Interlude – Cat & Mouse
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Cat & Mouse
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Wed Sep 08, 2010 @ 12:41am
Location   Yokanthe & Klia's Quarters
Timeline   SD 32, After The Hardest Thing To Do

Klia was crying by the time the turbolift reached the nearest exit to the quarters she shared with Yolanthe, She stumbled down the hallway,her body racked with huge silent sobs. She couldn't tell what hurt the most, that Yolanthe had broken her promises, or that she'd let Getal worm his way into her affections. That she'd choose that vile reptile over all the better people they'd met, over her best friend, or that Yolanthe thought so little of her, that she felt she could carry on behind her back and would never get found out.

Arriving at the door to their shared accommodation, it took her a moment to release the lockseal, she was shaking so much. Finally she got inside, and went straight to the replicator. "Chocolate Ice cream, two litres. Chocolate sauce and sprinkles. Brownie pieces, fudge pieces, chocolate chips, lumps of cookie dough."

"Terran, Ktarian, or Rigelian choclate?" The computer asked.

Klia sniffed. "All of them." A bucket appeared in the materialisation pad; she took it over to the sofa and started to bury her pain in junk food.

Klia was rudely awakened from her reverie by the door chime. From outside her quarters muffled voices could be heard. This then in turn led to a loud gruff voice from outside her quarters. "Room services!" came the booming voice.

This was quickly followed by a quieter mousier voice, reprimanding the louder one. "It's not hotel you idiot!"

"Oh Sorry!" said the gruff voice apologetically. "Urrrm....Delivery for Klia?"

Klia put the bucket of icecream down. The exchange was not one to inspire thoughts of safety. She got off the couch and he wondered if she should acknowledge the people at her door, but decided against it. Instead she stepped into her room. Somewhere at the bottom of a drawer she had a type 1 phaser, and she suddenly felt the need to have it in her hand.

"Urrrr hello?" came the gruff voice, it was laced with tones of confusion and possible stupidity.

"She knows it's a trick now num nutz!" said the mousy voice. "Get out of the way so I can get the lock!" more sounds of muffled moment came from the other side of the entry door to Klia's quarters. Then a noise of shorting electrics and fizzing of circuits. Then the doors slid open. Standing in the door frame, stood the hulking mass of a Nausicaan, dressed in black. Behind him, in a smart suite was a weasely looking Yridian with beady eyes. "Can we come in?" asked the Nausicaan politely. The Yridian shot him a nasty look.

"Were here to kKidnap her you Idiot! " said the yridian, "your not suppose to ask her if we can come in. Grab Her!"

Inside her room, Klia froze for a second. They were between her and escape, and her cupboards were full of junk. Her hand moved to her communicator - but it was still on the counter back at The Box. The only thing left to do was dive under the bed. She burrowed down into the laundry, and held her breath.

The yridian walked over to the rooms replicator. He pulled out a tricorder and quickly began to work. Using the replicators systems he was quickly able to bi-pass the rooms security protocols with a tetrion inverse feedback loop along the systems sub routine matrix, giving him full and the only control to the rooms systems. "Computer, Klingon Opera" He gestured with his hand mulling over the options, "Something by Barak-Kadan, maximum volume."

The Klingon opera blared over the speakers deafeningly. The Yridian scanned the quarters with his tricorder briefly, then pointed to the bedroom. The Nausicaan bounded into the small sleeping unit.

Through a small gap in the pile of dirty overalls Klia watched legs like tree trunks move to the doorway of her room. The nausicaan was so big she had a better chance of getting through his legs rather than round them. But there were two of them. Even if by some miracle she could get past the nausicaan, who knows what was waiting for her.

Then she spotted the phaser. It was in a box shoved under the night stand. She scrabbled for it, hoping she could get her hands on it before the brute reached down and dragged her out.

"Ah their you are!" said Nausicaan in a friendly manner. He picked Klia up with the scruff of her neck with one hand. He pulled her off her feet and brough her up so they were face to face, she dangled for a moment like a rag doll. "Excuse me are you Klia?" asked the Nausicaan politely and with some thought.

She gave the only reply she could, dangling two feet from the floor. She kicked him in the kneecap with everything she had.

The Nausicaan still holding his prey, paused a moment in deep contemplative thought, as if the kick did not even register and it took all his brain power to consider its effects. Then a confused look came upon his face, he then frowned. He didn't move or flinch he simply said in a in-dignified tone. "Ow. That hurt....That wasn't very nice."

For a moment she hung limp, too surprised to make any other move. Then sheer panic took over. She thrashed in his grip, kicking wildly, digging her nails into his hand, and screaming at the top of her voice. It was futile. The blaring music covered her cries for help, and the Nausicaan barely seemed to notice her feet kicking at his thighs or her nails dug into his hands.

The Yridian came into the bedroom slapping his forehead in exasperation of the scene in front of him. He shouted but his voice was drowned by the music. He let out a rather exaggerated sigh, pulled out a hypo spray from his pocket and walked over to the 'prey'.

Klia kept squirming, managing to get her mouth to the nausicaan wrist and bit down till she got a mouthful of rank iron-tasting blood.

The Nausicaan yelled in pain so loudly that it could be heard above the Klingon opera. He let go of Klia who fell to the floor with cat like grace, The Yridian dived at her with the hypo spray. They hit the floor in a tangle of limbs scant centimetres from the front door, Klia scrabbling to get to her feet to open the lock.

The Yridian didn't waste his time, pulling himself up and jumping for her, he instead extended his reach and the hypo spray just caught the side of her ankle, he pressed the injector button and the sedative soon coursed through her system.

She knew she was falling, but it was in a separated, disembodied way. The sensation itself felt softened, telescoped. She couldn't work out why her legs wouldn't work, or why her head felt full of fluff. She wanted to scream again, but found she couldn't remember how. She started to ask herself what was going on, her thoughts scattering before she could truly form them.

She was unconscious before she hit the floor.

The Nausicaan picked up Klia and slung her over one shoulder unceremoniously while the Yridian de-activated the music blaring into the room. Both looked at each other then made their way to the front door. They paused as the yridian first straightened his creased suite, then got out his tri-corder again. He began to scan the corridor outside for life signs, when they had the all clear, he gave the thumbs up and they both made their way out and away from Klia's quarters. The Yridian pressed a com link on his wrist. Into he spoke one word. "Now"

Inside Klia's quarters a Ferengi, dressed in an expensive colourful suite de-materialized in the centre of her quarters in blue hazy fog. He held in one hand a large metal suite case. He tutted as he looked about the room. It didn't look like a crime scene. His job though was to make it so. He began his work by opening his suite case. He took out an electrical device that he plugged into a computer terminal.

The device was designed to up load a false sensor log of what had occurred in the room. While that was working he then took out a knife from his suite case and placed it on the floor. The knife had Klia's blood on it, and Yolanthe's DNA and prints on the handle. He had not asked their employee how he had attained it. He then took out a pad from the suite case and began to work swiftly with it in one hand. He worked off a list of things he had to do and moved around the room; this would match the false sensor data being uploaded onto the computer. Soon he was done. He packed away all his things, then beamed back out of the room.


hulking mass of a Nausicaan
weasely looking Yridian
NPC by Dunham

NPC by Yolanthe