Interlude – Wasn't there meant to be ...
by Arrival Thomas Whitlock & Commander Karen Villiers

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Title   Wasn't there meant to be ...
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Arrival Thomas Whitlock & Commander Karen Villiers
Posted   Sun Jun 20, 2010 @ 8:21pm
Location   JAG Office
Thomas felt restless and he remembered he hadn't heard anything about his complaint against the Chief of Security. He finished his drink then quickly made his way to the JAG offices. He stepped into the outer office and looked around. "Is Commander Villiers available?" he asked the receptionist.

"Define available," was the reply. "Down that corridor, big office. Don't be fooled by the open door," he said with a point.

Thomas nodded, remembering the warning from last time. "Thank you," he said as he made his way to the office, pausing to knock once again.

This time at least Karen was behind her desk, not wrestling with a reluctant replicator. "Thomas, have a seat," she said as she glanced over the last few lines of the document she was reading. "Have you come for your apology?" she asked.

Thomas smiled at her as he sat down. "That and to see you again," he said to her. "I really do enjoy chatting with you."

Karen smiled, "That's a good thing, because I can guarantee you a chat, but can't do much about that apology," she said her tone hanging oddly between the serious and the informal.

Thomas looked at her as he processed what she had just said. "I see," he said to her. "So am I to take it that the Commander refuses to admit he was wrong?"

"I have suspended Commander Gabriel from duty pending investigation," Karen sighed. "And yes, he would not admit that he had done anything wrong," she said. Commander Davies regarded him well as an officer, but Karen saw no evidence for that opinion - perhaps she lack the necessary chromosome to see it, she wondered. "I'm sorry, Thomas, I'd hoped that he would be sensible."

Thomas looked at her and nodded. "I was hoping he would as well," he said to her. "So what happens now?"

"The case will be investigated, the security operations will be investigated. Its not a simple matter, Thomas when a department head starts putting himself above the law - and this is all off the record - we can't risk there being an insidious culture of indifference in security," she explained.

"You should know me better than that, Karen," Thomas said to her. "The attack against me is personal. No one needs to read about that. As for the rest of it, I know you'll make an official statement when you're ready."

"Whether it was personal or not," something that Karen left open as she knew that Gabriel's interactions with his peers were largely antagonistic, "the moment a Federation Security Officer begins to view his own beliefs as more important than the wellbeing of those he is sworn to serve we have an issue. And when that leads to common assault on a civillian we have a double issue. The matter is being taken very seriously by this office."

Karen sighed, shook her head, and leant back. "So, apart from wondering how your apology is coming along, what have you been doing with yourself?" she asked.

"I'm still trying to learn my way around the base and trying to meet some of the other officers," Thomas replied. "I have a few leads on a couple stories, but nothing I can actually report on yet."

"Like anything, it takes time," Karen replied. "Everyone is open enough when they want your help, but other than that," she shrugged raising her hands in a despairing gesture.

Thomas looked at her again and nodded. "How about you, Karen?" he asked. "How are you holding up?"

"What? With the station in chaos, Commander Davies out of action? I'm doing just fine," she replied. "Normal life."

"How about dinner?" he suggested. "Or maybe drinks?"

Karen shook her head again. "You don't give up, do you," she said with a laugh. "Its still a no, Thomas. Especially now. Until Davies recovers or Tahir returns I'm in charge, and with this assault on top ... well, you understand."

"You can't blame me for trying to have dinner with a beautiful woman," Thomas said to her. "I'm not talking about sleeping together, although I definitely wouldn't say no to that," he added with a wink.

"No, I can't, but my reasoning stands," Karen said.

"I understand," Thomas replied. "There will be time for that later," he added with a wink. "Is there anything else you'd like to talk about?"

"All in good time," Karen said, "All in good time."

Thomas smiled at her and said, "I look forward to it." He stood up and looked at her again. "You know how to reach me if you need me."

Karen replied with both a nod and a shake of her head. Soon enough he would be all over the office with or without invitation.


Commander Karen Villier
Executive Officer/ JAG

Thomas Whitlock
FNS Reporter