Unity – Going Home, but Where the Hell is Home, Anyway?
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Going Home, but Where the Hell is Home, Anyway?
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Fri Jan 29, 2010 @ 9:56pm
Location   CAG's Office
Timeline   after "Somewhere I Don't Belong Anymore"

Rianni had made her way to the flight deck quickly after her conversation with Rh'vaurek ended, she needed to start getting things packed up and underway, not to mention getting the foundation laid for Dunham to replace her as CAG. Rick was a good man, she enjoyed his company and just enjoyed him as both a pilot and a person. She looked out of her office window and her pilots and technicians busying themselves for patrols and inspections and God knew what else, ~Leaving this place is going to be hard, but it's for the best.~

She knew she couldn't really delay this much longer, she needed to go ahead and take care of this, rip the bandage off so to speak, =^=Monteros to Dunham, can you meet with me in my office for a moment.=^= ~Time to let him know the good news. At least I know my people are getting a great CAG, someone I can count on to run my unit my way and take care of my people.~

Dunham got up from behind his desk and headed over to the replicator, he ordered a black coffee, after it materialised on the replicator pad, he took a sip and headed over to his office window. The view from his window looked down onto the main hanger bay of star fighter wing. On the deck, fighter crews and deck hands swarmed around large attack fighters like ants, checking weapons, shields and armour, each member of personnel moved with purpose and professionalism. Hanging above the main flight deck was a series of metal girded walk ways, Lieutenant Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian walked along one such walk way towards her office, something in her stride indicated that something was wrong.

He paused contemplating going over to speak with her when his comm went off =^=Monteros to Dunham, can you meet with me in my office for a moment. =^=, Dunham pressed the button of his comm, =^= Yes Ma’am =^= he said. Soon he was heading to her office and standing in the entrance waiting to cross the threshold. “You wanted to see me?” he said trying to look relaxed.

"Yeah, grab a seat, Rick." Rianni smiled, "I've got some good news for you."

Dunham took a seat opposite the lieutenant commanders desk trying to relax a little, he couldn’t help shaking the feeling that something was up. He took a stick of gum from out of his pocket, unwrapped it and starting chewing on it fervently. “What kind of good news” he said with a smile.

"This is about to be your office." Rianni said with a melancholy smile, "I'm going to be stepping down, resigning my commission, and I've put you in to replace me upon my departure."

Dunham paused for a moment his mouth hanging open in surprise, the chewing gum almost falling out of his gaping hole, he slapped himself across the face to pull himself out of it, “Urrrrmm with respect, are you out of your god damn mind? Why the hell would you want to do that?”

"This...it just isn't for me anymore." Rianni replied, a little sadness in her voice, "I've realized I don't belong here and never really did. It's nothing against any of you in the wing, you've all been great to me and I'll never forget that, but there's just no place for me amongst humans."

Dunham raised his eyebrows in exasperation, it was time to take some action, he got up off his seat took Riannia hands in his, got up and marched her to the office window that like his looked down onto the hanger bay below. He put one hand on her shoulder, with the other he pointed down to the men and women below, “Not just humans but Vulcans, Bolians, Andorians, Tellerites, Betazoids, to name but a few, and every single one of them is like family. To hell with the Federation, to hell with Starfleet, Fighter Wing needs you; every single one of those people down there needs you and respects you, hell I need you. You are their CAG, know one else, you. All of us here from the deckhands, to fighter pilots, were a family.....were your family, don’t go"

To be continued...........


Lieutenant Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
CAG / Wing Commander


Lieutenant Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader