Cascade – I dreamed a dream in time gone by.
by Lieutenant JG Malak Muz

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Title   I dreamed a dream in time gone by.
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Malak Muz
Posted   Mon Mar 11, 2013 @ 2:38pm
Location   Crew Quarters .... Maybe
Timeline   SD71 0300
The man walked down the corridor - very prim and proper. He didn't always believe in being this way, but sometimes. One of many former hosts would do so - it was a habit he could sometimes slip into. he slowly made his way around the bend, looking at the consoles. It was so odd for this part of the station to have a more vibrant color of grey. It reminded him of the Intrepid class ship. He wondered why they would design a small section like that.

He stopped at a wall panel and opened it up. The all black uniform with red shoulders barely catching his peripheral. Wait a second, Why is he wearing an older uniform? Ugh, He needs to stop being groggy. He continued tapping, his body not paying any mind to his thoughts. He had work to do after all. The schematics of a class 9 warp drive coming up. Hah.. that was ironic - Class 9 warp drive.. Same Warp Core that's on a ship that has bulk heads like this.

He turned all of a sudden as he heard a voice. His eyes focusing in on a man in the older styled uniform - his shoulders adorned yellow. It was security. He wondered why everyone was wearing the wrong uniform. He could hear himself having a conversation with the man - but couldn't make out the words. It didn't really seem important.. well until he felt his hand reach for his phaser, draw it and fire on the man.

He began to feel panic - but watched helplessly as he turned back to the console and began to tapp more vigorously. He couldn't stop what he was doing. It was only a few minutes later before he tapped his own compin twice and the blue mix of sparkles came in as a site to site transport occured. He was now in the Armory.. A ship's Armory.

The man moved forward and kneeled as he began to tap at a console. A door opened up exposing Micro Charges. He quickly took them out and set them through out the room - one minute time delay. He had to move quickly.. Why was he doing this? Another double tap and the beaming occured again.

He was now in a cargo bay.. The Red Alert Klaxons suddenly came on. Damn.. He had to move fast. Wait, why was he upset by that? He had to be caught.. What was he doing!? He watched his arms pull out a tricorder and go over the crates that he was in. His hand hitting his compin.

"Tejal Muz to Jiran.. I'm in.. Prepare to beam me out.." Tejal!? One of his former hosts!!! What the hell.. Tejal was dead. It was only a few seconds more and the ship shook as the detonations started to occur and the beaming occured again.. This time off the ship..

"NO!" Malak shot straight up in his bed.. He was covered in sweat, dripping. He looked around cautiously.. as if not trusting his senses. He glanced down at his abdomen with a frown and patted his stomach roughly - as if to chastise the symbiont. He slowly breathed out and laid back down, with a shake of his head as he turned on his side. He needed to get sleep.


Malak Muz
Starfighter Wing Executive Officer