colony."

Isha nodded. "The herd did well, and with guidance, a small hardy native species was able to interbreed. They're doing even better. I'm now exporting to the core. I thought it only decent to offer you a share in the venture now it is established."

"Really I am honored that you would consider making such an offer. All things considered I would be happy to enter into this venture. You have the commodity and I have the shipping if you need it. Draw up the papers and I will sign them," said Wayne calmly.

"Very well," Isha replied, not entirely sure if Federation ethics would question a commanding officer entering into a business venture with a resident. But that was for another day.

"Was there anything else you wanted to discuss commander?" Asked Wayne calmly from his seat

"That's all for now, Mister Bradshaw," Isha said with the slightest undertone of amusement.

She rejoined her escort outside.

Wayne Bradshaw
CEO Bradshaw Intergalactic Incorporated