We All Fall Down – Core Values
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Ensign Rioan Mellar

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Title   Core Values
Mission   We All Fall Down
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek & Ensign Rioan Mellar
Posted   Fri Aug 01, 2014 @ 7:59pm
Location   Decl 54, Science Lab 2
Timeline   WAFD: Day 1. 11:00
As Commander Jiminy Stack, known as Smokey to his friends, raised his eye from the microscope the crack of tense tendons snapped through the otherwise silent lab.

He rubbed the knot at the base of his neck. "Got to get myself some physio," he said aloud before he took the slide and returned it to the case. Sometimes the old fashioned methods were the only way to do the job, but boy, the physical toll was big.


The young ensign whistled the ancient earth battle tune his mother taught him called 'Paradise City' as he stepped through the airlock and onto the station. As he made his way from the shuttlebays to Science lab 2 , he could only think of one thing to say as he made his way through DS5.

"Prophets and mother Mary, this place is friggin huge. Deck 13." He shook his head as he slipped into a turbolift with a Bolian shuffling behind him.

All he could think was, 'He's not going to start a conversation..' .

Which of course the Bolian did.

"Deck 141. Hello, My name is Modd. You wouldn't happen to be new here would you?"

Rioan smiled and nodded as he rubbed his brow.

"Being a strong silent type Ensign? I noticed your rank. I'm here for business negotiations. They way I am talking it isn't for intelligence." The Bolian let out a loud belly laugh that set Rioan a bit on edge as he rubbed his brow again with a bead of sweat dripping.


Modd raised his brow. "Are you ok, Sir? You seem a bit nervous. Is this your first assignment?"

Rioan mentally shrugged and nodded even though it was his 3rd. The Bolian continued talking.

"Just relax. Starfleet wouldn't put you here if you couldn't cope. What's Your name?"

Rioan in a barely audible voice, introduced himself.

"Mellar Rye-une. I have had many dealing on Bajor and I don't recall ever hearing that name."

Rioan was surprised how well Modd pronounced his name and slightly relaxed.

"My given name isn't Bajoran. It's an ancient earth dialect known as Gaelic. It means small king."

Rioan smiled politely and somewhat nervously at Modd as he exited the turbolift and made his way to the science lab and his new assignment.

"Well come on small king. Time to go for a crown," he muttered as he entered the lab to meed his Supervisor.

"Ensign Rioan..I mean Ensign Mellar Rioan reporting for duty, Sir."

The Chief Science Officer continued to rub the knot with his fingers - it felt like he was chasing it from his neck along his shoulders. As he saw the new arrival he left the crick to its own devices and extended one hairy backed hand.

"Ah, Ensign Rioan, have I got that right? Commander Stack, welcome to Deep Space Five."

Rioan bit his lip slightly. He was able to control his discomfort in conversations w as far as superior officers were concerned. He hated the idea of correcting someone day one but what could he do? He spoke with great care.

"Actually Sir, I follow the Bajoran naming tradition. Rioan is my first name. Its ancient earth gaelic."

Stack, who out of uniform one might be forgiven for mistaking for a rugby player rather than a lab rat took that in. Good thing he hadn't gone down the diplomatic route. "Ensign Mellar, then," he grinned a wide hearty grin. "How was the journey?"

"Probably the longest I've ever done Sir. I've been taken by my father on digs on the far edge of Cardassian space that seemed closer."

Rioan put a mental clamp on his lip and continued with a more professional demeanor.

"I must say I am looking forward to working here. I understand there are a plethora of stellar phenomena to study. May I ask how the archaeology options are here? I don't mean to sound like a cadet Sir. I'm just excited for a new opportunity."

Rioan thought to himself. 'Ok Mellar, don't overdo it. There's no need to go over eager.'

"Permission to ask what is first on the agenda Sir?"

'smooth as meteorites Mellar' Rioan thought to himself..

Stacks clapped a hand on the Ensign's shoulder, "One question at a time, kid, one at a time," he said. "A team brought some interesting samples back from Ivor Prime a few years back, plus land survey results. We've not had time to process them - if that's your boat then arftefacts aplenty. We've been working on cracking a Rommie computer core that *ahem* came into our possession *ahem*. That's the priority."


Rioan raised his brow. He couldn't believe he was going to bring this up but he did want to prove he was beyond it. "well to be honest my Vulcan is first rate but my romulan is rusty. now I do have some ..shall we say experience from my pre academy days in cracking data transmissions algorithms to get different systems to talk to each other."

Rioan blushed as he remembered being called the coconut cadet for 3 semesters.

Then he thought of the Ivor Prime research. He had worked on a theory that Ivor Prime was once a front line scouting base for a group once referred to as the First Federation eons ago. If he could prove it, he could conceivably edit the history books for centuries.

"If you'd ok it Sir, I could work on the Ivor Prime work and if you can use a hand with that core, I'm not adverse to a little overtime."

Rioan in the back of his head could feel his kid brother Ross , slapping him in the back of the forehead telling him to relax. The only problem is he hasn't been able to do so since the Andorian mess.

'I don't want to be just my past.' Rioan thought to himself as he craned his neck a bit. His superior seemed nice and all but couldn't help feeling a bit like his last visit to the academy commandants office just before graduation.

Commander Stack grinned widely. "You haven't heard, have you? You're gonna get to set your owm priorities. I'm assigned to the USS Manchego, docked here for repairs. We'll be leaving in a week. After I'm gone, well, you're getting the chair."


Rioan could have sworn he felt the artificial gravity triple from his waist down for a split second.

"Outstanding. I'll make sure we do everything we can to make the Vulcan science academy and the Daystrom Institute look like child care." Rioan said it in a believably to everyone and almost himself.

"My folks always said the one thing you can always expect without disappointment is anything. Surprises like this are just a turn in the road." Rioan said. He will do the only thing he knows how ... his best. Rioan focused as his supervisor continued.

"Take my advice, kid. Start on the core - crack that and your team will be in awe."

Rioan stood again for a moment in thought. He wasn't joking about having a knack with cracking computer security and encryption but Romulan systems were notorious from what he heard. If he could be one of those who cracked it, it would be most satisfying.

Rioan nodded. "Well let's get on to impossible task #1 then. Have we learned anything about this core? Perhaps how and why it was acquired? Or is this one of those better you dont know kind of deals I've grown to know only too well."

Stack cracked air in through his teeth. "It was salvaged after an aborted attack on the station. As to the info gathered so far, well, the scientist working on it disappeared without trace. Does that bother you?"

Rioan shrugged slightly shaking his head in the negative.

"Not at all, Commander. I'm Bajoran and old earth Irish. I'm too genetically determined to just vanish."

"Any idea where it was salvaged from exactly?" Rioan's mind started to blossom with ideas . He always said solutions are like a seed that need to grow and branch until the right idea blossoms. He just hopes his 'thought tree' as he called it , forks.

Stack chuckled. "They attacked the station and left it behind," he said, "I don't think that was part of the plan."

Rioan managed to smile with honest feeling. He felt a little overwhelmed by his future but loving the challenge.

"Commander, if you like you can point me to the core right now if you like, and if someone could at least tell me where my quarters would be too , I'd be grateful."

"Its right there in the side room. We'll need to get your clearance through first. You'll have that tomorrow." Stack punched a code into the console and waited a few seconds, "You'll be on Deck 24. Make yourse;f comfortable, kid. Settle in. It doesn't stay calm around here for long.


Commander Jiminy 'Smokey' Stack
Acting Chief Science Officer
NPC by Louise