Cascade – A Cheery Conversation
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt

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Title   A Cheery Conversation
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Gunnery Sergeant Luke Wyatt
Posted   Wed Mar 20, 2013 @ 10:09pm
Location   Near Cardassian Embasssy
Timeline   SD 71: 08:00
Abby was wondering about the promenade during one of her breaks between lesson's and annoying her father both of which she enjoyed fondly. As she passed a few stores she began to reminisce about her mum and dad being together again, it was a nice that they were trying to get along for her sake but she could see through the smoke and daggers and could tell that they we're far from on the road to recovery. She expected any day now to be told her mum was once again leaving back to Earth , once again splitting the family but the two were never really compatible and Abby could see that.

She was just passing the Cardassian embassy when she stopped to take a look out of the glass pane and out towards the stars. It was always something she couldn't help but enjoy and often found herself losing track of time by simply looking out of the window and day dreaming.

Deborah Kato looked up from her padd as she saw the child coming near the scene. Although the damage and been cleared and forcefields had been erected, she still wanted to ensure that no other casualties took place.

"Oh no, child be careful. You don't want to be near any of the wreckage." Kato said, her accent becoming as noticeable as her concern for the child's welfare.

She rose to her feet and approached the child. "I'd hate for anything unfortunate to happen." She said. "Especially when a pretty girl like yourself should be in school at this time." Kato said, noticing the oddity of a child being alone on the promenade this early in the day.

Abby noticed the female security officer's concern "It's ok I am on my break and as for your concern which I am grateful for I think I will be ok. I actually came here to see if for my self since commander Rakka wouldn't let me come at the time of the explosion." She paused as she looked at the blackened debris. "Do they know what happened?" she asked turning to face the female.

Kato pursed her lips together. While she had no children of her own, she was well aware of the difficulty in trying to explain anything to a teenager. "The fact remains, this place is not safe for civilians, child." She said, still not satisfied or even comfortable with a child being so close to the scene of an attack. However, she knew that arguing with the teenager was futile.

"To answer you question, no." Kato said in a softer tone. "The investigation is still ongoing. However, we have been able to identify what was the cause of the explosion." She said, "An explosive device planted just within the corner of the foyer. Whomever was responsible was looking to target those that entered and exited the Embassy at a certain time." Kato stated.

"Why? Well, we're still unsure of that." She added as she scanned another smoldering structure. "In fact, I'm not quite sure why anybody would desire this type of destruction" She added.

Abby nodded in agreement "Perhaps it was their belief? My father and those who teach me that we should try to understand them rather than persecute them and almost become like them to catch them" she shuffled between the rubble she could see the female's eyes that she did not like her presence, "My name is Abby Wyatt" she offered her hand limply whilst biting the top of her lip and bent at one knee.

Deborah shook the girl's hand in response. "Perhaps; however, I fail to see how anybody's beliefs can justify such wanton violence." The Investigator said as she continued to document the wreckage.

"I was born on Bajor during the occupation, but I was raised on Earth. Perhaps it has affected my view on violence against others. What benefit can stand to be gained by using fear as a tool?" She stated, thinking aloud.

"You would be surprised, if it got worst people would leave, shops close and it could even effect the station operational status especially if they hit the right place... and worst come to worst if they could somehow make it look like us trying to kill off high valued Romulans... war but that's just spitballing" she smiled.

"Well, if people are looking for a war, this will certain stoke the embers of that flame." She said. "You said that you know Commander Rakka?" Kato said, attempting to shift the conversation to something more upbeat.

Abby nodded, "Yeah. The commander is taking me in classes on the workings of Security aboard Ds5 and get me up to academy standard so that I may join starfleet." He voice was full of enthusiasm.

"Well, be mindful what you are signing up for." Kato replied. "I never went for the guns and phasers aspect of Starfleet. I still believe that our primary mission is to seek out new civilizations and scientific discoveries." She said. "At least, that's what I believed before I put on this uniform." She said, glancing at her gold tunic.

"I don't think I will ever go through the guns and phasers aspect but its going to be apart of what I do, I don't really know why i want to go security I think its been grown around that sort of environment" Abby explained.

"I was fortunate enough to avoid such violence, having been raised on Earth, I never had to experience the horrors of the Occupation nor the aftermath." Kato said as she compiled the information onto her padd. She kneeled down to a piece of charred rubble and analyzed the sample.

The carbon degradation appeared to be recent, recent enough to have been on board the station within the past week. If her observation was correct, then the bombing material came from onboard the station as opposed to being manufactured by the bomber and used in the attack.

Abby watched curiously while Kato examined the chard remains from the explosion "Thats the face of a genius at work there" she said in a half compliment half joke manner. For someone who she had just met Abby could see how she was very experienced and good at her job, not missing anything and Abby could only wonder how she would get up to that standard.

"If you were to take my advice, I'd go into Science or Engineering," Kato replied. "Less likely to end up digging through rubble trying to understand how certain people can be so depraved and heartless." She replied as she turned back towards the girl, and stood up, dusting off her slacks.

"Besides, we can never have enough scientists." Kato said in a cheery tone.

Abby didn't really know how to respond and she never really thought those fields as a choice since her dad was a marine and all. "Perhaps you're right" she finally said. "Well I've bothered you enough, thanks for the advice!" she gave Kato a glowing smile.

Kato extended her hand. "Well it was a pleasure to meet you, Abby" She said.

Abby smiled and grasped her hand in her's "You to" the pair released their grip of one another and slowly Abby peeled herself away from the Embassy chard remains.

Deborah Kato
Security Investigatior

Abby Wyatt (pNPC)