Beg, Steal or Borrow – Dinner and Date but no Dancing #2
by Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham

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Title   Dinner and Date but no Dancing #2
Mission   Beg, Steal or Borrow
Author(s)   Commander Chelsea Dunham & Commander Richard Dunham
Posted   Sun Jul 19, 2009 @ 10:27pm
Location   A Hole in the Ground?
Timeline   SD9 22.30hrs
OLD: She does like you!! Dunham said to himself excitedly accompanied by the metal sound of fanfare. He smiled and looked into her warm eyes. The kind of eyes you could get lost in.


"Can we take it for what it was? An expression of a genuine, caring friendship. Already I feel so comfortable with you that it feels like I've known you all my life and we'd had such a brilliant day.

When I was upset you were there for me and showed how much you care. I owe you for so much today, most especially this, now."

She spoke earnestly, raising her liquid eyes to look into his so he'd know she wasn't just saying that.

Reaching out, she gently put her fingertips on the back of his hand in a gesture of thanks.

Dunham turned his hand palm up and took Chelsea's hand in a tender grip.

"We have some kind of connection. I'm so lucky to have a friend like you. I hope I haven't spoiled it tonight. Did I go too far calling on you like this?" she gazed into his face to see his reaction, hoping to tell if she owed him an apology.

"You can call me anytime" he said with sincerity in his voice and a smile on his face.

"Thank you so much" She returned the smile, relieved.

Returning her attention to the regenerator, Chelsea finished repairing her ankle sufficiently to be able to hobble on. "It needs more sessions but it'll heal up fine" she reassured him.

"Puts a whole new meaning on the expression 'physician heal thyself' doesn't it?" she grinned, attempting to get up.

Dunham took her right arm and put it over his shoulder then put left hand around Chelsea's waist to help her up. "do you want me to help you hobble back to your quarters?"

Chelsea grinned at him. "Only if you hobble too, and NO laughing at me! Deal?"

"Deal" he said with a grin. They started the long march to her quarters.

It was difficult and Chelsea had to stop a couple of times to re-administer the anti-inflammatory and do some more regeneration but the ankle held out over-all, mainly due to Richard taking most of her weight and keeping her so well supported.

"No this isn't working" Said Dunham slightly defeated. He stopped in one of the corridors. "I've got a better idea." He un-wraped himself from taking Chelsea's weight. Then instead lifted her up into his arms with hers behind his neck. "Much better"

Chelsea's heart fluttered and she had to remind herself sternly that she wasn't supposed to feel like this. It was so hard though, being held in his strong arms, her own around his neck, her face could be nowhere else other than buried in his neck and it felt so reassuring and warm.

There was an ache in her heart for Ryan to have been the one to be there for her like this but he wasn't. He was with Nora. Chelsea reminded herself harshly, a tear of confusion and anguish falling from her eyes unseen as she nestled into Dunham's neck, hoping he wouldn't notice it fall.

A part of her didn't want them to get there too soon which made her just feel guilty and she was too racked with having her heart torn like this to notice her ankle throbbing.

When they got to her quarters Chelsea breathed another apology as he lowered her onto the couch. "You must be exhausted, you virtually carried me all the way. Thank you so very much for all this, Richard" her dark eyes and expressive face confirmed her gratitude.

Dunham after putting the Doctor on the couch was still leaning close to her. He could almost hear her breathing. He paused looking into those dark eyes. Thinking he could lose himself there for days.
His heart was telling him one thing but his brain was telling him something else. His brain won. "urrmm can I get you a drink from the replicator?"

"Yes please, redbush tea, with milk and one sugar. I'd like something stronger but i've had too many analgesics" she replied, *very* aware of how close he was.

"Ok". He got up and went over to the replicator. "Redbush tea, milk, one sugar, hot." He took the newly appeared china cup and saucer over to Chelsea and passed it over. "so are you going to be ok Doctor?"

Taking the tea and thanking him, Chelsea put her ankle up on the coffee table and settled back into the cushions. "Yes" she said "Thanks to you. Are you not having a drink? I realise it's late. Perhaps you would prefer to go now? I'll be fine, I promise. Thank you again for all you've done"

Was she throwing him out? He thought to himself. "Yeah ok then I better go. I hope you get well soon. Take care."
Dunham gave a smile then headed out.

As Richard left, Chelsea felt herself sink into the couch in a dejected, deflated way. She hadn't been throwing him out, she had thought he was asking if she'd be ok because he wanted to go. Having asked if he wasn't having a drink, she had hoped in a way that he'd say he would but thinking back she realised that saying her thanks like that and offering that he might prefer to go, probably sounded to him like she was hinting.

Exhausted, confused and torn, Chelsea never finished her tea, but fell asleep on the comfortable sofa, only to wake up in the early hours with a stiff neck.

A joint post between

Lt Richard Dunham
Squadron Leader


Lt. Cmdr. Chelsea Adams