Cascade – A presistant Thorn
by Arrival Atlana Durak & Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   A presistant Thorn
Mission   Cascade
Author(s)   Arrival Atlana Durak & Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Thu May 09, 2013 @ 2:00pm
Location   Security
Timeline   21:00
Atlana Durak had gotten word that Trellis had actually managed to detain a suspect in the Embassy attack. Yes, Atlana still referred to it as an Attack despite what Getal referred to it as. It was indeed an attack... vengance or at attempted murder or a mere statement of unwelcome it was still in her mind classified as an attack.

Atlana turned the lights off on her store front while it was still considered closed she still liked being there and welcomed the conversation of people who came to look. She felt badly telling them that she was not open for business and rarely was able to say no when they asked about her antiques.

But the Ambassador had asked her to looking into the event and she'd offered so, Atlana was on her way to face off with Trellis.... again. She was being a bit more diplomatic this time, as it wasn't all about her business and she knew what she was dealing with, more or less. When she walked into security in civilian clothes she saw very few of the starfleet uniformed security members, she knew it was getting late and shifts weren't large in the evening, there was really no point but still somehow she was sure Trellis was in his office. He struck her as the workaholic sort.

Diplomatic... she told herself as she touched the chime for his office door and waited for the come in. Diplomatic... Trellis had theories about her and nothing more.

Trellis was prepared to leave for the night and try to get some sort of rest. He knew that with the recent apprehension of the Cardassian Embassy bomber, the "dressing-down" he had received from Captain Tahir and Commander Villiers, and their subsequent interview of the suspect, his day was going to be more than hectic as he prepared the girl to be transferred for proper adjudication according to Federation law. As he prepared to de-active his counsel he noticed that a visitor had arrived.

"Yes, how can I help you?" Trellis said, immediately recognizing the shop owner.

Atlana stepped closer. "I realize you're on your way out the door, so I won't take up too much of your time." She said. "We got off on the wrong foot this morning, Lieutenant." Atlana started out, yeah this was truthful if not diplomatic. "Ambassador Getal has asked me to take part in the investigation of the Embassy bombing, I understand you have suspect in custody and I would like to know what your intentions are for that prisoner." She admitted. "Being that the attack happened to the Embassy making it an Attack on Cardassian territory I assume the federation is making preparations to turn this criminal over to us."

"Uh., no" Trellis finally managed to get out. He was somewhat taken aback that a mere shopkeeper would come to speak on behalf of the Cardassian Ambassador.

"No, in fact, we are in the process of preparing to ship her to Starbase 184 for prosecution. Seeing as how she is a Federation citizen and she turned herself over to Starfleet authority, she will be tried in a Federation court." He said to the woman, still not quite certain what her angle was.

Atlana lifted an amused eyebrow. "I see." She retorted. "A Federation Citizen..." Atlana nodded continuing to come closer to Trellis and his desk. "turned herself in, your office wasn't as relentless in it's pursuit then as you made it seem." She slid her hands together behind her back. "You realize of course that with no say in the adjudication of this matter, the Cardassian government will cry fowl on the Federations bias protect it's own." She retorted. Atlana was hardly just a shop keeper, but then Trellis knew that much. "I understand the Federation cares little for the Cardassian's perspective, however there are plenty that will see this as a gross misstep in diplomacy."

Atlana wasn't trying to piss Trellis off, she was actually just trying to reason with him. She didn't expect the Federation to turn the suspect over. That was asking entirely too much of them, but the Cardassian govt would want a say in the proceedings at the very least. Atlana knew exactly how her govt' would react, whatever the federation's punishment was, they'd request leniency... in an effort to show good faith and compassion... chess in a very long drawn out game with the Federation... it was only a matter of time before the Cardassians thought themselves strong enough to take the federation on again.

Trellis noticed the woman was inching closer and closer to his desk. Whatever her intent was, it was obvious that it had gone beyond being a simple " concerned citizen."

"Well, Ms. Durak, I thank you for sharing your opinion on the matter. I will take it under advisement. However, for the time being, I will continue to handle this matter as I deem sufficient. If anyone within the proper diplomatic channels of your government would wish to voice their concerns, then I will be more than happy to speak with them." He said, trying to make it clear that he was not going to answer to a civilian.

He stood up and began gathering his items from his desk. "In the future, I would suggest you pass on such concerns to your embassy, they are here for a reason, Ms. Durak" He said dismissively. The nerve of her to question his actions in tracking down a person that attacked her people.

"Is it because I'm a civilian or because I'm a Cardassian that you take such issue with me, Lieutenant Trellis?" She asked him point blank.

Trellis stopped in his tracks.

"Ab-ab--absolutely not!" He said defensively. "I..I don't have any problem with you as a Cardassian." He replied rather quickly, completely caught off guard by the accusation. "I'm here to serve all the people on this station, not just certain people." He added. "I'm not some bigot like my predecessor Dorian Gabriel!" He said bitterly.

Atlana's tone was calmer.... oh I see she thought. "I didn't call you a bigot, Lieutenant." She offered. "And I didn't know Mr. Gabriel." She reminded him. "But you do have a problem with me. You don't like something about me. And that's fine." She gestured with her hand palm outward to stop him. "I'm not here to force a friendship or even suggest you take my advise." She offered. "Ambassador Getal asked me to look into the bombing because of my background and I said I would." She retorted.

She gave him a resigned expression. "I'll inform the Ambassador that, you weren't interested in a joint effort." She said very simply.

"I..I...I am completely capable -- or that is, the Federation is completely capable of handling this situation. We will be sure to keep the Cardassian government informed of the various developments." He said in response.

Insecurity... Atlana understood the Lieutenant just that much more. "I didn't say you were incapable, Lieutenant." She reminded him again. "I merely said that I'd inform the Ambassador you're not willing to work with me as his liason in this." She offered, her eyes flickered just a little bit. Atlana wasn't absolutely horrible as a person she could understand the role the man had to fill, the pressure of it. "Your efforts are commendable, Lt Trellis." She offered him the compliment. "I'm a civilian you clearly feel I'm unqualified to assist." She wanted to say he was so wrong but she didn't, it was his miscalculation.

Atlana dipped her head slightly, almost bowing to him. "Lieutenant, Mr. Anjar and myself are old associates and not of the friendliest of sorts." She retorted. "Old grudges you might say." She said. "I apologize our disagreements spilled out onto the promenade. I won't happen again." That should leave him scratching his head, she thought. A Cardassian who apologizes.

He was still confused and didn't quite understand her angle. "V-v-very well then," he said, trying to break the uncomfortable awkwardness of the moment. "Have a very good evening, Ms. Durak." He said, as he gestured towards the door.

Atlana frowned in almost an amused sort of way. She didn't understand much about Trellis, "One more thing Lieutenant, my shop still cannot open for business...." She hinted that she still needed his clearance to be legally open. "Is there something holding you back, that I might be able to clear up for you?"

Trellis saw an opportunity and he was going to take it. "Yes, yes there is." he said as he put his padd down and faced the woman. "I want to know what connections you have with the Cardassian Embassy on this station." He said.

"It is no coincidence that you have suddenly become the mouth-piece for their government following Ambassador Getal's injury. As head of Station Security I had an obligation to know what is happening with the various entities onboard." He said assuredly.

Atlana turned back around it was a forward question and as she'd opened the door for his question she'd answer him. "My father and Getal served together when I was a child. They were Guls in the fleet together before the war and for a short time during the war." She offered. "Getal knows my parents have died and considers himself an Uncle of sorts." She offered. "Congratulations, Lt." She offered. "You've uncovered my horrible secret, I came to this station because Getal is the only family I have left. And I did offer to look into the bombing because I taught psychology for a few years." She added. "

"Oh. . ." Trellis responded, caught off-guard by the honesty of the comment. "I didn't mean to pry, I just simply was curious." He replied.

She smirked. "You did mean to pry... it's your job, Trellis. And when you're not worried about being in Gabriel's shadow, you're actually pretty good at it." Atlana could see that her answer caught him off guard and that his impression of her had changed some. "May I open my store in the morning, please?"

Trellis sighed as he pressed several buttons on his padd, authorization the license she needed. "You'll find the information you'll need available in the morning." He replied.

Atlana nodded her head with a small smile. "Thank you Lt Trellis." She said softly. "I promised I wouldn't keep you any longer then necessary and I won't." She said. "Enjoy the rest of your night, sir." She called him Sir, did she consider him a superior? Maybe.

Si'Lar Trellis
Acting Chief of Security

Altana Durak
Shop keeper
Unique Antique