Judgement – Lancet - Medical Journal
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch

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Title   Lancet - Medical Journal
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Lieutenant JG Lance Murdoch
Posted   Sun May 29, 2011 @ 10:47am
Location   Lt. Murdoch's Quarters
Timeline   SD37 - Just After Lunch

Chelsea returned to duty after her lunch-hour with Rick, Bridget and Edward but on her way back to Sickbay she called in to see Dr. Murdoch. She rang the chime and waited to be invited in or sent packing.

She couldn't be sure which reception she might get but the one thing she *was* sure of was that she wasn't Lance's favourite person since she had suspended him from active duty. She was here hoping to be able to take that off now, if she could get to talk to him.

The CMO knew that Lance was a damn good surgeon but she also knew the two of them were going to have to work on their professional relationship otherwise Sickbay could descend into havoc. It was Chelsea's guess that Lance was testing her, trying to push her buttons and test the boundaries. Chelsea had done what she hoped would show him those but whether she was right or wrong, would become apparent in the conversation they were about to have any second now. It was an important discussion for both of them.

"Enter" Lance called. He was hanging from a gym device by his feet, doing vertical sit-ups. He unhitched himself and turned to look at Chelsea, grabbing a bottle of water and a towel in the process. 'This should be interesting.' He thought to himself.

"What can you do for me Doctor?" He asked.

Chelsea smiled at the way he had turned the usual expression around. "What would you *like* me to do for you, Doctor?" she responded with affability. "In a professional setting of course" she added with a grin, keeping the conversational light and jocular.

Lance fixed his boss with a pointed stare. "What I 'want' is to be returned to active duty. What I want is to me allowed to do my job without being meddeld with" He took a long swig of water from the bottle. Then looked back at Chelsea with a raised eyebrow. "Are you here to give me what I want Doctor?"

"No, Lance. I'm not interested in what any *one* person wants to be *given* when he's not talking to me about what he wants to give back. We're not here with a catcher's mitt on both hands. Or at least, we shouldn't be.

I'm here to find out if you're ready to earn yourself a place in a department of professional, self-disciplined, considerate, well-mannered, respected carers, doing their level best to provide a top-drawer, second-to-none medical service to the Starbase on which we *SERVE*." Chelsea answered.

Lance nearly spat his mouthfull of water out he was laughing so hard. "Good one, Doc!" He replied. "But seriously. Whyt are you here?"

"If that's still your attitude then I have no idea why I'm here. Perhaps I'm the eternal optimist. Lance.. you're an officer. You have to behave like one. If you can't, you'd better go and join a civilian hospital somewhere in the Gamma quadrant where it's all *new frontier* and people can be uncivilised with each other." Chelsea sighed.

"However, here on DS5 I cannot have my staff assaulting their senior officers, the way you did with Lt. Kensington. I cannot have my other staff harassed and picked on, the way you did with Dr. Stapleton. I cannot be dealing with complaints about your attitude which I have received from several others, not to mention my own dissatisfaction with having your boots on my table and your flagrant disrespect in my face." she ticked his misdemeanours off on her fingers.

"I know you're good at what you do, but we have other skilled surgeons - ones who don't hit people. I'm pretty damn good myself, not that you would know, seeing as you never bothered to find out what sort of Doctor I am before you started challenging me; pushing my limits with your acting up. I repeat...... I'm not here to talk about what *one* person wants to be *given* if he's not talking to me about what he wants to give back."

Lance fought hard to suppress a yawn. Lectures bored him. "Fine. I'll march to your drum like a good little soldier. Just tell me what I have to do, to get back on active duty." He replied.

"I've said it all twice already.... and that's just today. You went to the Academy, right? You took 101. I'll see you at 08.00 in Sickbay for the start of your probationary period. Check in with me any time you feel confused about how an officer behaves and again at the end of each shift and we'll discuss how you got on." Chelsea smiled. "Don't look so worried, I don't bite if you don't."

Lance nodded to her as she made her way out of his quarters. This didn't sound like it was going to be fun at all...


A JP between:

Cmdr Chelsea Adams
CMO & 2CO - DS5


Doctor Lance Murdoch
Head Surgeon
Deep Space 5