Interlude – The Possibility of Victory ...
by Commander Isha t'Vaurek

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Title   The Possibility of Victory ...
Mission   Interlude
Author(s)   Commander Isha t'Vaurek
Posted   Fri May 07, 2010 @ 6:11pm
Location   Romulan Consulate / Cariel III
Timeline   SD18 - Unknown
Aehkhifv Latasalaem, a cousin of Isha through a clan branch had taken his wife’s name upon marriage as was the custom. Along with Isha’s mother he had brokered the marriage between Isha and Nveid t’Ilialhlae, thinking that once she was in place she would be easy to control. How wrong he had been. Yes, she had secured one of the Senate seats the House controlled for him but everything she gave had to be fought for. That had been years ago when he had still been establishing his networks and credentials, but as he waited for Deep Space Five to respond to his communiqué Aehkhifv reflected that nothing had really changed.

Would it make any difference if Isha knew that Aehkhifv Latasalaem was the Head of the Special Operations Division of the Tal’Shiar? He doubted it, and had no intention of testing the hypothesis, he preferred to appear to be nothing more than a Senator, his official role and title were known to few, not even to his own wife.

It was with his deputy that Aehkhifv wished to speak, not about the troublesome ambassador, but about the coded message he had received earlier that day and devoured with interest. He steepled his fingers as the screen rippled and the image of Rh’vaurek Raedheol replaced the Imperial symbol that had filled it.

“Why did you send her back?” Rh’vaurek asked as. No greeting, no formality.

On top of his terse tone Aehkhifv thought his protégé looked frustrated, but they always spoke freely so he was not bothered by the question, indeed he had expected it.

Aehkhifv smiled thinly. “Who’d have thought that an impassioned speech condemning and calling for the execution of half of her closest family along with their friends could be such a boost to her popularity in these modern days? It was! Ra'tleihfi was buzzing and our esteemed Praetor rapidly grew tired of Isha’s name being mentioned in the same sentence as ‘decisive action’. You’re stuck with her, Rh’vaurek the Praetor wanted her off ch’Rihan as much as you want her off your space station – you drew the short straw in that contest,” he told him.

“Oh good,” Rh’vaurek said flatly feeling as usual that Aehkhifv was only telling him part of the story.

“She has her job to do, you have yours,” Aehkhifv reminded the younger man, there was no need to repeat the details of the tense conversation they had had a few weeks eariler. “Just keep her under control until we’re ready to use her.”

“I don’t need to,” Rh’vaurek replied, “Our new ally is doing an admirable job of keeping t’Khellian on her guard. I haven’t seen her this rattled in years. Aehkhifv, if I am going to have to constrain anyone this time it will be him.”

This of course was the real reason Aehkhifv had replied to Rh’vaurek’s communiqué, “Is the term ‘ally’ not premature, Rh’vuarek?” Latasalaem questioned, the plan that had been outlined was, on the face of it feasible. With the correct execution it was viable. “What do you know of this Cardassian?”

“Formerly Obsidian Order, has visions of restoring Cardassia. I sent you the profile,” Rh’vaurek had better things to do than discuss those details and so did Aehkhifv. “You’ve read the files I sent you?”

Aehkhifv nodded, “The plan has merit as well as risk. I understand why you are lured, but your prospective ally is weak in resources and you are asking me to make up for the shortfalls in your choice of ‘ally’?”

“Only to match what he can provide. Then we will see if there is any real merit, or if this is just overblown swagger. If I don’t take this initial step I cannot properly make that assessment,” Rh’vaurek argued.

“Why you? Why not our ambassador?” Aehkhifv asked, his question rhetorical. “Ah, he did, and she turned him down, or else prevaricated so much that he got bored. That’s a sign of an impatient ally, Rh’vaurek … is that wise?”

It was Rh’vaurek’s turn to pause. “You have accused me often enough of impatience and not suffered for it,” Rh’vaurek replied. He was interested that his superior did not dismiss the idea immediately and surmised that Aehkhifv’s was the ‘official’ hand behind the attack for which Isha’s family had taken the fall. If Aehkhifv thought it was a good idea then, it was natural that he would think it a good idea now.

Rh’vaurek continued, “If Getal wants the plan to succeed then he will curb his impatience. With my backing I calculate an eighty-five percent chance of success in taking the station, without it a ninety percent chance of failure. But it is holding it that will be the challenge – the Federation are not going to give up this position without a fight. The Cardassian Union is not strong enough to hold it alone - their supply lines are too stretched – it would take the Federation a maximum of a week to cut them off. DS5 is on our doorstep and the Federation cannot easily cut our line through unclaimed space; we could hold the station. The Federation will not risk all out war for one space station, not if we can sweeten their retreat.”

“What do you propose?” Aehkhifv enquired.

“We’ll cede a colony or two in disputed territory, there are several I can think of that would fit the bill, offer our citizens the choice to stay or to be rehoused then sign the world over to the Federation on condition that they withdraw from DS5. We’ll see that enough citizens choose to stay to ensure that nothing really changes and the door is open for us to take it back at a later date.”

Aehkhifv nodded, “Four ships, Rh’vaurek; that is what I can give you as a good-will gesture. It should be more than enough for you to continue to discuss terms. Before I offer more I want that full assessment of the situation, Federation defences and the Cardassian forces you propose to work with, and I want you out from behind that desk.” As Rh’vaurek listened Aehkhifv pressed a button on his own desk and the screen crackled slightly as a file began to transfer. “Rendezvous with the task force,” he told Rh’vaurek, “I want you out there leading this. I assume there is someone on the ground you can trust to keep an eye on your ally?”

It suited Rh’vaurek to be ordered off the station. He was more than capable of ignoring Isha’s plight but it did not mean it was not easy for him; distance would remove the risk of him doing something that would jeopardise their deceit being exposed.

"Of course," he nodded and crooked his leg against the edge of his desk as the old colleagues settled in to discuss the details.


Senator Aehkhifv Latasalaem
erie'Khrein Rh'vaurek Raedheol

NPCd by Louise

This is what happens when one writes through election night.