Deception: The lesser part of Valour – Arrival of a Vulcan. Pt 2
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Arrival Alexandria Marshall

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Title   Arrival of a Vulcan. Pt 2
Mission   Deception: The lesser part of Valour
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Arrival Alexandria Marshall
Posted   Fri Nov 14, 2008 @ 5:47am
Location   Promonade
Timeline   MD 1755 hrs

T'Lan diverted her attention back to the task at hand, finding the Captain of the Starbase and delivering her orders to relieve the current Executive Officer. T'Lan spoke. "Computer, what is Captain Tasha Tahir's current location?"

"Captain Tahir is currently in Sickbay." One of T'Lan's eyebrows raised, normally Sickbays were the last place Starfleet Captains were found in. She held onto her duffel as she made her way to sickbay.


Dorian had observed the new officer from his favorite spot along one of the upper pylons on the Promonade. Dorian had always found it relaxing and informative to simply "people watch" amongst the Promenade. During his time as a Security Officer he had become accustomed to standing in one spot and patrolling an area. However, now as an Intelligence Officer, he found that it was a much more acceptable way of blending in with the crowd and observing.

Observing such things as the new Executive Officer as she began to find her way around her new home. New officers were always interesting to observe because they never knew just how to fit the flow of a station. Onboard a starship there was no room for errors because everything had to work in tandem to keep the ship moving. Not here, here the station controlled itself and officers were merely along for the ride. Still, Dorian was a bit put off by the influx of Command-level officers that continued to fly through the station. He wondered how long this one would last.

"Evening," Dorian said as he slid along side the stoic officer.

"Good Evening Lieutenant." T'Lan said simply.

"Hmm, let me guess. You are the new ringmaster that Starfleet Command sent to watch over the station during the Captain's departure?" he asked as he observed the woman.

T'Lan's eyebrow raised. "I have been assigned as this base's Executive Officer. And I do not recall a command position known as ringmaster."

"That's a shame, because that's exactly the skill-set you'll need to handle this motley crue." he replied. "Just from my observations alone, this station is in need of firm structure." He stated. "I wanted to introduce myself to you while I still could." He said, attempting to divert the conversation to a different direction.

"I am Lt. Commander T'Lan, and you must be Lt. JG Dorian Gabriel?" The Vulcan replied simply. "I have had the chance to familiarize myself with the senior staff while onboard the runabout."

"Well, that is interesting that the personnel database remains updated so frequently, it is no secret that CO's and their XO's don't last long around this station. Within the past 6 months we've been thru at least 3 XO's. One violently committed suicide during a station attack, another one got promoted and the last one. . .well, we haven't been informed of what happened to the last one." He replied.

"I assure you Lieutenant, I do not believe I will be leaving anytime soon. I find it surprising that one of the former Executive Officer's Contemplated Suicide. Most illogical. I will have to review the Counseling Department's performance." The Vulcan stated.

"Counseling Department?"He asked, "For the majority of this station a bottle of Romulan Ale is all the counseling that they receive or require. " he added.

T'Lan raised her eyebrow. "So this crew prefers illegal intoxication as a means to cope with emotional trauma? I believe I will have to speak with Security on that topic too."

"Since you are going to be running this station for a good bit, what plans do you have to deal with the recent terrorists attacks we've experienced on the station?" He inquired.

T'Lan noticed where the conversation was headed. "I intend to see these terrorists brought to justice." She examined the Intelligence Officer. "I know of your reputation with Starfleet Lieutenant. Many have submitted concerns about your methods. I would also advise that you refrain from referring to the crew as 'Motley.' Your quarters are the acceptable scene for your opinions Lieutenant. Am I clear on this matter?" Vulcans did not openly get upset, but they did so passively. T'Lan was not an exception.

"Really?" He said feigning surprise. He was well aware of the reputation that had developed during his tenure here, but he was not concerned. He was here to do a job, not make friends. "I'm afraid you have suddenly caught me by surprise, I was not aware that there had been any sense of displeasure with my performance." He added. "Exactly, who has "submitted concerns" about my methods?" He inquired.

"That is Confidential Lieutenant." T'Lan stated.

"Come on now, Lieutenant Commander, you and I both know that the rules of a station are much different than that of a starship. You have to maintain a firm hand at all times, or else you'll have the calamity and chaos that erupted earlier today during the festival." He said as he began to move away from his previous light-hearted tone and began to become more serious.

T'Lan's eyebrow raised. "And how would a 'firm hand' remedy the current situation with these terrorists attacks? Need I remind you that Starfleet exists to maintain the peace?"

"We're not the Peace Corps or the Merchant Fleet. Our duty is to protect the Federation, if a few insignificant individuals are inconvenienced in the process, than so be it. I believe it was your own kind that said the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." he responded.

"A philosophy that has been constantly debated Lieutenant. I believe I must locate Captain Tahir." She turned toward the turbolift. "One more thing Lieutenant. You will express your concerns to me within my office, and I do not approve of this type of discussion on the promenade. If a few 'insignificant individuals' are inconvenienced in any way Lieutenant, I will not be pleased with you." T'Lan stated as firmly as she could before turning toward the turbolift.

"By your Command," Dorian said with a smirk after she was out of ear-shot. He had sized her up and realized that she was trapped with her own walls of logic and conformity. It would be interesting to see how she responded to the rest of the station.

Lieutenant Commander T'Lan
Executive Officer

Lieutenant J.G. Dorian Gabriel
Chief Intelligence Officer.