Judgement – Future Dubious
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)

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Title   Future Dubious
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC)
Posted   Tue Aug 23, 2011 @ 2:21am
Location   500,000 KM from DS5
Timeline   SD39 10:10
Tag   Flight / Operations / Security / Tactical / Science

The Constitution class retrofit USS Horatio had held station keeping for a little over two hours whilst the crew had been busy making whatever preparations they needed as well as pouring out personal logs for their loved ones.
The Captain had amused himself by wondering who they were going to leave them for, when all their loved ones were now history.

Sitting in the centre chair studying the enormity of the unknown Space Station the Captain was still wondering how the Federation had managed to construct such a huge monster of a station so far from Earth. He had mulled over many possibilities but he could only draw one sensible conclusion and that was that they had not done so alone.

As well as personal messages, the majority of his crew were still working on a means to get back to their own time, as it appeared they had managed to travel one hundred and seventeen years into the future and it looked like they had no means of return unless they could recreate the dangerous wormhole that had brought them to this point in time.

"Sir, we have a ship that is approaching directly towards us." The tactician, Commander Cousins observed.

"On Screen" The Captain responded and shifted his weight forward.

"Shields?" The man at the helm enquired with his hand already moving towards the deploy button.

"No Ashton, no shields or weapons. I do not want us to appear threatening or threatened." The Captain ordered as the craft appeared on screen.

The ship was not so small, possibly a scout, but Paul’s eye did not move from the screen.

Kin was passively scanning the ship. "Two life signs,"His brow raised, "considerable armament, though weapons are not charged and shields are not up." The weapon configuration was totally alien to the science officer, the only thing that he recognised was the phaser array and that was more powerful that anything than he had seen in the federations database.

"Thank you Mr Wang." Buckley said as he stood and moved closer to the front of the bridge and the view screen.

"Amazing." He muttered the single word.

Every ship that had passed close to them brought on more amazement to the experienced ships captain as he immersed himself in the leaps forward in technical achievements over the last century.

He teased himself by wondering what it would be like to actually pilot such an advanced ship.

The ship began to veer off to their right, but not before they had scanned them.

"We’re being scanned." Ashton advised.

"Not a problem." Paul responded as he glanced down at helm and looked directly at the small green light on the top left corner of the console. "At least they can report that we are friendly and Federation," The corners of Paul’s lips upped in a partial grin as he spun on his heel and strode back to his chair and pushed the communication button.
"Senior staff to the Bridge." He ordered knowing that Catherine and Jethro would be on tenterhooks in Engineering whilst Akimo would want to finish up his own security reports before the scheduled meeting.

Buckley turned in a single movement and ended up back in the centre chair.
"Track the ship and see if it returns to Deep Space five." He ordered as the yeoman moved to his side.

"Tea sir?" She questioned as she held the silver flask that was probably near empty.

Buckley lifted his cup without acknowledgement to which she duly filled it back to the brim.


Jethro had been working on the shuttle that was supposed to secrete them onto DS5, under the guise of a shuttle and he had been trying to update as many of the systems as he could.
As the communicator silenced, Jethro practically threw his PADD to the console in frustration.
"We’re never going to get this done if we don’t get the peace to do it." He said through gritted teeth.

Catherine placed her PADD in contrast to him by placing it carefully next to where Jethros had landed.

"Lieutenant." She said in a soothing voice, trying to calm the chief engineer. "The shuttle will still be here in an hour, we're not going anywhere yet." The anguish on the Engineers face was obvious and she had to reason over his angst.
"New worlds doesn’t always mean ‘New Worlds’. This is not any different, just that these new worlds are not new to the federation but are new to us," She had reasoned her response with all the dignity of a first officer as she laid a reassuring hand on the engineers shoulder. She gave it a friendly nudge.
"Come on, the captain would only call us if necessary." She advised.

Jethro shrugged. "Suppose so." He replied a little calmer and followed her out of the shuttle bay, casting a look over his shoulder to the shuttle and wondered if they would still find a use for it.


Amanda had been reading the most recent files she had on Cardassian, Romulan and any other known species as there were bound to be changes that would have developed over the last hundred years. She was keen to know what secrets she could take back with her and as she rose from her seat, she grabbed her tricorder, if only in the hope that the Captain would order an away mission.


Akimo slid the blue towel from the rail and dabbed at his hairless skin, finally wiping of his face and placed the towel into the laundry bucket.
His yellow shirt hung from one of the many clothes pegs and slipped his arms through before stretching the material across his head and tugged towards to cover his torso and left the training room for the nearest turbo lift.

The Korean born chief of security was one of those non de-script humans, who fitted in to every category for an Asian man. With his clear complexion, olive skin, brown eyes and black hair, his only distinguishing features were the scar down his left side and the mole on his upper right cheek, a few centimetres down from his right eye.
The scar came from an exploding console back in the academy. He had been studying tactics, but one of colleagues had been a bit of a prankster and had placed a small amount of phosphorous enveloped in latex on the wiring of the console to give everyone a ‘Little Fright’ as he put it. What he had not calculated, was the wiring and dust that was in the console, along with the gentle heat. It had seriously injured three people, including Akimo. Despite his pleas, he had been kicked out of the academy and the last Akimo had heard he was a freelance pilot.


Paul stood as Catherine and Jethro entered the bridge.
"Mister Ashton, you have the conn." He ordered as he veered around his chair to the conference room.

"Aye." Gary replied though he wanted nothing more than to be a part of the decision making process.


Paul signalled to the seats with one hand, still holding the mug of tea in the other as he sat at the head of the table.

Catherine automatically took the seat on his right as Jethro took the seat to his left and waited for the others to enter, which they did within a few seconds of each other.

Buckley glanced around the room, silently counting and weighing up his options.
He stood and moved to the entrance door and it slid apart as he approached.
"Ensign, please join us." Paul requested and darted back inside before Elspeth could respond.

Ensign Elspeth Demoines had only joined the Horatio last month, her first ship out of the academy and this was to be her training period, just six weeks to get a basic understanding of the remit of a communications officer.
She had so far remained quiet about the whole adventure. She was confused and frightened, never expecting to travel out of the known universe, let alone across the gulf of time.
She was puzzled as to why the Captain wanted her to attend, but he had ordered her, so she obeyed.

At a few inches over five foot tall, the Southern Belle had a flock of red hair that had been the source of many a problem for her, especially with members of the opposite sex who seemed to find her attractive. She was never easily able to understand why, especially when she preferred the company of her own gender.
She removed the earpiece and subconsciously, pulled her hair back over her exquisite ears as she quickly checked her reflection in the smoothness of the console, her green eyes picking up every detail as she turned and breezed into the briefing room.
There were more than enough chairs available, but Elspeth took the one to the left of the Captain, next to the Doctor.

Again Buckley scanned those around him and finally clasped his hands together as if he was about to pray for each and every one of them.

"Than you all for responding so quickly. All our options are on hold, including the shuttle." Buckley nodded tot the Chief engineer.
"We were just scanned by a federation ship. It is currently on its way back to Deep Space Five so we can only assume that they will either send out another ship or hail us or maybe blow us out of the sky." He added the last part for effect to give each of them a reality call. It was only the Ensign that registered any emotive response by covering her mouth with both her hands.
"Hopefully, the last part won’t happen, but we all need to be aware, that we don’t belong here and to them, we might be the enemy." He looked at each of them in turn, allowing himself less than a half second on each.

"Ensign Demoines has been monitoring frequencies and we have discovered a great deal about this station. It is Federation but it does have an extreme amount of unknown species for visitors so we can only assume that they are guests or maybe even federation members. Some languages have not yet been deciphered by the UT," an acronym for the Universal Translator, a relatively new piece of technology for the Horatio, "though we are over working it at present. What can you tell us so far ensign?" Paul turned the spotlight onto the communications officer.

Elspeth took a deep breath.
"Sir." She said as she angled herself slightly and ran her fingers through her hair, pinning one side behind her ear.
"Thus far, we have identified one hundred and four different languages. The translator has recognised eighty three, including Cardassian and Romulan as well as the two languages as yet not known. The station is a Celestial Class, Federation of Planets space station which we know to have over fifteen hundred decks and over ten thousand staff. As ventured by Captain Buckley, the station is well represented by Romulan, Klingon and Cardassian races, as well as several other races that we are not familiar with. We have been hailed several times so far, but have maintained a radio silence though we are signalling our federation beacon to identify us as a United Federation Craft. Less than five minutes ago, a ship which we believe to have been a scout approached and scanned us before returning back to the station." She reported and turned back to the captain.

Buckley nodded his acknowledgement and though he didn't show it, he was impressed by her report and would make a note of it in her record.
"I can only speculate, that the ship is a scout and that we have been made aware that our presence, despite our radio silence, has been noted. The ship will probably take back the information to the commander and I am sure that we will either be called upon or visited by a larger contingent. At this stage, we cannot reply to any hail, as that would just been seen as rude, so I am going to ask Lieutenant Edwards to dismantle the radio receiver. That means we are going to be in the dark for a while, until we know the intentions of those around us. All weapons are to be lockered, including yours Akimo and the security department is to be locked down tight."

"Sir," The security chief was about to object.

"Let me finish." Paul fixed the security chief with a steely glare.

Akimo gave a head bow in surrendered acknowledgement.

"No weapons on anybody. If I were them, I would be looking to send over a boarding party and when they do, I want everyone aboard to be seen as friendly. We have no radio, no outside communication and no reason to resist. We are Federation and did not want to approach without relaying our condition or to be mistaken for a threat and allow them to see us and make the first move.” He glanced around each of them. “I would like to think we have a short while, but I believe we only have minutes. I want each of you to inform your own teams and ensure no crew member has any form of weaponry upon them. Is that understood?" He questioned to which all but Akimo nodded.

"Akimo?" Paul questioned his security chief as he knew he had reservations, as did the captain himself.

Akimo knew the reason for the captains’ order and though he was against disarming, he could see the captains’ logic.
"Sir," He began, "I may not agree but I understand. After all, we are of the same flag and as such, we must be seen as friendly."

"Not seen, we are friendly." Paul stated as he leant back in his seat. "We don’t know what the next few hours will bring, but we will be prepared and we will honour the Federation with what we do. These could be distant relations and kin and we will give them our respect. Now," He paused again as he glanced at Catherine, "inform your departments and make it fast. Dismissed." He said as he stood allowing each of his crewmen to leave the briefing room before him.

Once Catherine had stood and passed, he followed her onto the bridge and she stood by his chair as he sat.

Catherine leant in.
"Nice speech. Maybe a shipwide wouldn't go amiss." She advised.

Paul pursed his lips at her suggestion and his hand went to the ship wide annunciator on his command chair console.

"All hands, this is the Captain. We are currently on amber alert. We have just been scanned by a scout ship and must take it that the station is now fully aware of our presence. Your department heads will be issuing orders shortly. To each and every one of you, I thank you for your service and diligence and I ask you to be patient while we discover what ever lies ahead. Buckley out." He closed the channel looking towards his executive officer.

"Not quite how I would have put it." Catherine grinned as she moved towards the helm console.

Paul watched her and wondered how she would have 'Put it' and shook his head, sitting back into his seat to wait for the inevitable whilst he finished his tea.


USS Horatio
Captain Paul Buckley
Commander Catherine Emma Burrel
Helm & Navigation – Lieutenant Gary Edward Ashton
Tactical Officer – Lieutenant Commander Brian John Cousins
Medical – Doctor Amanda Taylforth
Chief Engineer – Lieutenant Jethro Alexander Edwards
Chief Science Officer – Lieutenant Kin Wang
Chief Security Officer- Lieutenant Akimo Mumioka
Communications officer – Ensign Elspeth Demoines