Things Past – . . .Picks the tune
by Alderman Dorian Gabriel

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Title   . . .Picks the tune
Mission   Things Past
Author(s)   Alderman Dorian Gabriel
Posted   Mon Oct 08, 2012 @ 12:24am
Location   Hydel Turvan's Quarters
Timeline   SD 58 - 10:00 (after "He who pays the piper. . .") - BACKPOST

Draylin merely glanced at it, taking in the picture without expression and handing the thing back. He looked expectantly up at him. "Yolanthe Ibalin," he simply said after a moment.

"Yes, as you've learned, Getal is very much attached to her at the moment. It appears he has very strong feelings for her." Glinn responded. "We want her removed from the picture." The Cardassian said flatly.

"No," Draylin replied in a similar fashion, shaking his head.

"Need I remind you, Mr. Tal, that considerable resources have been devoted to your original task of throwing Getal's life into turmoil. However, we believe that that goal could be better accomplished in a more direct manner." Galen stated. "Particularly, with the bartender being dealt with. Besides, she has no family and not vital function to the station. Her absence would not disrupt any long-term plans that we may have.

"And need I remind you that your further plans do not concern me. We met and discussed this job before all of this was set in motion. The terms were set, I was paid, and I did the work, quite excellently if I do say so myself. I'm not some street market salesman you can call up if you change your mind and want to add a few more crates to your bulk order from a week ago. If you wanted something done, you should have thought it through and told me in the beginning." The El Aurian's tone was cold but the underlying annoyance at the man was clear.


"Enter" came the voice of the Cardassian Legate.

Within several moments the doors whisked open and the young attache appeared and strolled towards the front of the Legate's desk.

"Legate Turvan. I've met with our. . .associate in regards to dealing with the Bar owner." Glinn A'Dan Galen stated.

"I assume that the meeting was fruitful?" The Cardassian Legate asked as he leaned back in his chair.

"Less than so, I'm afraid." A'Dan stated as he took a seat in the chair across from the Cardassian's chair. "He has refused to cooperate any further and seemed very hostile to the idea of do more than what he has already been paid to do." the aide commented.

"Should I. . .deal with the situation, sir, before he becomes a problem?" A'Dan added.

"No." Hydel said pointedly. "His belligerence has become significantly annoying; however, killing him would merely create more trouble than I'm prepared to deal with. . .at the moment." Hydel said.

"I will find a way to deal with are young 'barkeep' in my own way." he promised.


Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Union

A'Dan Galen