Judgement – A Day in the Life
by Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   A Day in the Life
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Lieutenant JG Taleria von Alesk & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Fri Feb 25, 2011 @ 8:31pm
Location   Deck 56. Court Complex. JAG Office.
Timeline   SD 36 22:00

Tying her hair back into it's customary ponytail that displayed her ears all too well, Kreallia kept a tight hold on the PADD between her teeth with some of the Vulcanoid strength untapped within her. Carefully and tightly winding the hair tie very close to her head she then removed her hands and carefully pulled out her bangs from the tie and proceeded to walk out of the turbolift and nearly ran with the PADD still gripped between her teeth.

Eventually taking the PADD out of the tight grip when she finished playing with her hair, she walked through the door to the reception area of the Court Complex and stopped by an empty desk for the second time today. Now bewildered by the lack of a receptionist, she never the less reached over the desk and gently pressed the COMM button as Kreallia looked around the room for any sign of another person.
"Commander it's Kreallia." She said into the COMM.

"I didn't know you were due back, Lieutenant," Karen said folding down her screen. The case notes would still be there in half an hour. "I've taken a temporary step back from XOing whilst I try this case," she explained, informing t'Jay why she had been directed here after going to ops. "Doctor Adams has taken on my duties in the interim, but please come in, I've always an opening."

"Excellent." Kreallia said as she moved towards the Commander's door.

As the doors parted upon her body coming into range of the motion sensors, Kreallia took in the rather spartan decor of the Commander's JAG office. Taking notice of a large photo of a team she knew so well, Kreallia almost laughed at the sight. "You went to Cambridge." She stated with a soft laugh. "You always struck me as a person who was a rowing blue but I had no idea. I went to St. Johns for my graduate studies, which college did you attend?" She said as she turned her attention to the commander.

"Downing," Karen replied, "I went up when I was sixteen and stayed for my Masters - all in the long legal tradition of the place. I've an oar somewhere in a storage bay, I might dig it out one day and hang it over the door," she added. "Help yourself to a drink and come tell me how ch'Rihan worked out."

"It was interesting." Kreallia stated firmly, with a slight hesitation to admit anything to the contrary. "I saw Ramnau, my Mother's home-city, saw the grand estates of the Jay clan, the awards and decorations of the Rllaillieu's, and the Senate hall when it was not in session. Though I doubt very many were pleased about that, my maternal Grandmother is pushy to say the least, but I do think she's starting to grow on me." She said, the last part with an uncomfortable tone, all the years she had known her grandmother she had never liked her much, and to admit that Kreallia was starting to like her wasn't easy.

"Romulus is a strange place. I spent a year or two in Ra'tleihfi when my father was a serving civilian diplomat." Karen had been in her early teens and leaning towards the study of law during those two years - what she saw gave her an insight into the flaws of both systems, "It gets into your skin, if you want it to or not."

"Indeed. Though it does have some remarkable architecture, such greco-roman styles all over the planet, it almost makes you think you're in a high tech Rome." Kreallia stated, indeed the name the Federation had given to the planets were befitting, though she found the name too much of a coincidence. "Lovely tea though, I never knew they made such wonderful beverages, I only spent three years of my life that I can remember on Romulan soil, details are fuzzy."

Karen chuckled, she'd spent almost as long there herself, "Misundertood, or rather misjudged would be the word I would use. It is impossible to judge Romulan society by Federation standards, any more than it is to judge Klingon society, but for some reason, one is more readily accepted here than the other. I hope you enjoyed it."

"Yeah." Kreallia said in a softer voice. "So Commander what has happened while I've been gone these weeks? I heard Commander Gabriel is on trial, finally some one took my advice to heart." She said with a renewed confidence.

"The matter is sub judice, I can't discuss the details, but yes, Gabriel is on trial. I am also the judge on the case, which is a second reason I can' discuss it, if one was needed. Apart from that its been business as usual. High incidence of pirate activity in the sector, Cardassian Diplomats illegally hunting an infestation of voles on the promenade, bar fights and sugglers business as usual, so yeah, business as usual," Karen re-affirmed.

Kreallia through her head back in a chuckle. "I should say so Commander, it seems something along those lines is always happening here. By the way has my liason appointment gone through? I know I left right after the offer but I had more pressing matters to attend to as you know. I am sure however that the Romulan Ambassador wasn't too displeased with the way I spent those weeks apart from our fair station? Provided someone told her."

"You mean you didn't?" Karen asked with a quirk of her right eyebrow, "As a liaison you have to take the blade by the hand and do that yourself, If we do it for you it could be misconstrued as interference. It shouldn't be too much of an issue, just be aware in the future that the liaison role allows you that needed distance from the usual chain of command to let the other side be comfortable that you're not running to us with everything you hear."

"I think Isha and I need to talk, I'll go see her tomorrow or whenever today, I have two days off after I used administrative power and the psychiatry versus psychology thing to transfer my sessions off to my residents and other licensed officers. What they don't know is that psychology was my minor through eight years of school and I'm licensed to practice since psychiatric residents and psychology residents handle the same work load in Starfleet. Not to mention I specialize in behavioural and social disorders." Kreallia said with a slight chuckle.

Karen rested back and looped her fingers over one knee, "Are you insinuating that the Romulan Ambassador may be unbalanced and might benefit from an assessment?" she asked.

"Nothing of the kind." Kreallia said with a wink. "But she has been known to be slightly erattic in her choices of late. But then again what Rihannsu isn't slightly socially inadept?"

Karen's experience was quite the opposite, Ambassador t'Khellian was the consummate politician; she was one of the most erudite and socially adept people of any race she had ever met, and disturbingly so. She let it pass.

"How do you feel now about serving as a Liaison Officer?" she asked, changing the subject.

Kreallia took a moment to ponder the question, sure she had readily made the choice to accept the position, the deal behind the position still rocked her to the core. Selling your soul to the devil named Isha t'Khellian wasn't easy, but now what could happen next scared her. "It's an interesting position, high profile of sorts, puts me on a faster track to promotion in some sense I'm sure. But I'm afraid of what I'll be asked to do for the Federation and what... sympathies Isha might play on." She said with brute honesty, and with the upmost confidence in Commander Villiers and her discretion not to voice these concerns to the Captain.

"And don't think I don't want this Commander, it's just logical concern, and I do believe I can still perform my tasks diligently. I just wanted to tell you my concerns, nothing else Commander." Kreallia added, trying to reverse her earlier comments like an eager child trying to please, but she knew she could do the job Isha influence free, for now.

Karen half smiled, "You're acting as a Liaison, not joining the Galae," she observed. "You were chosen because you possess a unique insight into Romulan behaviour and will not be unduly distracted in the way a human would be, you also have training in psychological disciplines. All you have to do is your job. If you feel uncomfortable about any request that is made of you from the embassy you are fully within your rights to refuse and to escalate it to me."

"Of course." Kreallia stated in agreement. "How much time do you spend with Rihannsu Commander?" Kreallia asked, a certain part of her wanted to know how well the commander knew her people or how much time she spent around them.

"I'm limited to a professional, and usually legal involvement. I once inadvertently gained myself a reputation in the Romulan Empire as someone who could be trusted to view a case without bias. I advise, when asked on interstellar matters where Federation citizens have run foul of the Romulan authorities," she replied.

"Interesting. But you should visit a Romulan store some time, I think you would like this blend of tea." Kreallia said as she jotted something down on the PADD and passed it to Karen. "A sort of Romulan peoke, it's very good, and I suggest you seek some off duty Romulans one of these days, one thing I learned was that they throw very interesting parties." She said with a widening smile.

"Is that right," Karen replied wondering if Kreallia wasn't in danger of 'going native' if she stayed in the Liaison role for too long. "Just be sure to balance the other side of your role too; you're still Chief Counselor," she said with a smile.

"Send me your wacko's, your mentally unstables, your morons." Kreallia laughed. "Don't worry Commander, I'm not going over to the dark side just yet, I still don't care for their attitude beyond intrigue like any good counselor."

"Good," Karen chuckled, though it did disguise a concern; the Romulan Ambassador had successfully caused Monteros to leave Starfleet. How long would it be before she began to persuade t'Jay to come 'home'?


Commander Karen Villiers
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Junior Grade Kreallia t'Jay
Chief Counselor/Hesitant Romulan
Deep Space Five