Beg, Steal or Borrow – Shocks and Surprises
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   Shocks and Surprises
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Wed Aug 19, 2009 @ 8:07am
Location   Security Office
Timeline   SD 9 - 19:25 hrs
Alexia had begun to familiarize herself with the staff and the systems in Security and was making remarkably successful inroads into the backlog of tasks and paperwork. She had begun to feel more at home and everyone except Gabriel had made her welcome.

All the guys were impressed with the way she'd made all their lives easier by clearing up all the tiresome chores (which was how they saw the *admin*) and the fact that she was easy on the eye didn't displease them either. She joked with them, smiled at them and didn't mind when some of them winked and even flirted a little.

No-one ever behaved like this when 'the Chief' himself was around though because the offices became quiet and everyone kept their heads down. This afternoon 'El Guappo' (as Alexia had nick-named him secretly to herself) was absent as he often was, usually out and about with whatever crisis had just hit.

The UN-usual thing was that all the other guys were all out too, for once. There was always someone there doing something in the offices around her, but this afternoon she had the place to herself!

Asking the computer for some music, Alex sat at the little desk on one side of Gabriel's huge office, beavering away until she realized she hadn't had a break in ages. Putting down the latest padd she had just finished, she walked over to Gabriel's desk on her way to the replicator for a drink and as she passed around the back of his big deep sim-leather chair she smiled mischievously.

~Couldn't hurt to just try it out for a second?~ she thought, running a fingertip across the back of it and then, with a smirk, she slipped around it and dropped her neat little bum into the seat. Laughing she put her feet up on the desk and put her arms behind her head as she'd seen Gabriel do. ~who should I yell at, to get the full feeling of what it's like to be a big Bad-ass?~ she thought.

Suddenly she was surprised to hear the outer office door open and heavy booted footsteps enter, walk straight towards the inner door, throw it open and stalk in. Leaping out of his chair, Alexia was about to start spluttering apologies or excuses or something..... when she realized Gabriel was staring at space as he walked, as if he was somewhere else, and didn't seem to have even seen her right in front of him.

"Computer, kill music" she squeaked and scooting behind the chair she just stood there waiting to get bawled out but he just walked like a zombie up to the vacated chair and sat down heavily as if he was made of lead.

"Boss?" she inquired, worried. "You okay?" It was a silly question as he clearly wasn't. Alexia couldn't work out why he wasn't yelling at her for being in his chair but judging by the grey color of his face that something shocking had happened to him.

Gabriel barely noticed the woman as he entered his office and sat in his chair. ~Didn't she have a home?~ He thought to himself as he steepled his hands together and began to contemplate his next move. He was just beginning to pull himself together. He knew that he'd have to make his next moves as clearly and as calmly as possible.

"Get me the sensor logs regarding every member of the Cardassian and Romulan consulates. If they've so much as taken a step away from their embassy, I want the logs to detail where they went." He said without looking up.

"Perhaps I should get you something to eat or drink first. You look as if something awful has happened. I can rustle you up a snack and some coffee and then get right on with what you were asking about." She said, the questions mostly rhetorical but her intention to persuade him to look after himself better.

"That wasn't a request." He said as he finally looked up from his glance into nothingness and looked directly at the woman. "Or do I need to request yet another secretary who can follow orders?" he asked rhetorically.

He didn't have time to explain anything, nor did he have the desire to pretend to do so.

Alexia drew in a sharp breath and stopped in her tracks towards the replicator. "No Sir, that will not be necessary. However...." she paused briefly. "With *all* due respect Sir, I doubt if we actually *have* any Secretaries better able to deal with the workload here, so it might be worth your while to persevere for now, despite your personal dislike of me."

Without waiting for an answer, Alexia was gone obediently back to the outer office and within 30 minutes she had run the checks required and transferred the logs to a padd.

It was a lot of data despite the fact that the current staffing levels for the Romulan Embassy were much reduced since the conflict and the Cardassian Embassy staff were only recently installed with the barest staffing; there were still dozens of them and a lot of to-ing and fro-ing had gone on, as they appeared to be either shopping for their new quarters or familiarising themselves with their new environment.

Returning to Dorien's office, the efforts of her labours in her hand, Alexi pressed the chime. Regretting having been caught in his chair she had mentally kicked herself. After all the hard work she had put in, it was particularly frustrating to have shot her own self in the foot in this way, especially after having achieved so much so far.

Pulling down her uniform tunic, she wriggled her slightly-shorter-than-regulation skirt back down as low as it would sit. She knew she had nice legs and a curvaceous figure and as *all* women know, some men could be got around when they were mad with you, just by eye-candy, however Gabriel's good opinion wasn't to be gained by anyone's looks, Alexia had discovered that from Day 1.

She pushed the wisps of hair that had escaped back behind her ears and warned herself that this was no time for her sense of humor either. She seemed to wait a while to be summoned to enter but tried not to take it as significant.

Gabriel looked up from his desk as the chime alerted him that he was no longer alone. "What the hell? I thought you were gone, don't you have a life?" He responded as she entered through the doors, completely forgetting about his earlier order for the sensor logs.

"You ordered me to get you these logs of the movements of all the Cardassians and Romulans, Sir" she stated matter-of-factly, placing the padd before him on the desk.

"I *do* have a life but I've been putting in extra hours because I want to make a success of the challenge of this job. It matters to me, don't ask me why because I can't explain it." she said, trying to reason with him. "Does that make me so fundamentally different from you? I mean, can you explain why you do what *you* do?"

"I'm doing this because Lt. Fox is dead, and I know one of those bastards are responsible for it. What else could explain it?" He responded.

"How about the possible explanation that it wouldn't have been out of character for you to have been flying by the seat of your pants like you always do, Commander?" she was blunt, it was the only way with him or he wouldn't even listen.

"Your constant disregard for protocol and your determined 'i'm doing it *my* way' was always going to end in tears, sir, with all due respect. You were always prepared take whatever that meant to yourself, but as fate would have it, Lt. Fox took the hit instead and that particular knife is a twist you're blanking out because it's unthinkable. You need to eliminate the obvious first before you go starting a war or three by accusing every other race in the sector."

Without pausing to let him sack her or whatever storm that deepening scowl of his was heralding, she picked up the padd she’d just put on his desk and held it up.

“…and they won’t leave you a bread-crumbs trail you can follow on security vids or surveillance tapes either! So this isn’t worth Jack!” She lobbed it up and over to the bin, secretly satisfied with the dramatic effect it had as it clattered around the sides before falling with a clunk to the bottom.

“You need to be too slippery to be ‘snuck up on’. I don’t see the point in being in their faces growling and threatening like someone who’s got to ‘look’ the lion all the time. You’re *damn* good at what you do! You need to have faith in that, sir.” She said with feeling.

Gabriel looked at the padd as it clattered and came to rest at the bottom of the bin. He then turned to look towards the woman before him. The words began to form within his mouth, but all that came out was silence as he began to realize that to a large degree. . .she was right. Although he would probably never admit it. He looked down at his desk for several moments before he simply grabbed his jacket and left the room without so much as another word being spoken.

With no clue what he had been about to say, all Alexia could do was return to her work and make a mental note to keep her trap shut in future. ~I have NO idea how I just got away with that, but I’m soooo gonna pay for it later~ she thought to herself.


A JP between:

Lt. Cmdr.
Dorian Gabriel
Chief of Security


Ensign Alexia Jackson