Judgement – Evaluating the merchandise
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer

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Title   Evaluating the merchandise
Mission   Judgement
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel & Commander Richard Dunham & Lieutenant Vincent Kramer
Posted   Sat May 07, 2011 @ 7:37pm
Location   Deck 74 - Main Shuttle Bay
Timeline   SD 36 - 24:00hrs

Kel'tor had seen more than enough. He knew that a ship with an intelligence system like this would be more than beneficial to anybody interested in reverse-engineering this type of technology.

"Captain, I think I'm going to stay onboard and just keep a watch over the Engineering team. Just in case they have any problems or need assistance with anything." He said with a reassuring smile.

"Besides, I'll need to submit a compliance report since this is a Gamma quadrant vessel." he added.

Ka'er remained silent for a moment, unsure of how to react. This man seemed... off. Something wasn't quite right about the way he talked, the glint that came into his eye whenever Prince spoke. And now this insistence to remain aboard? It didn't seem right. However, there was no real reason to deny his "request", beyond Ka'er's gut instinct. The captain would undoubtedly think he was being paranoid, so Ka'er simply nodded. "Very well," he said, "whatever I can do to help." Besides Prince wasn't stupid enough to just let this security officer exploit him.


Ensign Kel'tor had finished doing a once-over on the new ship that had just recently docked with the station and he was more than impressed. Just from what his scanner was able to understand from the readings, the vessel was far beyond what a lot of civilian vessels were capable of.

However, he was not an Engineer, so he knew that he'd need an experienced eye to tell him exactly what he was going to be dealing with. He would also need someone who could pilot a shuttle too.

=^= "Security to Engineering" he said into his comm unit as he entered a nearby turbolift.

=^= “This is Ens. Ravine in Engineering, go ahead.”

=^= "I am going to need to borrow an available Engineer to do a fly by evaluation of a recently docked ship. Can you have a greasemonkey meet me down Deck 74, shuttle bay 22." He continued.

=^=”It is rather late for this kind of type of request” Ravine replied. “It requires a senior officer . . “ Ravine stopped speaking when the security authorization came through on her display console. “Pardon me Sir. Let me look and see who is available. Yes, we have a senior officer in your area at this time. I will send Lt. Kramer your way.”

Just as he rounded the corner he saw the doors to the Fighter Squadron Wing. He had never spent much time in this part of the station. Considering he hadn't flown a shuttle or fighter shuttle since the academy, he never really had a need to be around here.

He looked around for either the C.A.G. or somebody that appeared to be available. Finally, he saw someone walking by that appeared to be in charge.

"Hey you! Excuse me!" Kel'tor said as he walked over to the Officer. "Are you in charge of the flight deck here?" he asked.

"I think you will find thats, hey you sir." said Rick tapping the lt cdr pips on his collar

"Well, I'm performing a Security evaluation of a recently docked vessel and I'm going to need to borrow a pilot for about an hour or so. Do you have one you can spare?" he asked.

"I'm sure we can find someone free for you" said Rick scanning the PaDD he had and checking his pilot manifest

However, even while the officer was responding, his attention was focused elsewhere.

"uh. . yeah, she'll do." he said as he pointed to the young Ensign standing near a grounded shuttle.

"Fine" said Rick rubbing the bridge of his nose and happy to unload this guy one someone else.

(((A few minutes later)))

It had been a very long day. Kramer was headed to his quarters when he had received a transmission that a priority request had been made and for him to meet Ens. Kel'tor on Deck 74, shuttle bay 22. Lt. Kramer entered the shuttle bay. To a crewman nearby he asked, “I’m looking for Ensign Kel’tor.”

The Crewman pointed over to a nearby shuttle.

With a nod from Kramer, he walked on to the shuttle. He walked up to two Starfleet officers. He did not recognize either of them. Kramer was all business. Not wanting to be too friendly, it was late, and he was tired. “Which of you is Ensign Kel’tor?”

Kel'tor turned from the Ensign before him and looked at the office that had just arrived. He certainly was not expecting a Lieutenant to arrive. . .that could prove to be a problem.

“How may I assist you Ensign?” Kramer asked very business like with his arms folded across his chest.

"Uh. . .I . . .I am performing a security check for a new vessel that arrived from the Gamma Quadrant recently." He replied, attempting to maintain his cool.

"The pilot here is gonna give us a fly-by, and you'll perform an initial analysis to determine just what all that thing is carrying." he added.

Kramer nodded politely to the very attractive Female Ensign.

Next to them was a standard Type VI shuttle. Looking at the other officer Kramer asked, “Are you the pilot?”

The Ensign gave an affirmative nod, without a word. Then finally added, "Yes Sir, Ensign Samantha Roarke."

Kramer inquired, “Well Ensign Roarke, does this shuttle have Tri-menic class 4 senors on board?”

A confused or uncertain look came over her face, and looked in the shuttle's rear opening . Then said, "I think so."

"Well then," Kramer began, “Let's find out. Shall we." He held out his left had indicating for the pilot to enter the shuttle ahead of him.

Ens. Roarke walked in and sat at the pilot's controls and Lt. Kramer sat next to her and reviewed the systems quickly. Turning to Ens. Kel'tor still standing behind them, Kramer said, "All right Ensign Kel'tor. We're ready if you are."

"Alright, let's hit it." Kel'tor said as he brought structural sensors online on his console. He began a passive scan of the ship's interior systems. He did not want to set off any alarms which were undoubtedly programed throughout Prince's mainframe. He wanted to find out just what this vessel was capable of.

"Ensign, take us around the aft portion of the vessel. Lieutenant Kramer, I want to know about the propulsion system on this vessel. This is probably the first time in over 15 years that we've had a chance to exam a Gamma Quadrant vessel this close." Kel'tor stated.

Kramer made quick work of the sensor array. “Initial scans show Oxygen atmosphere, artificial gravity, power systems using reactionary lacing reactors, and are distributed throughout the ship instead of centrally located.“ “They seem to have a back-up energy conduits with grid power flux system.” Kramer continued, “The warp nacelles are fairly typical except for . . Now this can’t be right.“ He paused, “Very Intriguing. This is very similar to the . . ." The word escaped his mind. It was very late. After a breath he said, "Transwarp drive propulsion system."

Kel'tor's eyes lit up at the statement. "You mean that this ship is carrying a functional Transwarp Drive? I thought it was proven unstable to be used my anybody not named The Borg?" the Security officer replied.

“As I recall,” Kramer turned in his chair to look at the Ensign. “the Transwarp drive was an initial failure. They discovered a series of flaws in the Traswarp drive which, would have caused nacelle to implode. It still never worked quite right.”

"So, whoever built this ship was able to get all the kinks out?" Kel'tor asked with interest. "What about the ship's A.I. system. How can they have enough power for a transwarp field and still have an A.I. onboard that is self-aware?" He asked as he continued to scan the power grid matrix.

“I’m not sure.” Replied Kramer, “The scans are detailed enough, unless we go to a more invasive scan.” He looked at the Ensign. “And I will not be doing that without my Captain’s authorization.”

"Well what's stopping you from ask---" Kel'tor began to ask before he was cut off by the Engineer.

Looking again at the readouts of the scan, “Wait a minute,” Kramer exclaimed. “What if they were using bio-neural hand-in-hand with the A.I. system? That might allow them to do both. They would have to be linked so that one would take over for the other at times.”

"What kind of drive-core combination would they possess that would be able to handle that much information?" Kel'tor inquired.

Kramer paused to consider what he had just suggested. “Again, I would have to get the Starbase Commander’s authorization before doing such an evasive scan.”

Kel'tor was getting tired of hearing that same phrase over and over again. What good was having an Engineer on board if he was going to perform any scans or analysis on the vessel.

"Well, what scans *can* you perform without prior authorization?" Kel'tor asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

“I can do up to a level three scan” said the Engineer with an affirmative nod to highlight the statement. “That will give you mass, composition.” Kramer then added, "Ensign," he ephasized the lower rank, "have you considered any part of what you are wanting to do as being Illegal or un-ethical?" He finished, looked at the Ensign and smiled with the thougth that he may not want to cross that line.

Kel'tor pursed his lips together. He did not want to create a scene; not when he was this close to finding out what he needed to know about the ship. In any event, he wasn't about to get into a pissing match with a superior officer,. He was just going to let this one go and focus on the task at hand.

"Sorry sir, I'm just interested in knowing everything I can about the security concerns of this ship per the Chief's orders." He deflected as he turned back to his console.

"Ensign, I think we've got enough information. We can head back to the docking bay now." he said


CAG Squadron Leader
Lieutenant Commander Richard Dunham

Ensign Kel'tor
Security Officer of a conspicous nature


Lt. Vincent Kramer
Asst. Chief of Engineering