Unity – "Cries For Help" Part 1
by (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek

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Title   "Cries For Help" Part 1
Mission   Unity
Author(s)   (G) erie'Riov - Sub Commander Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian & Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham & Commander Isha t'Vaurek & (G) Arrain - Lieutenant Arrienye t'Merek
Posted   Sat Apr 24, 2010 @ 9:51pm
Location   Corridor Outside Rianni's Quarters
Timeline   SD17 - 14.30
From "So Much Pain":

Ashara walked quickly to her sister's cabin, Father wanted Rianni to join them and she had come to fetch her, having decided to herself to try and convince Rianni to stay the night with them. Instead of ringing the chime she put in the personal access code her sister had provided her and stepped through the whooshing door to find a horrifying sight: Rianni, slumped in her chair in her dress uniform in a pool of her own blood.

Ashara dashed across the floor to her sister, nearly slipping in the blood in her haste. Once there she found a pulse, faint, but there, and knew there was still time for her to save her sister. Tearing a piece of cloth from her dress and binding Rianni's wound tightly she stepped to the door and screamed into the corridor, "SOMEONE HELP ME! SHE'S DYING!"

Off duty from the Embassy, Maiell, in his athletic clothes, exited the turbolift, his mind preoccupied by the choice of which holosuite program he should use for his training. It had been a while since he practiced unarmed combat, but part of him was still paranoid about whether or not his holosuite sessions were being monitored. He had no more time to dwell on the matter as a scream echoed over from the corridor he was passing. A man of action, the Rihannsu dashed through quickly, stopping himself as he finally reached the right cabin.

His hazel eyes widened at the sight of green blood, his stomach tightening. The nerves in his abdomen tingled in discomfort for a split second before he rushed inside, kneeling down by the women. "What happened?!" he demanded, looking down at the woman on the floor, her green blood almost instantly filing her in his brain as someone to be protective of. He reached over to check her pulse, which was fading fast. "Who's quarters are these?" he asked the woman.

"My sister, Rianni t'Khellian." Ashara answered, not knowing who the man was but happy to have another Romulan on the scene, "That human whore is to blame for this no doubt."

Maiell didn't ask about the 'human whore'. Instead, he looked around the quarters for a comm system on the wall, cursing lightly to himself for now carrying his own when off duty. But he'd never been in Starfleet issue quarters before so the device eluded him.

Rianni briefly rolled her head skyward to see the man who'd entered the room, ~Who is he? Ashara came with a date or something?~ She thought about trying to converse with him, find out who he was, but all she managed was, "Hi."

Ashara, distraught at her sister's condition, was holding the pressure tight on Rianni's wound. Maiell met the weak woman's gaze. "Hey," was all he said back. Knowing he couldn't waste time by trying to find a comm with her bleeding so heavily, he reached for the dark blue sash around his waist, untying it and then tying it around Rianni's upper arm, tightening it as much he could, hoping it would give him enough time to find a comm.

Rianni still didn't know who this guy was, but now he seemed to be trying to tie her up, "Hey, what the frack?" She muttered weakly, "I ain't into that freaky stu..."

Ashara, realizing her sister was now completely out of her head from the blood loss, placed her fingers gently on Rianni's lips, "Rianni, please shut up. You need to save your strength."

Ashara turned to lock eyes with Maiell, "Thank you, and please accept my apologies for my sister, she's talking complete nonsense right now. Totally out of her head."

"I noticed," Maiell said with a small half-smile. "It's normal. She's losing blood. Why aren't we being beamed away yet?" he asked.

"I have no idea but my father and aunt will be furious about it when they find out." Ashara replied, stroking Rianni's blood soaked hair, "Hold on, sister."

"Where do you think the nearest comm is?" he asked her, embarrassed at his own ignorance, hoping his blush would just be taken for a flush because of the situation.

"I'm not sure, I'm not familiar with this station of yet." Ashara shook her head, "If nothing else we can take her to the consulate, let Romulans care for her."

"That would be much easier," he said. "And closer," he told her, leaving the decision with her. She was the woman's family, after all. It wasn't his place to make decisions for her.

"She should be cared for by other Romulans, the humans are responsible for this to begin with." Ashara nodded, "Help me get her on her feet, please."

"Her walking will only increase her metabolism, and thus, her pressure and blood flow," Maiell told her. "I'll carry her," he decided, moving forward to scoop the woman into his arms

Rianni, not wanting to be saved, tried to protest, but couldn't make any sounds come out, so she just slumped against him, ~Ayren.....~

Ashara, following closely behind Maiell, just kept repeating, "Hold on, Rianni."

Ma'erlit was on her way to bring the day's fuel reports to the CAG when she saw Lt. Cdr. Monteros' sister in a panic, following some dishy Romulan guy who was carrying the CAG, ~Oh, that's bad!~ She thought, before noticing the river of green blood pouring from Rianni's wrist, ~Okay, worse!~

=A=Ma'erlt to Lt. Dunham.=A=

=^= Yo =^= came the casual, informal tone from Lt Dunhams comm response.

=A= Sir, I need you to come to the CAG's quarters double quick, and bring Dr. Adams, It's bad, Sir.=A= Ma'erlit continued, =A= It looks like she might have been attacked or something, Sir.=A=

Dunham cursed as he and Chelsea were beginning to leave there quarters. He pressed the comm badge on his chest, ass he struggled to put his boots back on. =^= We're on our way =^=

The CMO initiated a site to site emergency medical transport in the light of the panic in Ma'erlit's voice and the scanty details so far.

Shimmering into place right beside the fallen patient, Chelsea dropped to the floor and immediately pulled out her scanner from the med-kit she had snatched up on her way out of their quarters. "What the hell happened here?" she asked as she read the instrument and on finding the wounds clear of glass or other foreign objects, applied pressure whilst rummaging in her kit for an instant skin seal applicator.

"What the hell have you done boss?” said Dunham with a tone of anguish, as he knelt down beside his superior officer on his knees, helping however he could with his basic first aid skills.

Chelsea was experienced at fast assessments and switched into work mode. She could see almost as much as her med-scan could tell her. There were clearly about to be organ-failures here, so much blood had been lost. She dropped her scanner back into the top of the medkit with her left hand and slapped her comm badge. =^= Adams to Sickbay, five for medical emergency beam to Theatre One on my mark, prepare a crash team and I'll need 2 litres of Romulan blood and plasma. Type....um... =^= she hesitated for a split second and snatched up the scanner again, searching through the readings. =^= Delta, rhesus neutral =^=

There was an acknowledgement from the other end and Chelsea kept working on Rhianni's right wrist for a few more split seconds before reaching for Rick's hand and placing his fingers in the appropriate pattern over her wrist just above the wound there. "Keep pressure on that as if her life depends on it.... it does!" she said quickly, moving one of his fingers again to make sure it was applying pressure to the exact spot.

Ashara wasn't really sure who this woman was, nor did she really care. All she knew was that she was a human, and the humans had done this to her sister and she didn't want any of them near her, "Who are you, woman? Get away from my sister!"

"Ma'am, please, this is Dr. Adams, she only wants to help the commander." Ma'erlit interjected.

There was no time for niceties so Chelsea had to hope no-one would mind being bossed about a little abruptly in the circumstances. She reached for Maiell's hand and placed it on Rhianni's right wrist too, this time just below where she'd been putting on the temporary seal and again positioned his fingers. "You too please" she said without waiting for a reply. Looking up, she looked at Ma'erlit. "Can you just hold her head so her neck doesn't fall back too far if she passes out?" she asked and stood up.

"Yes, Doctor." Ma'erlit nodded, sliding into position as quickly as her little legs would carry her.

Ashara, having had control of the situation wrested from her and her fellow Romulan, was having a hard time maintaining control of her emotions now, "What part of get away from her don't you understand?" She asked loudly, "I want her treated by Romulans! You humans did this to her!"

"Ma'am," Ma'erlit snapped, totally uncharacteristically, "Would you please shut up for a second so the Doctor can keep Rianni alive?"

Quickly approaching Ashara who was showing clear signs of shock, Chelsea put a hypospray of Hydroadrenacortisene up to her neck and put her arm under around her supportively. "I have this under control" she assured the stricken young woman, more because it was the only way to make sure Ashara didn't become the next one to need urgent attention than that she really *did* yet.

Chelsea's confidence, decisiveness, strength and presence under pressure like this was one of the unexplained mysteries of nature. She was a real softie 90% of the time but when she had to step up to the plate and save lives, she changed into someone that instilled confidence and trust. She was a different person at times like this but she didn't have time to even realise this, let alone wonder what Rick might be thinking.

Ashara hadn't had time to protest this unwanted medicating, the effects kicked in that quickly, all she managed was, "Hey..."



A JP between:

erie'Arrain Maiell tr'Tahn (NPC by Arrienye t'Merek)
Security officer - Romulan consulate

Ambassador Isha e-Khellian i-Ramnau t'Illialhlae


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader

Lt. Cdr. Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

Aarian Ashara R'Vek Th'Khellian

Crewman Ma'erlit Amalia