Unity – Embroidery, CMO style
by Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham

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Title   Embroidery, CMO style
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   Alderman Yolanthe Ibalin & Commander Chelsea Dunham
Posted   Wed Feb 17, 2010 @ 9:01pm
Location   Sick Bay
Timeline   SD17, approx 0015 (just after So the story goes) (backpost)

Yolanthe materialised in Sickbay. She'd been stabbed, gassed and now disassembled and reassembled at a molecular level. She staggered a few steps towards a nearby table and threw up next to it, the jerking motions jarring the knife buried in her guts and sending new rivers of pain through her body, turning her greyer than a dark cardassian and dripping more blood onto the sick bay floor.

Chelsea turned to look up from the regeneration of a minor abrasion she was dealing with, as the sound of a transporter beam materialising behind her was heard.

As the grey-skinned Bokkai staggered and emptied the contents of her stomach, the CMO's reflexed cut in. Dropping the regenerator into the hands of an assisting medic, she was across to Yolanthe before the woman hit the ground.

It was clear that the protruding stiletto thin blade was embedded deeply and Chelsea held up a restraining hand, palm out to a nurse who approached from the side with her arm out. "Careful not to make contact with that blade" Chelsea called, albe to see that the nurse's angle of sight was not as clear as her own.

"Get a hover-gurney" she called to the nurse who had stopped in her tracks. Chelsea supported Yolanthe's weight under one arm and allowed her to keep hold of the blade with the other.

"Scanner!" the CMO called out and one appeared on the end of an anonymous arm from one side. "Thanks" Chelsea replied automatically and began to run it over the Bokkai's abdomen first.

By this time the gurney had arrived and the nurse assisted Chelsea to lay Yolanthe on it, on her side, still clutching the blade. Setting the gurney to carry the Bokkai to intensive care, Chelsea used the hover facility to get her up and onto the bio-bed where she was able to raise the med-arch over her and begin proper systemic readings and preventive basics such as fluid replacement was able to begin automatically.

Chelsea gently moved Yolanthe's hand from the protruding blade and scanned the wound. "It's going to be fine now" she reassured her. "I'll have this out and patch you up before you can say..... " by this time she had ascertained which type of anaesthesia she could use, how bad the blood loss was and how deep the blade had penetrated.

"Mind if I put you right out? Or do you want me to do this with a nerve-block?" she asked.

The other woman let out a strangled growl. "Can't you just pull the damn thing out?" Just speaking sent her more pain. "Nerve-block!" she gasped.

Chelsea pressed buttons on the Med-Arch and initiated the nerve-block from between Yolanthe's shoulder blades and then she set to work.

Yolanthe let out a relieved sigh as her body went numb, and her skin shifted into a prettier violet-blue almost immedietely. "Don't break the knife. I want it for my collection."

Easing the blade a couple of millimeters up she sealed the rupture it had made one micro-section at a time using a laser scalpel and deep-regen-probe. Walls of intestine had to be resealed, cells of many differing kinds had to be reconstructed into the layers that they belonged to, sandwiched with the next and the next until the whole track that the blade had dug itself was repaired.

One kidney had been grazed and was restructured, several tubes, veins, vessels and nerves had to be repaired and rebuilt. It was some considerable time later that Chelsea was able to re-instate the feeling in Yolanthe's spine, at least most of it.

"I've left a little analgesic in there to make sure it's not too sore" she explained to the Bokkai.

"Don't worry about it. I've had worse." It was the habitual answer, She worked herself upright, and peeled the gap in her dress aside to look at the new skin. It was if it had never happened. For a moment she grinned and the skin shifted up a shade of sky blue. Perfect! "Thanks very much. Got the knife?"

Chelsea grimaced. "You *sure*?" she asked looking doubtful.

Yolanthe held out her hand. "Absolutely. Don't worry, I have no intention of returning it. It'll be a momento of the worst opening night in history" She slid off the bio-bed. "Assuming all this chaos is over by tonight, come down to my bar, the Box of Delights on the Promende. You're good for free drinks all night."

Chelsea angled her head and smiled. "I might take you up on that......BUT... in the meantime, take it gently. I don't want you back here and me having to redo all that embroidery because you've torn it all open. It's going to be fine but you'll have to be gentle with it for 24 hours at least" she warned with a grin. It didn't strike her that this was someone who would put her feet up and rest but she had to read the 'Terms and Conditions' anyway.

Yolanthe's grin widened The species was different, the place was different, the circumstances were different, but medicine women really were the same everywhere. "I have no idea what you're talking about," she stated with mock indignation. "But should that happen, you'll be good for free drinks all week. Deal?"

"NO! I don't want any repercussions on my blemish free record thanks!" she laughed again. "Incorrigible person. Don't do TOO much. Doctor's orders and I'll be in your bar somewhen tonight, so I can check up on you (and get free drinks too), otherwise you'll have to stay here for 24 hours to *make* you rest! Your call. Deal?" the cheshire cat grin with which Chelsea delivered her ultimatum was friendly and warm but it was a kid-glove around a firm instruction. Re-damage to such a deep wound would cause internal bleeding and a severe rupture would become fatal within a short period of time if help didn't arrive fast.

Yolanthe dropped her shoulders in mock submission. "Yes Doctor." She straightened up, and her colour moved from pale blue to gold. "I guess I'd better make sure those animals have left me a bar for you to come to. Thanks for everything, doctor."

"You're welcome" Chelsea replied with a sincere smile.


A JP Between:

Yolanthe Ibalin
Bartender & Owner, The Box of Delights


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams