Judgement – In pursuit of the inevitable
by Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   In pursuit of the inevitable
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Captain Tasha Tahir (NPC) & Lieutenant Commander Jarred Wallace & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Feb 13, 2011 @ 8:15am
Location   Flight Deck
Timeline   SD36 09:55
Tasha was heading to the docking port to meet and greet the Commander of the Relentless, but as she stepped onto the transporter, she changed her mind, a Captains, as well as a woman's prerogative. "Deck 133" She ordered and a moment later she stepped off, heading towards Commander Dunhams office.

She rapped at the open door. "Commander Dunham?" She enquired to the man already dressed in his flight suit. His hand signalled to the adjacent door.

She tipped her head in acknowledgement and stepped passed him and tapped at the door.

"Yo" came a response from inside the room, then a cough, and a "Come in please." Came a polite yet slightly muffled response. The muffling was due to the fact that Rick was also trying to get on his flight suit.

As she peered round the door, Rick had his back to her as he appeared to be struggling to get into his own suit.
"I always wondered why they made them so small." The statement was more a question as she took another step into the office.

"This...." said Rick with a smile and zipping himself up. "Is the body glove. It regulates body temperature and water consolidation. That..." he pointed to the white flight suite slung over his chair. "is our EVA flight suite." He shrugged "Last line of defence against the elements if your micro transporter does not work or the self contained atmo ejection unit does not work either." He looked at the suit for a moment. "Horrible to peel off if you have been burned though." said Rick reflectively as he remembered his time passing through the temporal anomoly.

The Captain had seen the EVA suit before, but not the body glove that Rick referred to. In fact, she was blissfully unaware that they were still in use.
"All I can say is that I am glad I don't have to wear one." Tasha grinned with a shake of her head. "May I?" She indicated to the vacant grey plastic chair on the opposite side of Dunhams desk and moved to sit.

"Please do" replied Rick politely to his superior officer. He then went to the task of putting on the rest of his uniform.

"Thank you." She answered as she sat and folded her hands into her lap. "As you know, we had a fleeting reading earlier of a Borg life form on the lower decks. At the moment, we can no longer find any trace of it or how it disappeared. I have asked crewman Kahlan and Lieutenant Space to join us, to impart any information they can, but I would also like a visual sweep outside the station, a vectored search for a cloaked ship, a Borg ship." She shifted in the chair, uncomfortable with the order she was giving as it could be more than dangerous outside and she had reservations of her own.
"Temporal scans to be maintained as well as an open comm channel." She demanded but could see that Rick had practically pre-empted her visit. "Commander, I cannot stress enough the importance of this search.. We have no idea if there is a scout, cube or sphere out there." Her hand pointed to the bulkhead behind him as if to signal its location.

Rick scratched the stubble on his chin. "Roger that boss." said Rick in agreement. Then he said thoughtfully. "I have never heard of Borg using cloaked ships before, that's unusual change from their normal M.O?"

She held herself in check. "We cannot be too careful. When I say cloaked, I mean temporally shielded." Her shoulders arced upwards. "Heck I don't know what I'm saying, except be very careful." She advised with the smallest of smiles.

Rick nodded in agreement. "Yes ma'am"

John who had heard about some of the excitement came walking down the corridor with a case in hand, "Commander Dunham, before you go crawling around in space with a phaser that might be useless you might want to borrow one of Lieutenant Wallace' toys." Lifting and setting the case down on a nearby bench."

Rick smiled "it isn't a issued special briefcase with a AR-7 .22 survival rifle with infrared telescope, 50 Gold Sovereigns, tear gas cartridge disguised as talcum powder, ammunition for rifle and a throwing knife, is it?"

"No those are saved for other occasions." John chuckled "this is the Dragon multi-environment rifle, its a distant cousin of the compression rifle, with quite a few fixes, Mode one is your standard pulse fire mode, Mode two is best for dealing with Borg, mode three is a high energy fire mode, careful using it around leaking plasma conduits." John flipped a small switch and a section of the buttstock popped up, "Your throwing knife."

Rick held the knife in his hand trying to feel the balance of it. "Wow" he said in genuine surprise "that's incredibly light what's, it made of?" Rick hefted the knife trying to guess its wait. Even to the un-trained eye it was pretty obvious that the man had not handled a knife weapon for a long time.

"Polimerized Duranium, a process that was reverse engineered from Breen wreckage, apparently its strong enough to go through Borg torso plating and Breen battle suits." John commented.

Rick put the knife tentatively back in its unit within the compression rifle. He handle the weapon like a man not use to hefting or carrying it. Normally he would only carry a hand phaser at his side.

Tasha had a bemused smile on her face as she wondered how this unending supply of weapons seemed to be on hand from within the confines of the station, but she had learned a long time ago, to not ask too many questions.
"I guess you're ready to go." She stated as she rose from the seat and wiped her hands on the side of her legs.

John spoke-up "The tricorder module on top of the rifle is pretty limited, you'll be able to scan to about two hundred meters around you, but it won't be able to tell what things are until about fifty meters away, its presets have Borg for you so all you have to do is go."

"You know what, I'm really hoping I don't have to use this thing, I'm fighter pilot I have not shot a rifle like this since my academy days."

"Sorry Commander but your the only other person with the proper EVA rating, the other guy is missing, so its your show." John commented, "Good luck."

"Hold on what? EVA? I thought we were just doing a vectored search of the area. My boys and me will fly the approach and scan the entire area. What will we need to go EVA for?"

"Isn't that what the space suit is for?" John who was closing the gun case.

Tahir shook her head and grinned. "I don't think we're going to need a space suit. Hopefully this will be a simple search for what may or may not be anything. Commander, as the man said, it's your show but let us know if you find anything out there." And she started to turn but stopped, casting her head back to the Flight chief "And I mean anything." She left the flight office, wondering what had delayed the two members of staff she had arranged to meet with Commander Dunham.


Captain Tasha Tahir

Ens John Maxwell (Npc by Andy)


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham