’s Personal Log - Stardate 67749.12

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Title   Stardate 67749.12
Posted   Thu Feb 21, 2013 @ 7:35pm
So, I've been back a few days and what a hectic few days they have been. Sickbay has been inundated with victims from the explosion. I've done all I can for the moment and I would do my job a lot easier if I wasn't being accused of having the intention to hurt Cardassians...yeah me and Legate Turvan don't get on AT all. He doesn't like me and that's because I'm a half breed, pfft anyway that's not going to change so he's just going to have to get used to it really, isn't he?

He doesn't know what I've been through or what my life has been like since I found out about these genes within me, which are now flourishing on the surface, and with my recent surgery to expel pain from cranial pressure the evidence of me being Cardassian is still well and truly visible. I'm not ashamed of who I am anymore and if he thinks he can bully me, pick me apart well he has another thing coming. I am who I am and I can be pushed over my limits. I just hope he keeps his distance and doesn't test me.

Anyway, before I arrived back I thought I wouldn't regain any kind of relationship with Chelsea, but now I'm here and we've spoken I'm pleased that we are, really pleased; after all things could have been totally different, she could have hated me, I did leave without telling her.

And she's married...yeah...what do I think of that? Well I'm pleased obviously but...I'm jealous of Richard, he has the most beautiful woman in his life, and she used to be mine before I messed things up and knowing they're married now makes me realise what could have been and I realise, I still love her. They have nothing to worry about though, I might have done some things in my time but wrecking a marriage just isn't my style.

However, seeing how happy she is makes me think about myself, my life and what I want and the answer is I have no idea, maybe the next woman will come along unexpectedly; who knows until then well...I play the field...how sleazy is that? But I'm just being honest with myself and in doing so I feel like I'm reverting back to the old days, but then again...I met Chelsea when I was sleeping around... hmm...penny for them indeed.

Computer stop recording and save in personal database.