Unity – Alone
by (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   Alone
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Sat Apr 17, 2010 @ 10:03am
Location   Romulan Consulate/ Personnel quarters - tr'Tahn
Timeline   SD17 - 06:00
Like an alarm clock had gone inside his mind, Maiell was suddenly conscious of himself lying in his bed. He took a deep breath, pressing his face into his pillow, fighting that consciousness. Stirring a bit, his hand reached out instinctively to the other side of the bed, yearning to feel that soft, warm presence next to him. But, as usual, his warm caress was met with only the harshness of the smooth, cold, white sheet and the depressing appearance of the untouched pillow that was next to his own. Letting out a sigh, the Romulan male turned to lie on his back, staring up at the ceiling.

He stayed this way for what must have been at least half an hour, but to his absent mind, Maiell felt it was no more than five minutes. He slowly gathered some strength to get going and eventually pushed himself up, throwing his legs over the side of the bed to sit. Resting his elbows against his thighs, he entwined his fingers together, relaxing his mouth against the knuckles. He needed a rest, something even his sleep didn't give him anymore. Or perhaps it did, but his mind just wasn't aware of it. His burdening thoughts of the past seemed to weigh on him even in his dreams and he usually woke up with a sore neck and shoulders.

He looked down at his bare abdomen, a small part of his thoughts still waiting to see the slender arm of his mate wrap itself around it, her sweet voice asking him to stay in bed. But that part of him was slowly giving way to the automation his entire self was slipping into. Still, it was strong and that morning he could almost feel the warmth of her skin against his flesh. He gathered his strength from the anger that built inside him at that thought and pushed himself up from the bed, heading to the bathroom he shared with his roommate.

The small apartment was seemingly deserted and Maiell had no idea where his aforementioned roommate was. Not that he much cared, but the questioning thought seemed to force itself through his mind. He walked into the small bathroom, tossing his clothes into the laundry unit before getting into the shower, activating the water option. Somehow the feel of warm water mixed with a fragrant wash left him feeling a little more refreshed. He washed himself quickly and efficiently before stepping out. Turning around, he instinctively took to washing the shower. He was always the considerate type, something he knew people often took advantage of. But it didn't matter; not anymore. So he didn't fight it.

Finished, he grabbed a towel to dry himself off before tossing it to join his worn clothes in the laundry unit. Looking into the mirror, he saw the condensation from the warm shower covering it, so he retrieved another towel to wipe it off. His hand moving over the glass in a smooth motion, his breath caught in his throat as the image of S'anra looked back at him in the reflection, as if standing behind him. He dropped the towel, turning around. But of course, he saw no one. Just like he saw no one every other morning this happened. He often thought he was going crazy, but he was over those thoughts now. Instead he dreaded the thought of her; something he couldn't help but hate about himself. It was like the image was taunting him and he wished she would go away.

These thoughts occupied him completely and he wasn't even aware of getting dressed in his casual clothes. There was no shift for him this morning, so he figured he'd go work out, try to exert himself in the hope that it would make him so exhausted he wouldn't even dream. But, after three years of waking up like this, he had settled the fact with himself that she would never leave him.

Or maybe she would; which somehow seemed even worse.


erie'Arrain - Sub-lieutenant Maiell tr'Tahn
Security officer
Romulan Consulate
((NPC by Arrienye t'Merek))